
iPhone Gets Its Own Port of Android 2.2 [Video]


It seems like we hear about new Android devices getting ports of Froyo every day since the file was leaked for everyone’s amusement. Even though we’ve known about the iPhone’s ability to run Android through Linux (not beautifully, mind you) for a while now, we thought it’d be the last device to see Froyo in any form.

YouTuber “Wizegui” treated us to a video of Android 2.2 running on his iPhone 3G (he states that this port will only run on the iPhone 2G, 3G, and first generation iPod Touch). The implementation was ugly, to say the least, with the OS responding very sluggishly. Still, it’s been done and you can be assured more work is being done. If you want to keep up on development, be sure to subscribe to Wizegui’s channel as he’ll be posting more information there down the line.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Why would anyone want to pollute Android with an out of date iphone.
    Android > iphoney

  2. And the Backflip hasn’t even been rooted yet… :(

  3. I can’t wait to see this on an iPad…would make that thing rock.

  4. this is not fair :D – my desire is running 2.1 and my g/f’s tattoo has 1.6.. and the goddamnfreaking iphoney gets 2.2 :D

  5. There’s a new video out!


  6. Guys,
    Successfully ported Donut(1.6) onto my iphone 2g by following instruction of planetbeing.Used VMware and Koala.Changed the usb cable if encounter any problem.Do press the home button longer (3-4 sec) after full installation if stuck on “welcome to openiboot” screen. Only thing missing is the most important android market(aka installous/appstore)Others work brilliantly ie wifi,sound,msging,phone call except camcorder n phone which prompt for an sd card? Good luck.

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