
HTC Hero May Get An Update to Android 2.1 Starting June 29th… in France


I know some of you are getting just about peeved by now, but we have to report it anyway. If Frandroid’s sources are correct, HTC Hero owners in France will be receiving Android 2.1 in traditional OTA style this June 29th.The firmware’s version is currently being broadly numbered “3.XX.405.XX”.


After taking my trusty “Google Translate” for a spin, this chart’s indicating that the device will get an initial, smaller update (versioned “2.73.405.93”) on June 25th to prepare for Android 2.1’s OTA a few days later. None of this is confirmed, but we’ll always take what we can get. At this rate, one has to wonder when (or if) the rest of Europe will be able to get their own taste of chocolatey Eclair anytime soon.

[via FranDroid]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Aaaaahhhhhh, I’m seriously considering a one man assault on HTC… unless anyone wants to join me ;-)
    When the hell will we get this in the UK, I’m never getting a modified android phone again, I’ll get something like the Nexus 1 next time!!!

  2. I got the mini-update from HTC on my unlocked Hero as soon as I downgraded from a 2.1 hacked rom.

    As for the dates, by god are they scraping their arses on their “deployed in June” announcement!

  3. The first part of the update, …405.93 has been available for many Hero owners for about a week now. Things definitely felt snappier when I had it installed. No new features however.

    Rob: if you’re with Orange UK, I think their Hero users are still out of luck for now. Otherwise, you can set the date a month forward while connected to WiFi to force a check for updates, and if the first part of the update is available to you you’ll see a message pop up.

    I too think I might stick with stock Android on my next phone, but I hope HTC have learnt from this and are keeping their UI additions more separated from standard Android from now on.

  4. I really don’t understand this, the 2.73.405.93 preparatory update IS out already. I had it right here on my Hero since late last week! Is this schedule France only? Anyway, it looks like HTC is really, really pushing the boundary of the “by the end of June” promise as far as they can.

    P.s.: Rob, let me know if you want to make that a two man commando, I’m up for it! :D

  5. 2.73.405.93 is the little update that I got on my UK Hero last week sometime.

    Rob; if you’ve not got it yet manually set the date of your phone a month ahead, then, when you’ve got it set it back.

  6. I’d imagine that this info is available in the UK too but this was leaked in France.

    I’m surprised that there haven’t been any insiders commenting on this anonimously actually.

  7. What about Telus Hero!!!??? Man I’m tired of waiting…

  8. I still haven’t got the first update, I’ve even tried manually changing the date. T-mobile G2 Touch here. Seriously getting fed up of waiting, especially since the Desire is getting Froyo within two weeks, if that gets 2.2 before us Hero’s get 2.1 it’s a joke!

  9. @Andy
    Have you downloaded the ROM update from September?

  10. No more waiting for me. Last Sunday I took a deep breath and dove (?) into the deep ocean of RRRRROOOOTTT. I am now happily running Stockman’s SenseHero 2.1 B5.1 (what’s in a name…) and I wish I had done it sooner. I believe we heard Q2 for the 2.1 update back in January. I have 2.1 now and it’s working! not thanks to HTC though. I’ll see about the 2.2 promises for my gf’s Magic, but I guess upgrading to CM 5.0.8 is a much wiser plan. Cyanogen’s warriors will be on top of FroYo way before HTC.

  11. well at least all this is better than in Singapore where there is NO news of any update whatsoever =\ think most users have already gone ahead rooting their devices rather than wait for HTC to udpate. think by the time we get our 2.1 i won’t be surprised that 2.4 would be out =(

  12. VillainROM FTW, waaaaaay before HTC. They really should be ashamed.

  13. So, how woould I know when the update is on? Should I receive an SMS message from Orange France or I should call them to ask or…???

  14. Could as well be released on the Moon…

    …3 months to go and I’m either getting N1 or Desire… Or yeah, N1 would be better – no waiting for HTC’s update process. Useless piece of…

  15. android 2.1 sorry not now. now we want android 2.2 and of course there is no such thing for hero.frankly android is far better than windows mobile but their future will be same.

  16. In UK, Orange phones seem to have a build number of which DOESN’T get the first part of the update for some reason. Orange are sure that build is the most up to date one, and HTC say the first update is only for those builds with 2.xx.405.xx. Whether that means Orange phones don’t need the first part, or that Orange phones aren’t getting the update, I’m trying to find out.

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