What would a phone announcement be without the subsequent round of smaller, more petite leaks regarding the device? After getting the initial list of accessories to be launched with the Motorola Droid X, the complete user guide for the phone has been uploaded for everyone’s enjoyment (only Android geeks like us can get excited about phone manuals).
The file is 4.4MB large and has over 60 pages of tips, tricks, explanations of how to do various things in Android, plus more. AlienBabelTech are the benefactors here, so be sure to strike up a nice round of applause for them.
For those of you still waiting for your original HTC Droid Incredible to ship (you know, the phone that’s not expected to be readily available until late July), AndroidGuys has it on good authority via their Verizon source that the carrier will be allowing Droid Incredible pre-orderers to switch their orders over to the Motorola Droid X.
We’ve not heard anything regarding how soon this could start happening, but it should be great for those who’ve been waiting for the Droid Incredible and couldn’t pre-order the phone within the first round. The fact that the Droid X is launching July 15th – nearly two weeks before the Droid Incredible is expected to begin shipping again – should please a lot of you who have been captivated by what Motorola’s offering in the latest and greatest that’s been cooked up for the DROID line.
This is the reply I receievd Saturday:
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for choosing Verizon Wireless, we appreciate your business.
We have received your order and it has been processed; unfortunately, due to the high demand of the HTC Incredible, your order is still awaiting shipment. Since payment has been taken we can not make any updates at this time. We apologize for the additional wait this may have caused.
Below is our expected shipping schedule for your area.
Orders where payment was taken on 6/13 & 6/14 will ship by 7/12
Activation Information:
When you receive your new phone, simply call our automated activation system at 877-807-4646. You may be asked for the following order information:
Location Code: #######
Order Number: ##########
Please be advised we can request to cancel your order for the HTC Incredible, however, we can not currently order the Motorola DROID X. If your order for the HTC Incredible order is cancelled, you would need to place a new order for the Motorola DROID X, once the device is available to order. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee the original order for the Incredible can be cancelled, however we can submit the request on your behalf. Please confirm you would like to cancel the original Internet order ##########.
Additional Questions/Support
If you have any additional questions about this order, please contact us at InternetOrders@Verizonwireless.com or simply reply to this email. We are also available 8 AM to 9 PM Monday through Friday and 8 AM to 5 PM Saturday by calling 866-338-7390.
If you have questions regarding your bill or account, you can contact customer service through our website http://www.verizonwireless.com/contactus, by dialing *611 from your Verizon Wireless phone (airtime free), or by dialing 800-922-0204 from any other phone. Learn about the Verizon Wireless Worry Free Guarantee at http://www.verizonwireless.com/worryfreeguarantee
Thank you,
Verizon Wireless
Internet Order Processing
Good luck “trying” to root this phone, from what I hear Motorola has this phone locked down worse than anything.
When I went in to cancel my Incredible pre-order they asked why I was cancelling. When I told them it was to get a Droid X, the managers had a conference for about 3 minutes and asked if I would just bring in my Incredible unopened when it arrived, and they would swap it with a Droid X unit.
So then I asked if that meant that they would hold a Droid X for me on launch, lest I had to wait even longer for a phone, and they told me that yes, they would reserve a unit for me on launch day.
I think I just pre-ordered a Droid X!
Every page of this file is corrupted with stupid watermark. What a waste of time to download.
Really nice phone but my concern would be
will it ever get fully rooted? not looking to good!
I just hope that all these delays don’t cause Verizon to give up on the DINC and stop selling it. I would hate to see my 2 month old phone forgotten already.
hmmm, might be nice for those who received their INC to switch too?
I think before I upgrade my phone again (went from g1 to Droid on release day) I will wait until it has been rooted. I like having full access to my device…after all…it is mine.
With Swype I don’t use the physical keyboard as much, but there are somethings it is necessary for (Flash games, Terminal, SSH) However with the BT HID profile for this I am tempted to carry a little folded keyboard around.
Hmmm… Is the Droid X that much better than the Inc? I currently own the Inc. Should I sell/return it to get the X instead?
@Chuck – Would be nice of them lol….
@Issemann – Are you getting the phone that suits your needs to are you just trying to have the best phone possible. If the Inc suits you then why would you need to return it for the Droid X. If you just want to have the latest and greatest then yes you would need to sell or return it….but then you’d probably need to sell and return your Droid X for the Fascinate to have Super AMOLED and video calling. Then you’d need to sell that for the first dual core Snapdragon device…and so on and so forth. In other words your phone will always be outdated. Jump in when you see something you like and then ride it out until your NE2 comes up and jump in again on something thats better than anything thats been released in the past 2 years. Thats just my .02.
A big round of applause for AlienBabelTech???!!! MY ASS! At least they could have placed their watermark at the bottom of each page, where it wouldn’t have been so annoying.
