
Samsung Galaxy U Goes Official



The Samsung Galaxy U has been made official, confirming the specs we posted up yesterday. As far as Galaxy phones are concerned, this is Samsung’s closest release to the Galaxy S that isn’t the Galaxy S, and the same can be said for the price tag. Called the Galaxy U for a “Unique” grip, “Ultimate” display, “Utilitarian” apps, and “Ubiquitous” features, the phone is retailing for 800,000 won ($682) and will be available in both black and white.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[via SamsungHub]

Kevin Krause
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  1. No search key?

  2. Original Galaxt S didn’t have it either.

  3. I’d say the U stands for Ugly

  4. To search, you long press the menu button.

  5. @Dave “No search key?”

    you just long press the menu button.

  6. U > S ???

  7. I really wish this was offered in the US on Sprint. It’s smaller and lighter than the Epic 4G but faster and larger-screened than my current Moment. Also, it wouldn’t require the $10 fee for 4G that I’m not able to use in my location. I need a new phone, but I don’t want the oversized EVO, don’t want a physical keyboard, and don’t have 4G coverage – guess I’m screwed with Sprint.

  8. @Carlos “…a slightly smaller device that will rank just a smidge below the Galaxy S in terms of power and features.” – Kevin Krause of Phandroid

  9. Matt,

    I second that ! Sprint needs to wake up and strength their 3G market before worrying about 4G crap when it isn’t ready but in 40 cities or less believe its 35 to be exact! Which is BS. More importantly there Android Lineup up sucks outside of EVO and EPIC when are big and bulky when comes too the keyboard. I’d rather have a phone like the Galaxy X model with T Mobile. SPRINT wakeup and improve your 3G phone selection with ANDROID 2.1 or 2.22 or loss me in a few months!


  11. i want it, that is a sexy phone, come on sprint why didn’t get this instead of the epic?

  12. U is for Ur phone fails

  13. Lol I have heard that Sprint sucks and now because of the comments above I see that they truly do…but anyhey the size of the screen on this phone looks cool….

  14. It……..it…..looks like the iPhone. Thats not a very good thing in my book, and im sure for other people too.

    Im sure it’ll sell well though.

  15. I guess the U is for U wish!! Lol… So, they making the U and the S= U.S. (United State) ohh hold on, I got it= U_’re S_ucks…

  16. @ally stands for ulready (iPhone) been done…!!!

  17. what’s with the Anycall branding? and what’s the point of it anyway? just give the damn phone a reasonably memorable name, and then just ship it, without hiring a bunch of wanky ad-men to dream up whole new labels and sub-divisions. it’s so off-putting.

  18. Still no led on the front and no flash equals FAIL!

    /* Reid Tarde */

  19. iPhone imitation again?
    Why do they copy the appearance of other company’s product?
    Shame on you, Samsung.

    I’m a Galaxy S (GT-I9000) user.
    It’s iPhone-like shape and Kies(copy of Mac desktop) are really disgusting, too.
    However it’s functionality is good, I cannot love my handset.

  20. OMG!
    This article is so old. hahaha

  21. Remember when a cell phone used to be a way to call somebody? Next generation will incorporate a washing machine, dryer, toothbrush and porta-potty and will be able to scrub the kitchen, serve meals and whip up a good Martini.

  22. That cell phone is made for LG telecom in Korea. And it is stupid.

  23. I think Samsung Infuse 4G looks great.

  24. Im typing from this phone…i love it.amazing. Feels nice on hand. Galaxy is offered only by SK which sucks cuz its expensive. So i had no other optionthan to go for U. One thing for sure:Its definitely much more functional than my friends iphone 4 and my Nokia 5800 xpressmusic. i ll use it for two years and then perhaps swap go Nokia phone onWM7.
    The phone is indeed great. Not sure a out galaxy s. I think it is a bit downgrade from the galaxy S. It still rocks so far.

    Ps U is UBet)))K

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