
[RUMOR] Froyo Moves Closer to Release? FRF72 Update Supposedly Rolls Out


Ever since the excitement of Google I/O died down, we’ve all been left wondering one thing: when the heck are we going to get our dessert? Google gave us a quick – and arguably meaningless – update on the matter stating they hope to have the update ready for Nexus One users “ASAP”.

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Now, new rumors have cropped up suggesting that “ASAP” can actually be translated to: “Yea, it’s almost done and we just have a couple of more kinks to work out. In fact, what if we told you it was coming this week?”. The rumor gets its legs from the fact that Sizzled Core – the original outlet that reportedly (and supposedly) received the update over-the-air – noticed the build number was different from what we knew Froyo to be.

FRF72 replaces FRF50, but there’s still no confirmation to be had in any of this: we all know about the build.prop debacle that’s made it necessary for us – and any news outlet –  to treat this kind of rumor like it’s an unloved stepchild. The file was said to be 1.8MB in size and a changelog indicated that only the browser saw any treatment, bringing improved Flash 10.1 support.

One Google employee on Twitter apparently updated his followers on a new OTA he’d just gotten for his Nexus One, but that tweet suddenly no longer exists. Internally, something is definitely making its rounds and we could see another build pop up very soon. I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, though, so I hope I’ve made the “RUMOR” sign big enough for you.

[via Android Guys]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. It would be good if it was true as then the rest of us could get ours too.

  2. Lucky N1 users getting all the Froyo:[

  3. Woohoo!!! Just one more reason I’m glad I bought the N1 instead of the droid!!! I want my desert!

  4. Just got my N1 late last week, Froyo would be a real treet!

  5. I hope they roll out Froyo for MT3G soon. :)

  6. They’re are strong rumors out there that says that the htc incredible could get froyo june 23rd so hopefully N1 owner will get it bfore.

  7. 6:07 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

    6:07 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

    6:07 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

    6:07 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

    6:07 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

    6:08 PM
    Your phone is currently up to date.

  8. If you want Froyo root your phone and do a manual install. There are quite a few different files floating around the Forums. I have had 2 different ones already on my Droid EFExx and now EFE57. It runs flawlessly overclocked to 900MHz with LV Kernels form p3droid. There is also a bunch of EFE57 based Roms floating around now too. So get your root on and start flashing with Rom Manager or find your own Roms….Drooooid;)

  9. Yeah. void your warranty too. I just sent my N1 in for a screen replacement that fell under warranty. it specifically states that rooting voids your warranty. Why should I have to root to get an update? Google is like Apple with the cut and paste garbage. Stop giving this ASAP bs.

  10. Update # 2 @ Sizzled Core says its apparently a test update for Goggle employees.


  11. Why is an internal test version a bad thing? Google will release Froyo when it’s ready.

    Though I love loading CM5 on my G1, I only do so because Donut is so far behind and my G1 is so painfully under-powered. If I had a N1 or SGS or Droid anything, I would not root.

  12. Hope it will address what seems to be a WiFi bug in FRF50, and which is getting some attention on the Google Nexus One forum.

  13. Flash 10.1 has been released only three days ago. It is part of Froyo. Some testing is evidently needed on this new version before the whole enchilada is released to the world.

  14. The WiFi bug is real. Just received a replacement N1 last week. The power button stopped working. Had installed FRF50 on the first phone and had WiFi problems. Installed FRF50 on my new phone and same problem. Its exactly the same problem with my home WiFi connection. Hope this is one of the “bugs” Google is going to solve with the final release.

  15. @George Orwell Root is not permanent you can always reverse any phone to original factory hardware and erase any trace of root or rom

  16. For all the bravado, I find it interesting that N1 users can’t spell. But I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were trying to type in direct sunlight. ie. Comment 3, 4, 6. I don’t mind having voided my warranty. My rooted, Froyo’ed Droid doesn’t seem to break every other day. Even when I put it in a pocket.

  17. Just so everyone is clear on this: Google IO is a developers conference targeting developers! There’s nothing strange about telling developers about what the next version of Android is capable of a couple of weeks before it’s actually released (or done). That gives us a chance to update our programs to make it work there, or actually use some of the new features they expose. Froyo is ready, when it’s on your phone, and that will be great. :)

  18. @Charles Rutherford: Yes, keep rubbing it in! You’re a meanie!

    The whole update was not handled great by Google: they should’ve announced that first update was a release candidate, not the real thing, and give at least a ballpark date, with reasons for the delay, so people won’t speculate about waiting for other phones to be ready to update, or for Adobe to get their… stuff together.

    We assume Froyo was tested primarily on the Nexus, so how come Froyo is ready but Nexus Froyo update is not?

