
Google Adds History Link to Mobile Search



Struggling to find a site or string together the magic set of key words that helped you locate that perfect recipe for waffle batter the other day? If you only have access to your Android handset or iPhone you can now pull up your previous history of any searches performed while signed into your Google account. The new History link will bring you to a page detailing your searches and results, and if you performed the search on a computer you even get thumbnail views of results to help you easily recognize the most helpful sites. Mobile searches are marked with a cell phone icon.

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The feature only works if you have enabled saved search history, which you can toggle on and off by navigating through the Settings link. With searches already saved, you can edit and delete entries and even star your most used or best searches for quick access. It probably won’t change the way you browse and search on your phone, but you will be glad the feature exists when you just can’t figure out how to duplicate previously successful searches.

[via Google Mobile Blog]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Google Rocks!

  2. Not there on Eris.

    Save searches selected under Search History in Settings

  3. It’s there for me on my Droid Incredible :-)

  4. @Alan

    Maybe you should try hitting refresh?

  5. I’m certainly glad I can toggle this off.

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