
Shazam Introduces Premium Version of their Music Discovery App


Shazam – the app that ensures you’ll never be left wondering what song you’re listening to – has been updated to introduce a premium version that brings along some new features. Users can now enjoy song lyrics, tour information on the artists they’ve tagged, better YouTube support, and more.

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The app is being called Shazam Encore and can be found in the Android Market for ₤2.99 ($4.55 for those of you in the US). Users currently on the free version can upgrade to version 2.0 and still enjoy unlimited tagging, but those who download on or after July 13th (yesterday) will only be entitled to unlimited tags for 7 days (after which you can use 5 tags per month, or just opt for the Encore version).

The app can be found in the Android market now.

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. I’m disappointed that they went down the iPhone in making a premium version. Good thing I already have it and the apk is backed up!

  2. If you already have it, you can update without issue – it will recognize that you had it previously and enable unlimited tagging.

    I have actually done so – then backed up the updated APK for transfer to other phones if necessary. :)

  3. Sound Hound is much better than Shazam. You can hum, whistle or sing and it will recognize the melody. It is not 100% accurate but that feature alone makes it better.

  4. i would’ve gladly paid 1.99-2.99 USD but $4.55??
    there are plenty of other similar programs that we can use.

  5. What if I have to wipe my phone before updating to Froyo? Or get a new phone? Will backing up still allow me to have unlimited? Not that I really care that much considering I tag one song a month.

  6. I didn’t mind paying for it even though I was eligible for unlimited tagging. I use the app a good bit and I want to support the developers, plus all of the ads are gone.

    And SteveJobs’Liver, $4.55 is cheaper than it costs on the iPhone.

  7. I dumped Shazam weeks ago.

    Sound Hound is superior in absolutely every way, AND they are responsive to emails and offer customer support.

    Shazam is a nice case study in how to introduce a concept, and utterly fail in follow-through.

  8. WOAH!
    @Jeffe, if Sound Hound can actually do that, I’m extremely impressed. Thanks for the heads up on that!!

  9. I don’t have a problem with freemium, but when you are removing or downgrading existing features from your free version, YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.

  10. Why would I want to pay a company that uses obvious patents to hassle open source developers?

  11. really? Lets take away features and charge money to put them back on premium?

    This is something that should never be done.

    Way to go shazam.

  12. This is a dumb sales model. I had no problem with th ad-supported version. plus I figured Shazaam must get revenue from the re-directs to AmazonMP3.

    Shazaam is alot like ShopSavvy, which assists you in identifying and purchasing a product at a vendor. So why would people pay for it? They should be getting their revenue from ads and the online music stores.

  13. Does it still contain spyware?

  14. whats the matter with you people !!! why you’re so cheap like this !!! what Shazaam did here was awesome, their old user base has upgraded and they still have unlimited tags, their new ones can tag 7 times only and now a paid version with no ads to show them some of your gratitude for a very low price 4.55$ which costs less than a big-mac meal.
    So stop being cheap and show those developers some gratitude for this excellent app, it never failed on a single song so far, i really wish i can buy the app but unfortunately its still not available in here

  15. Ironic they have chosen to do this shortly after Sound Hound launched. Sound Hound is much much better & would prefer to purchase it over Shazam, esp. Since they’re already getting kick backs from multiple parties listed & It’s ad supported.

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