
HTC Desire To Land On US Cellular?


It’s about time some of the smaller guys get some Android love! Straight from Howard Forums, a rebate form leaked that showed the HTC Desire as one of the devices eligible for a $70 cash-back deal. The form says that the phone must be purchased between April 16th and July 15th – meaning we could see the Desire heading to the States within the next three months.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


No other information to be had, but feast your eyes on the full rebate form below. Are you one of the few Android faithful on a smaller carrier waiting for a saving grace? This might be what you’ve been waiting for.

usccnewphones[Howard Forums via Android Central]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So, Desire for the US. But no Incredible for Europe? /sadagain

  2. Still waiting on the Incredible.

  3. So, does this mean that we might be getting the Desire on ANY network ? I am a US t-mobile G1 customer, and I am so frustrated and annoyed right now at the complete lack of handsets coming to t-mobile this year. Every other carrier is getting a high performance Android handset except t-mobile. Kinda driving me crazy. Could this be the salvation I’m looking for ? Don’t make me buy a HD2. Please ?

  4. Pete, this seems to be norm, US is getting the better htc phones…..

  5. So… I don’t know about anybody else, but who still uses US Cellular??

  6. US Cellular is better than most its about time the Phone Makers respect the smaller carriers. Best Network in the Midwest go US Cellular.

  7. Seriously, hahaha, WTF is US Cellular? I just wiki-d them. I bet they share/roam off of someone else’s network.
    Eitherway, not sure if Desire will come to major carriers since the N1 is closely related and it will be on all.

  8. us cellular used to be Primeco remember the pink alien maybe they should of been the first with the green Android……..Just a thought.

  9. @Jess. What has kept you from getting an N1?? They’re pretty much the same phone with a few minute distinctions.

  10. I was in a AT&T store late last week and a guy went back and checked some paperwork for me and came back confirming the Desire is coming to AT&T….

  11. Who the $*&! outside of oklahoma or nebraska has heard of US Cellular?

    Lets be serious here.

  12. @JBC – they are a dominant carrier in Iowa due to great coverage. Luckily Verizon also rocks!

  13. @JBC and mrXtc – WOW!! why such hostility toward US Cellular? Just because you may not have heard of them doesn’t mean they don’t exist or they’re not a good provider. They’re predominantly a midwest provider. I’ve been with them for about 8 years and the only complaint I have with them is their selection of phones. I’m almost definitely switching to VZW when the DROID Incredible is released, but the Desire may make me think twice about switching!

  14. JBC, US Cellular is the leading provider in much of NorCal (Mendocino, Lake, Humboldt, Del Norte, Trinity, Siskiyou, Modoc, Lassen, Plumas Counties), you need to read up more on them :) In my market, RSA 344 (Mendocino, Lake Counties) they are the top carrier in terms of coverage, though Verizon is VERY close behind.

  15. I live in central wisconsin, around here US Cellular is great. They have good prices, free incoming(including text), even when you’re on contract you can call them up and change features at any time, and I can pay my bill just by hitting 611 and using their automated thing. I’m not sure whether they use someone else’s towers or what, but they’ve got one literally three blocks from me, I never have bad reception or drop calls on my end.

  16. Can HTC please show T-Mo some love and send high powered android phones our way. I hate how the early adapters are being shafted. I want to upgrade from my G1, but theres no cool android phones on T-Mo. WTF HTC?

  17. Sorry, no hostility meant toward US Cellular :)
    Never heard of them, but now I have a bit more information about them, and some other less known carriers.

  18. As a Former US Cellular employee, I have to say that this a major coup d’état for them. my biggest complaint while working there was their lack of phones to compete with the major brands (ie verizon, ATT) Their coverage is great, and for those wondering, yes they do roam off of verizon (they are a CDMA Carrier.)

  19. I don’t know why everyone is always saying TMO is the only one not getting a high end device this year, ATT is in the same boat. Anyway, just wanted to give some hope, I work for TMO and their is talk that the my touch slide is the G1 replacement, and this summer a N1esque phone will replace the Mytouch, just a rumor, but I’ve heard it several places

  20. US Cellular gets great service in most of he Chicago land area

  21. Gresat news !!!

    I am a US Cellular user … T-Mobile AT&T etc all have variable reception … Vereizon is second to US Cellular in the IL , WI , IA are where I do business .. if this phone does come to USCellular , I’ll not need to drag my laptop all day long …

  22. US Cellular offers best coverage in Oregon outside of Portland. Great service, excellent coverage and affordable. Verizon came to the area a few years back when bought up Unicel. AT&T just started last month. Sticking with US Cellular. We have 4 lines including unlimited txt (pic & Vid) and mobile internet and pay just over $150 a month for the package. With the Desire coming out we may upgrade to smartphones but the data plan and phones we have now worked very well. BTW, the Chicago White Sox play at US Cellular Field.

  23. I am so happy to hear this news! US Cellular never gets good phones or gets them when all the other carriers have had them for a long time. But the service is great.

    It isn’t just in those areas. I live in North Carolina and in Eastern NC it dominates.

  24. I’ve been a loyal US Cellular customer in Oregon for 9 years and I’ve dropped less than 10 calls probably in that time. For a rural area like mine, they are the best. The other big name companies don’t have the coverage they offer, plus their price plans are far superior to any I’ve found when comparing with Verizon etc.