    Also, the poor AT&T phones (like mine) don’t even get to play with the RC version unless rooted.

  19. @Paladin,

    Apple announces the next version of the iOS months ahead (though with a date) so DEVELOPERS can start to coding for this version.
    Google didn´t give a release date, good for them as there is nothing worse than a version with bugs because there was no time to solve them before release or a release date that is being pushed back. They stated “a few weeks” which is can be defined as ( “2. adjective a few some, though not many: not very many people or things, but more than two, and sometimes more than might be expected.” Source : ) so we are still well inside this time frame.
    Google NEVER announced, nor released, the Froyo update that was leaked so that´s why they didn´t said it was RC until after the fact it was leaked. No “normal” end user received the update over OTA, everybody (on any provider, including me) that loaded the leaked version did so by using an unlocked phone.

  20. Clarification that you DON’T need to have ROOT access to install the FRF50. It’s far better than 2.1 even the way it is. I’ve not seen any major problems. Just a few hiccups with apps that obviously haven’t been updated to support 2.2. Everything is WAY faster. With the talk of 4G I could care less. My browser on WiFi and even 3G will open a page in a matter of a second or two. Do I need anything faster?

  21. Jer, do some research before posting: You can install FRF50 only on unrooted T-Mobilr phones, not on AT&T ones (and from what i could see, not on the UK variants either).

    There are some who put the update on the ATT ver, but only after some gymnastics and on rooted phones.

  22. @Jerry – LOL

  23. @Robin: The N1 update was not announced, but people from the press and from tech blogs got it “pushed” OTA and started to write about it. The fact that they got it was probably because they have developer’s phones, the same kind that Google employees have, or something like that. But still, this created a sense of joy in the regular users. I know i kept dialing #*#*checkin*#*# for a few days until it became clear that i wasn’t going to get it just yet.
    That’s the problem: if somebody would’ve said sooner that’s not a full release, it would’ve been ok, but now people are disappointed after hoping to get the update much sooner.
    And Google presented Froyo as done at their conference. That’s also why everybody expected it on N1 very soon.
    I’m ok with waiting for a bug-free release, but let’s face it, that’s never gonna happen. So why not just put froyo on the phones now – maybe with a warning that it’s a RC or beta so you might skip it – and then update it again if a more stable version comes.
    You shouldn’t be force to root your phone /loose warranty to update a beta version or a custom mod, but that’s a different discussion.

  24. I am waiting for 2.2 for my Nexus One. I kind of wish I didnt root so I could manually update. So Im waiting on Cynogen to release the 2.2 rom for my N1. Come on 2.2, I want to see how fast it really is.

  25. @Last European Cavemen:
    Root may not be permanent, but unlocking the boot loader currently is permanent on the Nexus One. Unlocking the bootloader is what let’s you install custom ROMs on the device. You need this ability to be able to root your phone by installing a custom ROM that has root access. So rooting and unlocking are two different things, but unlocking is required for rooting.

    Since unlocking your boot loader enables you to do things that may be dangerous to the hardware (overlocking for example), the Nexus One warranty does not cover phones that have their boot loader unlocked. I’ve heard reports that HTC doesn’t actually care for things that clearly wouldn’t be related to non-standard software. I’m a bit too chicken to do it myself though.

  26. It really frosts my cookies to see these little updates here and there and rumors and no fixed date… I hear supported rumors of the 17th being the official release date, but nothing concrete ARGH!!! I HATE things with no fixed date!

  27. Although they probably did do a lot of testing of froyo on the N1 – we shouldn’t forget that this is an update to base Android. The features announced were improvements to the OS – not the device. There are still plenty of improvements to be made to the N1 device (e.g. where’s my multi-colour trackball?) And from what I hear new features to be enabled (FM receive/transmit – the chip is in there).
    So as far as I’m concerned, if they spend a bit more time making my device better in the long run, I’m all for it.
    However this fragmentation problem is not going away – it’s the reason I got the nexus – but since Google are not selling their own sponsored phones any more, I’m left to choose between the rest and it’s a big risk as to whether or not I’ll be left with an out of date phone in 2 months. There must be some way of separating the OS from the skin – forcing everyone to use thesame base version with features added on top, rather than the OS being basically re-coded by different companies. Although it’s possible I have misunderstood the problem.

  28. Why not root your phone and void the warranty? Chances are you’ll be ditching the phone for the latest and greatest before it’s even a year or two old anyway. Rooted Droid stalled in a boot loop, unrooted returned and sporting a new one. No biggie. I paid alot of money for this phone. It’s mine, so I should be able to do what I want with it period.

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