
Google Earth Is Back For Droid 2.1 Users


Not that it ever really went anywhere, but we can now calm the masses running the latest flavor of Android on their ‘Big Red’ Droid. For those that haven’t heard, Google Earth reportedly went missing from the market as they updated their Verizon Motorola Droid to Android 2.1 sometime last week.

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Some fears that came along with this error were that Droid users might have to pay for the application. While that might have been a melodramatic first response to this little mix-up, it seems the issues have been resolved and Google Earth is back in the market still free to download. I’m guessing one of the code monkeys at Google forgot to add Verizon as an acceptable carrier to download the application. That or they just wanted to keep piling on the headaches that came with updating to the latest firmware altogether.

What are you waiting for? Get your Earth on!

[via MobileBurn]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. ? weird… I downloaded it last week after upgrading… and again yesterday after doing a factory reset because Picasa web albums weren’t syncing.

  2. Just got my Htc Desire today but Google Earth doesn’t show up on the (Dutch) market either.

  3. It have always been on my Milestone since 2.1 update.

  4. Since maps has a tab for satelite view, why would you really need google earth? Google earth seems like a resource hog anyway. If i can’t see what i need to see with the satelite tab on google maps, i’ll just look it up on my PC.

  5. Great job. Google Earth is amazing on the Droid! Now if they can only fix the FPS on the Droid’s basic navigation…

  6. where is google earth on htc desire

  7. I downloaded it right after my 2.1 update…

  8. Some apps are tied to a specific carrier and model of phone. Until Google actually said “Droid 2.1 is allowed to use this app,” us Droidians were not able to install it.

    The same thing happend with Skype. It took a day or two for it to show up for me on the Market.

  9. I have Earth :D

    Combined with Maps… All I need is the navigation app and I can find anything :D

  10. Well that sux! I did a factory reset on mine a couple of days ago just get get Google Earth. That’s what I get for being impatient!

  11. man I thought I was loozin’ it. I must have searched the market 10 times on Saturday. Got Earth last night. Yet another great time waster.

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