
Droid X Not so Sold Out, After All? Sources Say Stores Receiving Regular Shipments



The Verizon Wireless online store may well indicate that those ordering the Motorola Droid X are currently subject to waiting until July 23rd for their handsets to ship, but according to insider sources regular shipments are headed to local VZW stores to thwart any diminishing supplies. Your best bet is to call around to your local Verizon dealers before venturing out into the wild, but it seems there is a chance anyone left empty handed might not be in for much of a wait at all.

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[via BGR]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Good.

    I was pissed off when I saw the quintessential “red circle” next to the phone.

  2. Completely sold out around my area.

  3. Unfortunately I’m trying to buy from Costco and not only did the store in the south San Francisco Bay (where I was on a business trip) not get any in stock, but my local one in Colorado Springs didn’t either. They apparently thought they were getting some until 2 days before launch when the corporate office informed them otherwise. They’re hoping for some maybe next week.

    Still, given that it’s locked down like crazy, maybe I’ll just get an Incredible and hope the OTA update helps with the battery issues. At least the thing will fit in my pocket and get community support if I do.

  4. My lucky b*st*rd of a friend just got the evo from the sprint store in the dallas,tx area yesterday.

  5. I was #4 on the pre-order list at my local BB. They only received 11 phones w/ the initial shipment. Dude waiting in line behind me says he’s #15 on the list. BB rep’s reply, “sorry man, we need to give 1st dibs on the first 11 pre-orders before we sell to you.” I thought the guy was going to murder the BB rep after waiting in line for over an hour to hear that comment. The early bird catches the worm and do I love my X!!!

  6. Droid X Not so Sold Out, After All?

    Well at least there were sold about 100k is good.

    What else?

    I hope they sell more than a million of this phone.

  7. This droid x is by far so much faster n easier of use than my eris, motorola made a better device once again

  8. Well, I bought 3 with my family plan yesterday right at 9am. Store only had 5. Now I have a Dinc and the three X’s.. LOVE the 4.5 screen.. still sticking w my Dinc but my next phone will have a bigger screen. so sexy.

  9. I was told I was on the waiting list then got an email saying it was shipped out today.

  10. Crap gizmodo spread a rumor that the Droid X is locked down… it isn’t. Going to pick up one today if I can find it. Those MOFO’s are the reason I don’t have one now!!

  11. Verizon just shipped one out to me this morning. I don’t think there will be a shortage.

  12. Verizon stated that supply would not be an issue, so I am surprised to see the online system being in this condition.

  13. It’s nothing more than a precaution, only indirect stores are getting the burn due to low quantities for back end sales, naturally any company wants the front end profit (mail in rebate fails)

  14. Well I went ahead and ordered from Costco.com. I guess we’ll see if I get mine any time soon!

  15. Got mine yesterday in Dickson City (Scranton), PA VZW store. They didn’t take any appointments. Opened at 9AM, got there at 8:45A. Was #31 in line. Waited 2 hours. The manager said they had received 43.

    LOVE the phone. I have an iPod Touch, so am used to the iPhone screen and keybooard. Like the X’s keyboard much better, and the larger screen really makes a difference. Orientation changing is much quicker and smoother, though, on the iPod, and a lot of the apps I’ve installed aren’t multi-touch enabled. But so far, all’s well.

    And the true test to me that this will be a hot phone is that one of my iPhone friends wanted to play with it today. Of course, it was too much to expect that he’d say he was impressed, or that anything could approach Saint iPhone, but he played with it for quite a while.

  16. I ordered my Droid x and the media dock in the yesterday afternoon when it still said shipped by the 23rd…and this morning I got a email saying my order was shipped.I checked tracking and ill should be getting it Monday. ..they wouldn’t split my order would they. .I’m thinking they would ship both at the same time not just the media dock then the phone later. …..an now the Verizon site says will ship by the 27 lol

  17. I went to verizon store and asked for Droid X, The rep said if I order it, it will come to store in 2 business day. I asked rep why did verizon have very low inventory, and it is coming in just 2 days. This is what he said, “This IS HOW WE CREAT HYPE, THIS SOME BUSINESS TREND THAT WE HAVE TO FOLLOW OTHERS”. It was funny to me….lol

  18. Yeah mine is coming earlier than expected, so I guess not so bad after all.

    Not like the Dinc debaccle.


  20. Go on verizons web site and look at the ship date…right now it’s 7/27.
    Looks pretty sold out to me right now!
    I got lucky and pre -ordered mine @ BB.
    This phone is freaking awesome!!!

  21. Got mine yesterday morning at the Verizon store. Was told that there were only two left and that one was on hold. I nabbed the other one but after I wondered if they don’t just say that to everyone! I had the Droid and loved it so I knew I’d love the X and I do! It’s a really fun phone! I hope most don’t have to wait but it’ll be worth it!

  22. I had the Incred and just got the X….big screen is sick and don’t think I could go back!

  23. I returned my evo and got the dx. Main reason was VZ coverage is better than Sprint in lots of the places I hang. The dx screen seems to have more pop to my eye, but the evo was a goodie as well. I do like the feel of the dx in my hand better than the evo, but again that is very personal. I would have probably kept the evo if I could have VZ coverage with it, but for me that is the key. No matter what phone you have the coverage is the key.

  24. @todd
    The X easily fits in a pocket unless you wear super skinny jeans then you will be fine

  25. I had the unfortunate luck of pre-ordering from the only best buy in the nation not to get their shipment in. All 9 phones got sent to some other store, and I was #9 on the list. I should have my droid x right now

    They did say that they should be getting another shipment in on the 21st.

  26. I was lucky enough to get my Droid X today at costco in Portland, OR. They were the last place in town with any and I slid in to get the last one! This thing is awesome!!!

  27. I was# 5 in a preorder group of 5. 4 phones came in, i called the15th and the rep said we still have two and one guy didn’t call to confirm. I love my new x. Best day ever lol

  28. I can believe that this may be falsely created hype as a part of a marketing ploy. But if someone were to contact the BBB with proof of this tactic, that kind of crap would end.

  29. I ordered one online on Friday morning (7/16) and it shipped from Ontario, California on Friday afternoon. It’ll get delivered on Monday (tomorrow, 7/19).

  30. In my city the stores said they won’t get any until all online orders are fulfilled.

    But then again, they’re known to not know sh*t at the stores.

    Ordered one on the phone. Come on baby!!!

  31. Woww.. Great slim design :)

  32. I had the local store hold one for me cause I was out of town until the 17th. They got small shipment in so they ordered me one on 15th for overnight delivery and then held one just in case mine didn’t make it but it was delivered on the 16th and I picked it up one the 17th. I have the original Droid and the Incredible. Love my Inc and am liking the X the more I use it. Yes it is larger but that makes some things easier. Still working on getting it set up like I want it but am sure will love it once that is done.

  33. Verizon just told me today that the Droid INCREDIBLE is on a 4 week back order.

  34. i pre-ordered my X from BB and I was # 5 on the list and they only received 4 phones. Just my luck.

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