
Rogers Touts Its Galaxy S Captivate, Free Rock Concert Tonight in Downtown Toronto



Not to be outdone by Bell and their staked claim as the first Canadian carrier to release the Galaxy S, Rogers has just issued a blog post over at their RedBoard touting the imminent arrival of their own version of the phone. They will be getting the Samsung Captivate, the same version of the Galaxy S out on AT&T in the States unlike Bell’s Vibrant that doesn’t mirror the T-Mobile device of the same name. No details on release date or pricing are revealed, but more information is promised in the coming weeks.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

To go along with news of two Canadian carriers receiving the Galaxy S, Samsung Mobile is throwing a free street-level concert at Toronto’s Union Station tonight at 7:00PM. That may come as slightly short notice, but if you’re in the area you may want to stop by and check out if any devices are on hand, or to at least hear the musical stylings of indie rock group Metric.

[via Rogers RedBoard]

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  1. Metric is pretty good, check ’em out if you’re in the area.

  2. i simply can’t wait…will get it on bell come the 6th.

  3. This doesn’t even come with a camera flash? A great phone turned into a fail.

  4. Yeah I feel the same way Dan. No flash and no front facing can. Bell won this battle.

  5. @Dan and hinds

    Night Mode has proven time and time again that its unnecessary quit the unnecessary bitching. And almost nobody in America has a FFC.

  6. @2fresh the lack of FFC has more to do with not undercutting iphone sales, as the carriers are who demand the specs. With an ffc the galaxy s iterations in combination with fring would saturate the network much like the evo 4 did…you would run through bandwidth like water

  7. But I will!

  8. Bell didn’t exactly *win* this battle. What the Captivate lacks in features (FFC and a home button), it more than makes up for in look and feel.

    Handling the two, it’s almost night and day how much better the Captivate feels in the hand, and how much it doesn’t resemble a 3GS.

    The real winner here? Samsung. :)

    The loser, if there is one, is Telus, with nothing to offer but a now very long in the tooth Desire at the same price point.

  9. Apparantly this phone has it’s own problems as well.
    Samsung hasn’t been supporting their hardware for long, or very effectively. No updates, no fixes, etc.
    This came out today, but we’ll see…
    They’ve had an app for ages, but nothing down the pipeline.

  10. Even thought the Desire has a superior UI the phone is absolutely Hideous HTC better start making better looking phones all there androids are ugly….

  11. I suspect that later on, another one of the Galaxy S variants may end up on Telus.

    What interests me is not so much what the phones are at this point, but what the contract and prices are.

    And yes, this thing does need:
    – Better camera
    – Flash
    – Noise cancellation would also be good

    Maybe an optical trackpad as well.

    Otherwise, it is an awesome phone.

  12. I’m sure adopters of the galaxy s from Rogers can expect the same junk support other Rogers Android users are receiving. We’re STILL waiting for our promised Magic and Dream updates.

  13. @wayne,

    You should probably just get a new phone if you’re still using the magic or dream :p

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