
Chinese Android-based iPad Clone Comes, Will Likely Go


Not that we had anything to do with its conception, but it’s hard to root for an Android device that’s trying to mimic the iPad and fail so terribly at it. As Android fans, we strive to prove to our non-believing friends that Android can do anything that competing operating systems can do, and more.

While it’s true from a software standpoint, things just don’t always come together as well as they should in some cases. Such a case would be the tablet that Euogo’s offering: 633MHz VIA processor, Android 1.7 (yes, you read that right), 128MB of RAM, no Android market to be found, and a needlessly large bezel with Apple’s trademark “Home” button.

You’ll also get 2GB of internal storage (upgradeable to 16GB), a 7-inch touch screen with a resolution of 800×480, and all of your standard connectivity options sans 3G and Bluetooth.All of this can be had for $117.30. I can think of a lot better things to do with $117.30. How about striking up a Google Adsense campaign urging Android users everywhere to steer well clear of this atrocity?

[via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. ewwwww oh go away

  2. @ari-free: Lmfao.

  3. What the hell is android 1.7?

  4. there are some youtube vids of these which they call an Apad. They run horribly slow and have resistive screens.
    I have been reading forever that a slue of Android tablets are coming but still nothing. Dell says they are planing 10″ streak but who knows when? So frustrating.

  5. Oh Boy, yet another android CRAPlet from yet another unheard of manufacturer. Seriously, when are these guys going to try and design a solid product, rather than rush to market to try and cash in with something half assed?

  6. Some guy at my local mall had one of these… he’s selling fake iPods shipped in from China(They have no brand as they don’t have the apple logo on the back)… He was telling me that the Chinese think that we(Americans) are stupid due to us always buying branded products(Apple, HTC, Samsung) when we could buy fake products that could do the exact same thing… I thought he was mentally loose or something… and he was trying to sell me one of those fake iPods for 80 bucks(I wont even buy a real iPod… much less a friggin fake one!!!)… I told him I already had my phone… I told him it’s way better than an iPhone cuz it’s running android(xD)… then he told me that he had a tablet running android… and showed me pictures… it seems that they were real since it showed up here… interesting… gonna do a video review of it at the mall if that guy has it in stock already :D…

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