
Rumor: Motorola Charm Release Delayed Due to Battery Issues


A surprising amount of people were excited about the release of the Motorola Charm through T-Mobile. The Blackberry-esque form-factor would appeal to a select group of people while the device’s mid-ranged internals would go easy on the pockets (they’ll supposedly be offering the device for free in a Back to School sale).


One benefit of the device’s mid-ranged specs is the assumption that with it would bring about some pretty good battery life to get the average user through more than just a day. If TmoNews is correct, then those battery aspirations might quickly turn to woes as it will be the cause of a late-August delay.

Motorola’s said to be offering extended batteries when the Charm does go on sale, but there’s no word on if these will come at a reduced cost. This one sits firmly at the bottom of the barrel as we hope to hear more regarding TmoNews’ confirmation (or debunking) of this unfortunate news.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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1 Comment

  1. Blackberry-esque? I would say Moto Q9C w/ Android

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