Oh Verizon….
Look at the middle picture.
What am I missing?
Get the user manual (without watermarks) here: http://images.androidcentral.com/sites/androidcentral.com/files/articleimage/684/2010/06/droid-x-accessories/DROID%20X_User%20Guide.pdf
It looks like the finger is touching a peen.
Quote from Motorola about the future of rooting their devices…
“We understand there is a community of developers interested in going beyond Android application development and experimenting with Android system development and re-flashing phones. For these developers, we highly recommend obtaining either a Google ADP1 developer phone or a Nexus One, both of which are intended for these purposes. At this time, Motorola Android-based handsets are intended for use by consumers and Android application developers, and we have currently chosen not to go into the business of providing fully unlocked developer phones.
Securing the software on our handsets, thereby preventing a non-Motorola ROM image from being loaded, has been our common practice for many years. This practice is driven by a number of different business factors. When we do deviate from our normal practice, such as we did with the DROID, there is a specific business reason for doing so. We understand this can result in some confusion, and apologize for any frustration.” Lori FraleighMotodev
@Wetworx – Thank you! That watermark..lame!
@Mike – Exactly! Don’t know who they are but I ain’t buying!
Personally, I really liked the INC and would have kept mine if it didn’t have a few issues. If they were available, I’d probably skip the X. The Diversity Antennas & LCD did it for me. Amoled is beautiful, but hard to see outdoors and in your car on sunny days. The INC made going back to my 8330 like a Lexus to a Sentra.
Strange how the X manual is only 65 pages & the INC is 216?
If the face-off just done regarding X and iPhone camera are typical of the X camera ability, the INC I had took better pictures (IMO). I hope they can improve it.
but the reason I got the incredible was to get away from Motorola.
Will The Droid X Support 4g?
I spoke with Verizon yesterday. I have an HTC Incredible order submitted but no ship date until July 8th. I was informed that those with HTC orders could cancel their orders and submit an order for the Droid X, but NOT until July 15th. Thus, the only way I can cancel my HTC order is to deny shipment on July 8th…. and then on July 15th call in and order my Droid. If you are slated to receive the Incredible after July 15th, you have to wait until July 15th to order the Droid X.
From the manual:
Note: While you are using a Wi-Fi network, you
cannot access Yahoo Mail accounts. You can still
use your browser to see these accounts at
I have an incredible and it fits my needs so there’s no way ill return it. Honestly, if u want the latest/greatest, notice that there will always be a new phone coming soon. If the phone you have is good enough, just wait two years to get the next great thing. if u disagree go ahead and do what u want. Btw, what’s different between the X and incredible? (other than keyboard)
***SHIPPING UPDATE FOR HTC Droid Incredible***
I just received this email from Verizon Wireless @ 7:50pm PST
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your recent order of the DROID Incredible by HTC. Due to overwhelming demand for this innovative device, we are currently experiencing inventory delays. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are working to resolve this issue.
If your order shipping date was June 28 or prior, you may experience an additional delay of up to 7 business days. We will send an update with tracking information once your device has been shipped. If you have already received your device, please disregard this notice.
Your satisfaction is important to us, so we’re also sending you a $25 Verizon Wireless gift card which may be redeemed online or at any Verizon Wireless retail store as a way of saying “thank you” for your patience in this matter. No additional action on your part is required – we will send the gift card to the address you provided with your order in the next two weeks.
If you have further questions regarding your order, please contact Verizon Wireless customer service by dialing *611 from your mobile or calling 800-922-0204.
Verizon Wireless Fulfillment
hey i am getting a new phone and i need help deciding. ii am deciding on HTC droid incredible or Motorola droid x? can you guys help me i really like both of them it is so hard to choose
hey i am getting a new phone and i need help deciding. ii am deciding on HTC droid incredible or Motorola droid x? can you guys help me i really like both of them it is so hard to choose!
hey i am getting a new phone and i need help deciding. ii am deciding on HTC droid incredible or Motorola droid x? can you guys help me i really like both of them it is so hard to choose! please help!
i am geting a new phone soon and i was not sure what phone to choose from? i was choosing between HTC droid incredible or Motorola droid x? which would would you guys recomend? please help!
I went to my local VZW store today and they said that I could cancel the order I have for the Droid Incredible. The canceled order takes 7 days to go through the system. However I could not place an order for the Droid X nor would they be able to reserve one for me. They said I would have to wait for when the Droid X becomes available for order to place an order. Which there are no guarantees when I would get that phone. VZW needs to allow the people who have the Droid Incredible on order to cancel and be able to order the Droid X now. I would much rather be able to do that than getting a $25 gift card. VZW you listening out there?
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i went on this does any one know willthey realy send it ?
i got order the droid does any one know a bout this and will they send it and did they send it to you when you orderd it?
thanks much