
Motorola Working on Fix for Droid X Notification Volume



Many Motorola Droid X owners have logged complaints about the volume of the ringer and speakerphone of the handset, and it looks like their pleas have been heard. Through a post on the Motorola support forums, it has been confirmed that the company plans to address volume issues in an “upcoming” software release. Unless they plan to issue a separate OTA, it seems likely that this means the fix will be included with the Froyo update.

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No word on exactly when this could be happening, but if it is part of the Android 2.2 update package the latest word was early September.

[via Droid-Life]

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  1. Verizon customer- The volume on my Droid X is too low.
    Verizon wireless- Try using the loud ones…have a nice day, and see you in september.


  2. Let’s hope an update to make it louder won’t just blow speakers left and right.

  3. They also need to send out an update to fix the wifi problem.

  4. I have been using the “very alarmed” ringtone since day one and the volume is still extremely low. I definately expected a lot better sound qaulity and volume out of this phone considering its size. The original Droids speaker puts the X to shame. I am glad they recognize the problem I just hey they make its right along with all the dead pixels in my screen.

  5. Original Droid1 owner. Now Droid X. I miss calls even when the phone is sitting beside me in the car with my music barely up. Volume sucks big time. Its a multimedia phone with shitty speaker makes no sense. DROID X WILL GO ALONG WAY WITH THIS UPDATE. plus fix text messages still stored on your phone after you delete them. THANK YOU MOTOROLA AND GOOGLE.

  6. Has anyone experienced screen unresponsiveness or sluggishness on the x? About a week or so after I got mine the screen wouldn’t respond to any input, or it would delay when I pressed the screen. Also, my x started going crazy and buttons started pressing themselves and calling various contacts in my phone (has happened to me twice). I called verizon and they are sending me a new phone saying mine must be defective.

    The unresponsiveness doesn’t happen all the time, just seems to get locked then I’ll either power off or pull the battery and it will work; just to have it happen again. Verizon did a factory reset and it still happened about 5 hours after, that’s why they’re sending out a new one…just curious

  7. Yeah really…and Moto you have heard the complaints for a long time now so please get the updates out faster or knock.it off with the blurs already…sheesh I mean enough is enough

  8. I must be one of the lucky ones. I’ve not had this problem. Well, ok I had it once, found it very odd. Powered off and back on and I’ve not had it happen again. Just crossing my fingers that the problem does not crop up again before the update.

  9. This satisfies me. Thank you motorola. You have tried to put us under your hook, butbyou have been beaten horribly. KNEEL AND BOW TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!!

  10. I have no problem with the sound. It has easily been loud enough for me.
    The phone hasn’t even been out a month yet, and you guys are crying about them not acting fast enough? This seems like some pretty fast turn around to me. Go buy a hearing aid.

  11. Noticed this one myself….I need a ring that will wake me up in the middle of the night when I’m on call, so this issue has me concerned.

    Wonder if I can bluetooth to a set of amplified speakers?

  12. Great device,
    I like it.

  13. @sugarlumps

    I have the same problem almost once a day now (sometimes even more frequently). I was thinking of waiting for the Froyo release to see if it fixed it, but now i may follow your lead and just go to Verizon asking for a replacement. It is very frustrating.

  14. @zaccheus

    I suggest you go ahead and do it; I found the problem only got worse. I was going to wait it out also, but found the problem to be so annoying, especially after experiencing it only a few days of having the phone. FWIW, verizon said they would send out a new phone, I didn’t even have to ask, the only thing they wanted to try first was a factory reset, which didn’t work. If you go here: https://supportforums.motorola.com/index.jspa you’ll see that others are having this problem as well (you’ll have to sift through to find our exact problem). I’d go ahead and request the new phone, I read that others who had similar problems requested a new phone and it worked great! Good luck!

  15. I have no complaints with the speaker on my X because I found a solution: Put the phone face-up on any table or counter or otherwise flat surface. The ringer/notification/music will be quite loud. I assume that this is due to the position of the speaker.

  16. @sugarlumps

    Ok cool. I will do that then. I also have noticed the issue occurring more frequently. Thanks for the advice!

