
Samsung Galaxy Q: A Blackberry Competitor With Android by Year’s End?


As much as some may loathe RIM and Blackberry, there’s no denying it’s still the platform of choice for the business world. Many strive to take the king down and provide enterprise-attractive alternatives (certain manufacturers who used to back Windows Mobile come to mind) and Samsung may be the next up to bat.

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According to Korea Times, the Galaxy Q would see its primary market in America and would target the booming demand for phones that tailor to messaging and social networking buffs. Thus, the addition of a full QWERTY keypad accompanied by a full touchscreen makes the perfect balance for a wide range of needs.


“Galaxy Q _ based on the Android mobile platform _ will be all about providing simplicity in user experience, although it will still feature a full QWERTY keypad. The full touch-screen phone will also come with advanced social media features,” according to an industry source close to Samsung’s plans.

“The timing of the Galaxy Q launch hasn’t been fixed. Samsung still has things to negotiate with American carriers like AT&T and Verizon Wireless. However, the phone will be on American shelves by the end of year”

It makes sense that Samsung would target that crowd which – as of now – has been best approached by Verizon with their highly successful Motorola Droid. Even still, it’s not enough to knock Blackberry off its lucrative throne and Samsung’s hoping to change all that. Talk is good, but now it’s time to see if they can put those plans into motion and really take a shot.

For now, we’ll just have to focus on the here and now and ask ourselves the question: will Samsung be successful in their current mission of knocking Apple and their iPhone down a few notches? Thanks to the Samsung Captivate, they could very well be onto a great start.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. i for one, will never buy a samsung android phone, after we all have seen how they handle system updates.
    so far i think only htc and moto have been good at supporting their products. at least on verizon anyways.

  2. All Samsung does is copy other company’s products,ideas, UI and now it has stooped to copy the Q name from Mot.
    Please Samsung come up with an original idea, you’re lame.

  3. To “dethrone” BlackBerry will take more than a similar looking handset. BES is what continues to entice the enterprise IT department. Policy and control over the mobile endpoint is a must in serious IT departments. Until Google can offer similar offerings through Android BlackBerry will remain king of that particular hill.

  4. I’m starving. Thinking of getting a toquito from 7/11. Mmm they are soo good.

  5. I always wondered why the business world still chooses Blackberry over the others. Why? I honestly am not familiar with Blackberries except fiddling with them here and there so I am just wondering.

  6. After my Behold II, I will never by another samsung phone again. I used to love samsung and there products. I have a digital camera and flat screen tv with then also. But this phone was such a disappointment that I am completely turned away from the company. I basically sent $ 400 dollars down the drain.

  7. Will someone please, please stop Samsung!

  8. @Zer0-9 as someone who admins a BES, let me assure it will not take much to unseat it. It is a buggy app that with the 5 release only got worse. They went from a local app that worked to a slow buggy webapp that actually does install local stuff and only works on windows. It randomly will stop delivering messages. Since RIM sits between your BES and the devices any issues for RIM mean no mail for your clients. Activesync is much better. It would be about the first MS produced protocol that really just worked. The more mobile and server vendors that use Activesync the better. Many of our execs are switching from Blackberries to Incredibiles, now with the backorder issues the rest will go with Droid Xs.

  9. @Rick, i seen a poster on the window, their like a buck on tuesday or something lol, are they like actually good? Im pretty hungry ahah, but on topic, I think Samsung makes great phones, and they might change how they are with their customers, Im going to get the Galaxy S Pro on Sprint, and i would love to get 2.2, but something tells me their going for 2.5(Gingerbread), atleast i hope so lol

  10. ok enough about the behold 2. It was a teeny bopper phone for t-mobile. The Moment is updated to 2.1 (unlike many other phones by HTC and Motorola)

  11. btw not everyone who has a blackberry bought it because they are corporate (remember the “love” campaign?). Many are serious texters and this phone could go after this group of consumers. The Kin is also going after this group but with a much dumber phone.

  12. Samsung phones = Fail

  13. To each their own as far as a hardware keyboard is concerned. Otherwise, I cannot understand why someone would buy a BB for personal use. There are so many much cooler phones out there.
    From an IT standpoint, @Steve is absolutely right. Aside from just the problems he mentioned, there is the overhead to consider. Depending on your user base, you have to factor in the hardware upon which to run the BES platform, typically an additional server, then there is the security implications and Microsoft licensing. The BES has typically required a superuser account through which it connects to the mail boxes on the Exchange server. That, in itself, is a huge security implication. As far as the licensing goes, every time that BES superuser account opens up a mailbox, it requires an Exchange connection license. So now you have to double up on that expense for every user that has a BB and a laptop. An internal cost analysis has determined that our organization has up to three times the cost to run a BES environment than running Exchange alone.
    Our IT dept fights us tooth and nail to keep the BES around because of the security and control over the actual devices. Truth is, Exchange 2007 Activesync supports just about everything that the BES does so there is no longer a reason to keep supporting Blackberry. And it’s just a matter of time till iPhone and Android are up to snuff and fully support all of the Exchange Activesync protocols.
    Maybe one day BB will wise up and license the ActiveSync protocol for themselves instead of using the platform that some guy wrote in his Mom’s basement.

  14. I will NEVER buy phone with shell replacement (eg. Sense UI, etc..).

    Why they do not want to sell clean Android phones without their crap ?

  15. What, buy ANOTHER Samsung phone to receive no after-purchase support? No thank you. Samsung had better enjoy the money that they got for my Behold 2. They won’t see another dime of my money for their lousy phones and even worse support.
    And for the record: The Behold 2 was *not* a teeny-bopper phone at launch. It was the most expensive Android that my carrier had at the time. Back to my buying another phone from Samsung. Nope. Nada. Nyet. No. Nah. and He11 naw.

  16. I didn’t buy the Behold 2 because I didn’t like the cube thingy. I also wanted more of a distinguishing processor over the G1 (which I still have). The Behold 2 had more memory and a better screen than any other Android phone released at that time.

    That said, why the hatred of the Behold 2? Is the hatred seated solely in the change of direction by Samsung to upgrade the OS? Or is the phone itself a poorly performing phone?

    Has anyone rooted the B2? If so, it might be a pretty nice phone. In any case, I understand the frustration of being stuck on cupcake or even donut, but is that enough to forever banish Samsung as a company? I mean, the Galaxy line is the most promising Android line out there.

  17. @Steve and SardoNumspa

    I am well aware of the shortcomings of BES as I am a Systems Admin as well. However what iPhone will never have and is difficult for Android to achieve without root that BES does offer is Endpoint Control. Activesync may allow remote wipe, but that does little good if I have an Android phone with Touchdown and I have a backup of my database on the SD Card which I can then backup to a pc. It is very easy to recover data from a lost phone on activesync where the device can not have a password policy enforced. So as a SysAd coming from both DOD and HIPAA regulated organizations Android and iPhone represent a complete lack of security in this area. That is what keeps BES and BlackBerry implemented.

  18. Good Job Samsung. Ignore haters,I am anticipating this phone.I am glad that Samsung is now serious about supporting updates.By end of September,Samsung would definitely become a formidable competitor in smartphone market!

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