    I was just in a local USCC store yesterday to get my mom a new phone, and the manager confirmed that she just learned the day before yesterday that they will indeed be getting at least one, and possibly TWO droid phones by mid/late July…. the HTC and possible a Motorola one. I was thrilled to hear it since I’m looking to upgrade around that time and really wanted a droid phone finally!

  25. just for the record….US Cellular has always been US Cellular, they started regional, but do use other towers outside the midwest. They offer the ONLY service (albeit analog) in the rural areas in the Northwoods.

    PrimeCo became Verizon.

    I would never go to Verizon because of their service. So, THANK GOD US Cellular is getting this droid…. I’ve been very jealous lately!

  26. I remember when no one heard of Lowes, or Home Depot, or Walgreens for that matter. US Cellular is the preferred carrier for most traveling business reps. They have been around forever, but regional. They have expanded dramatically in the past trn years. They were one of the most expensive at one point though, but you can go in a lead lined room, 20ft below the surface, and still great a great signal. Yes, selection is crap, but getting better. What Midwest Express was to “The best care in the air” US Cellular is to customer satisfaction.

  27. Go to the US Cellular coverage map, and you’ll see what I mean.

  28. I have been with US Cellular for a bit now. I’m in NC and I have never had a dropped call using this company. Reception is impeccable no matter where I travel the reception is outstanding. US Cellular has been a round for a long time don’t under estimate. Also I have been looking to upgrade my phone and it was confirmed this very day the HTC Desire will be launched via US Cellular before July!

  29. I totally agree about US Cellular’s service being the best. I never loose calls or service. My Mother is with verizon and is constantly losing a signal and dropping calls. The phone selection is more limited but the service is awesome in NC and apparently many other areas of the country. JBC, I bet you feel dumb now huh?

  30. I switched from US Cellular to AT&T so the wife and kids could have the iphone. What a big mistake. During the 5 years with US Cellular in WV, I NEVER lost a call. Loose them all the time with crappy AT&T. One minute 5 bars, the next, no service. I’m switching back when this phone comes out.

  31. Excellent news! I’m eligible for a new phone from USCC in just a few weeks.

    For the record, I’ve been a loyal USCC customer for at least 6 years now. My only complaint is their puny selection of phones–although it is growing. Previously, I was a customer of AT&T. Never again, brother! USCC’s customer service and pricing plans are so much better, and their coverage in western Oklahoma is head and shoulders above AT&T. You just can’t beat free incoming calls and texts. Plus, their battery-swap program has pulled my bacon out of the fire on more than a few occasions now.

  32. US cell is pretty good here in newengland I’ve been with them for about 10 or 12 years. Great service.

  33. Yo usc works in northern cali…no problems and the prices are great…cant wait to get back to the states to get a new phone instead of a blackberry

  34. US Cellular is an aamazing phone co. They have the NICEST customer service I have ever dealt with! They also have free incoming calls…which no other cellular co provides…which means my 1,500-2,000 incoming min I use a month has no affect on the 700 min plan I have! Try finding that with another co.!!! GOOD LUCK!

  35. You do realize that you sound stupid bashing US Cellular right? “OH I have never heard of them, I had to wiki them just to try and find out who they are” how dumb can you be. So okay, they aren’t number 1,2,or 3 in the largest companies in the US. However, out of ALL the Cellphone companies, USCC is still the 6th Largest cellphone company in the United States. Not bad for a little guy coming up in the world. And as far as the East coast goes, they are one of the strongest signals up and down the coast. They also supercede some of the larger boys in bigger markets. Chicago for instance, there are 4 USCC Customers to every one Verizon, ATT, or Sprint Customer. Do your homework before you talk out of your rear. oh yeah, and they are the ONLY company to offer, FREE unlimited incoming calls, text, pics, no matter what plan you are on.

  36. i work for uscc out of phoenix and actually now we are the 5th largest and growing great support guys

  37. US cellular is also BIG in TENNESSEE!!! I have been with them for 6 yrs.

  38. I have been with US Cellular since 1990 and it is frustrating that they are the last to get decent phones for their customers. They have amazing coverage compared to all other carries here in Wisconsin. Waiting for the HTC Desire to be released.

  39. Their customer service is great just really frustrating when they are the last to get with the times with phones. Thought about goint to AT&T for iPhone but their service coverage sucks.

  40. just for the record, primeco became uscellular. i should know since i was with them from the beginning. as far as coverage, it is superior. i live in the midwest and have taken my phone from here to California, Texas and even to Cabo, Mexico with me and the reception was crystal clear! customer service is excellent. only wish they had a bigger selection of phones from the get go.

    p.s. a rep at the store confirmed they will be getting 2 additional droids this year. an HTC and another Samsung with more features than the one that’s out now.

  41. I have been with them since the begining. I wouldnt know if any other company is better. Why wuld I – the costomer service is so good i’m not going to even bother checking.

    No push 1 for this 2 for that…..how bout hit 0 and talk to someone. Thats customer service like it should be! One time before GPS, i had one rep help give me directions when i was lost! I would like more phone options, but in reality i just need a phone that works. But i am a geek at heart -I will be getting the HTC desire.

  42. My family has only had horrific experiences with US Cellular. Stayed with them for 20 years because of their excellent coverage and cheap prices, but year after year their customer service kept getting worse and worse. Finally hit rock bottom last week and switched to AT&T — what a difference! AT&T is just a breath of fresh air. Less stable coverage, but man are their customer service reps awesome. Plus, I was able to get the HTC phone I wanted (the Aria) for free, brand new, in store. Awesome.

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