
FCC Reveals 802.11n Coming Soon For Droid Incredible, Froyo Could Be On the Horizon


It’s no secret that HTC’s latest devices are hardware-enabled to handle 802.11n WiFi, but Android has yet to support the standard up to this point. After Google teased us with what’s coming with Android 2.2 (codenamed Froyo), we learned that the new firmware would enable native software support for those wanting to use WiFi N on their devices.

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The Droid Incredible could be incredibly close to getting that support thanks to information extracted from an FCC filing this past Friday. 802.11n would be enabled through a software update, but there’s no telling if that means Froyo will come with it (others are saying it could be a pre-cursor to a Froyo update, while another obvious safe bet would be to assume HTC would update Sense 2.1 and bake their own support into it).

In any case, WiFi N is coming soon to an Incredible near you.

[via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Hey, when do we get to hear who won the contest recently?

  2. Thats good for the Incredible users.

  3. does this also include Nexus One users?

  4. what does this mean lol like what will this change for my incredible?

  5. what about the nexus one?

    and aaron, it means that you’ll get a faster wifi connection.

  6. HTC Incredible has finally been rooted!!

  7. Sweet Jesus let this be true.

  8. Same question about the N1. Will the N1 be able to do this?

  9. Nice to see HTC is moving the update process along rapidly. I went through the Eris update fiasco and don’t want to have to wait that long this time. Some cool new tools coming w/Froyo.

  10. Definitely looking forward to this update. It’d be really sweet if it’s froyo with wireless n. But this is just one more spec that beats the iPhone 3gs and matches the new iPhone 4. Keep up the good work HTC! :)

  11. The EVO has a wireless N also
    How about turning that on too…

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