  17. I called motorola and complained enough to get a free bluetooth speaker for my droidx cause of the speaker sucking so bad it plays all my music including pandora and what’s stored on my phone plus utube and my phone calls go thru it also its sick mad loud so i suggest y’all do the same call complain tell them uwant a free speaker to go with ur phone its the size of ur droid and its more loud than the moto droid1 im very pleased with motorola thanks hope this helps yall

  18. I called Verizon and I called Motorola today about the problem with my Droid X.The problem is the volume and the speaker ( I CANT HEAR ) and they told me that I was the first to complain about this .What I don’t like is they are not telling me the truth.Just tell me that there is something wrong and try to fix it.I will be patient and wait …but dot lie to me and tell me that I am the first to call . I have had my phone for 3 weeks and they want to charge me $35.00 to re-stock the phone.I was looking into the Droid 2…..I think Verizon and Motorola think we the people a stupid people ….PLEASE CALL THEM BOTH !

  19. I have had my phone for about 3 weeks now and it freezes up on me. I have had it it turn off during a call and reboot itself. I have volume issues withing starting with the notification speaker. I cant hear the phone ring. When its in my pocket I better feel the vibration or I will miss calls or a text and even the vibration on the phone is weak. Also the the ear speaker trying to hear the person on the other line is weak. PLEASE!!!! FIX THIS SOON!! BEFORE MANY PEOPLE AND MYSELF SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT PHONE, OR EVEN WORSE A DIFFERENT MANUFACTUREs MAKE!!!

  20. I can vouch for the ringer volume being too low. I have missed many calls with the phone in my pocket or sitting beside me in my car. Totally unacceptable! An update to fix will be deeply appreciated. Thanks!

  21. My phone has gone crazy several times.It starts asking me to make a comand while dialing people on my contacts list over and over again. This sucks becase they call you back and ask you what you wanted. I also experienced non resposive screens and lock ups. Lets hope they can give us the update because I love the phone. I just wish I could hear it ring. Whats gonna happen when I’m wearing a coat?

  22. All the talk about the droid x but lest ye forget about the droid 2….. volume on youtube…. and music downloads suuuuuuckkkksssss…. man i miss the first gen droids sound. Unless they fix it soon… i will consider jumping ship and going to another brand. compared it to 3 droid 2s and 2 droid xs at the local Verizon store. By the way… it is currently 10-12-10.

  23. My DroidX has been nothing but trouble. Missed calls, dropped calls, frozen screens, no ringtone – only vibrating – on incoming calls, switching to an incoming call without any action on my part or any notification to me, and the phone repeatedly making calls “for me” while I was not even near it sent me back to the Verizon store. Eventually, after 2 trips and several hours, they agreed to replace it.

    In early October, 2010, a second DroidX arrived to replace my defective one . . . and guess what? Missed calls, dropped calls, “broken” conversation, plus sometimes I can hear the person on other end, but they can’t hear me. Only once so far this time has my current conversation been silently switched to an incoming call with no notification.

    It’s completely unreliable. I may receive a call or I may not. I have no confidence in it. Are most DroidX’s as worthless as this one? When I take this one back, which phone should I ask for instead?

  24. Just wondering if anyone else has problems with their Droid X not notifying them of calls or texts at night. I work at night “on call” and I am constantly missing phone calls and texts because my phone doesn’t ring or send a notification for the text. just wondering if this is something with the phone or the service.


  25. The Droid X is a great toy. It sucks as a phone, it defeats it’s primary purpose. If you can’t here it or feel it vibrate what good is it. The speaker and volume issue is major, the vibrate also sucks, it’s terrible. I miss nearly all my calls and every text message alert. Terrible Phone.

  26. I would agree that as a phone this is not the best choice because you can’t hear it or feel it vibrate. As a small portable computer it isn’t bad. Really like device but not sure if I would call it a phone since I hardly hear it ring and have to call everyone back.

  27. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  28. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  29. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  30. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  31. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  32. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  33. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  34. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

  35. so you must think we are stupid? dont you think several of us have actually compared the original droid volume and the X volume? its not a matter of it facing up or down, its a software issur, ITS SIMPLY NOT AS LOUD dumb@ss

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