
AMOLED Shortage Might Last For Years


While Samsung’s confident that the steps they’ve taken to eradicate this dastard AMOLED shortage issue are sufficient to spur production in the next year (with their newly-designed and soon-to-be-built $2.2 billion expected to see birth in 2012), other parties – like iSuppli – would say otherwise. According to a recent report released by the firm, the steps Samsung are taking to get rid of the shortages won’t be enough for the short term, stating that the problem could last until 2014 onward.

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Even if Samsung are able to turn things around in just a couple years’ time, it doesn’t help that AMOLED technology would first need to be pumped right back into the production of their own merchandise before letting others – like HTC – get a healthy amount. AMOLED is a great display technology, but it’s virtually useless if you can’t keep enough of it to bring your supply up to the demands of many impatient customers in the market for products that use them.

These are just predictions from one research firm, so we can’t take all of this word for word and number for number, but – as has been echoed for quite too long now – there clearly is a problem that doesn’t seem to be going away as fast as we’d like. HTC’s recent switch from AMOLED to LCD in the HTC Droid Incredible is a prime example of that in the Android world, and other manufacturers’ reluctance in equipping their latest and greatest with the display technology screams just as loudly.

[via Android & Me]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Can someone with the know explain how exactly there is a shortage of this technology? Does it take a long time to produce? Is one of the components rare?

  2. from what I know AMOLED displays are built on NASA technology and uses kryptonite to make the screen brighter. the scarcity of stocks derives from the fact that Superman is trying with all his forces to oppose the expansion of this technology

  3. I know that isn’t true. I am… err… Superman is a friend of mine and tells me that isn’t the case.

  4. no, i’m the superman

  5. @jared
    the source of my news is the White House. Obama in the last hours is trying to get help from Godzilla to fight the hostility of Superman!

  6. Isn’t using the strength of godzilla kinda overkill ? Wont win noble peace prizes with that strategy

  7. Obama doesn’t have time to fight superman when that alien wizard is out there giving men sex addiction. Come up with a story that is believable at least!

    On topic, I did a little research. Apparently production of AMOLED displays is only mastered by two companies: Samsung and LG. It is expensive to get into and a very precise science and two companies alone cannot keep up with all of the display demands of all the other companies. On top of that Samsung keeps most of their product to themselves.

  8. I read somewhere that the only reason there’s a shortage, is because Samsung is shorting clients in order to make enough AMOLED displays for the Samsung Galaxy S phones. It’s all based off of Samsung’s belief of future demand for the phone.

  9. Maybe HTC would do good to help Sony with their screen production.

  10. htc better throw some research dollars at developing similar or better screen technology. its obvious they cant count on samsung

  11. WOW, so when Samsung said they were going to overtake the smartphone market it’s because they’re not going to provide any other manufacturer with screens.. Brilliant samsung!! lol.

    Makes me glad i’m getting the galaxy s…

  12. The shortage isn’t cause of the samsung galaxt s screens because they aren’t using AMOLED screens for that phone they are using their new super AMOLED screens the incredible and N1 are using the regular AMOLED screen.

  13. @Jason

    “Samsung, who originally made the displays for the HTC Droid Incredible and the HTC Evo 4G, is making the displays for themselves. They are pushing their own Samsung Galaxy S devices out and with their goal of making that device available in 110 countries andthere is no sign of slowing down.” ~AndroidSpin

    The phones may have different screens, but it may be the same machinery that makes them.

  14. all the components for AMOLED displays are orange items.

  15. The deposition process of the materials that make up an OLED display is very sensitive and takes time. If the materials are heated too quickly, they’re junk. Basically, it’s not a very quick thing to do and, as someone else stated, only a few companies are doing it. With time, like anything else, the process will become more efficient.

  16. some people do not know about display industry.It takes years for a company to be mature in display is just a smartphone maker and with the annual revenue it is getting,how can it venture into it?just funny!
    I pity Samsung.Amoled shortage is not because of Samsung pushing its own Galaxy S. Samsung badly wants to sell its AMOLED panels and just look at Samsung investing 2.2billions for it.Note that this investment is not mentioned in Samsung this year record high investment,which means that this is additional investment of Samsung. to say that htc could invest in display is plain stupid,and funny.But I don’t think Samsung is going to sell its super AMOLED to otherfor at least two or three years. Even its large customer,Apple,was refused.

  17. I’m confused. Why can only samsung make these? I’m assuming they own the patents?

  18. no its more lg isnt that great a company.

    also most of the places samsung where making AMOLED screens are now making Super AMOLED screens, so they are making less for people like HTC and more for phones like the galaxy; but its technically not being uncompetitive because of this… but it is uncompetitive.

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