
Google Taking Translate To The Next Level


When I downloaded Google Translate and associated language packs on my Motorola Droid one of the FIRST things I did was attempt to speak into the phone using the speech-to-text function, have it translate in a different language, and then hear it read back to me in the translated language. Unfortunately Google Translate can’t do this… yet.

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foreign_languageCheck out what Google’s head of translation recently told The Times Online:

“We think speech-to-speech translation should be possible and work reasonably well in a few years’ time. Clearly, for it to work smoothly, you need a combination of high-accuracy machine translation and high-accuracy voice recognition, and that’s what we’re working on. If you look at the progress in machine translation and corresponding advances in voice recognition, there has been huge progress recently.”

I think its closer than “a few years” in a basic sense. Google can already translate English speech-to-text. Google can already translate text from pretty much any language into another language, even auto-detecting what language based on the text. Google can also already read text out loud which can be seen in their Google Nav software.

The only things missing are auto-detection of language when spoken audibly and the ability to take text and speak it out loud in multiple languages. Well… I guess there are about a billion other problems:

However, some experts believe the hurdles to live translation remain high. David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at Bangor University, said: “The problem with speech recognition is the variability in accents. No system at the moment can handle that properly.

“Maybe Google will be able to get there faster than everyone else, but I think it’s unlikely we’ll have a speech device in the next few years that could handle high-speed Glaswegian slang.

“The future, though, looks very interesting. If you have a Babel Fish, the need to learn foreign languages is removed.”

Slang. I think THAT is the main problem. Slang and local sayings. If I were to say “that’s a bummer”, “break a leg”, or “make like a tree and leave” and it translated to a different language what would the result be?

I would LOVE this as a travel tool and it would make me MUCH more comfortable to travel. For example I could travel in Italy and if for some reason my broken Italian couldn’t be understood and others didn’t understand English, I could speak English into my phone and have them listen to my output in Italian from Google Translate!

It will be almost impossible to perfect bridging the language gap – some things simply don’t translate. Regardles… this would be an EXCELLENT time to institute that “no bad words” feature. Not trying to get myself jailed and beaten in a foreign country for Google translating me wrong, ya know?

UPDATE: AF/Phandroid family member Phases just informed me that Google Translate DOES read back foreign language translations but only for select languages like Spanish, French, etc… I think I only tried Chinese, Japanes and a few others. I should have known better!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I don’t know…I’ve never gotten anything but gibberish out of Google Voice’s voicemail transcripts. I’d be very surprised if they were able to make reliable language translation based on current technology.

  2. Rob… I’m kind of gobsmacked here…

    When I downloaded Google Translate and associated language packs on my Motorola Droid one of the FIRST things I did was attempt to speak into the phone using the speech-to-text function, have it translate in a different language, and then hear it read back to me in the translated language. And of course it worked great.

    How could you not know this?

  3. Check out “Talk 2 Me”. It will take Speech-to-Text, translate into the language you select into text, and then do Text-to-Speech in the translated-to language.

  4. i hope they also translate how the voice would sound…
    else everyone talking would sound exactly the same, which could get quite confusing…

  5. amazing. leave it to google.

  6. pshaw. I think you still need humans to speak languages. Otherwise you kind of wonder what the point is. You could try learning yourself using technology… Babbel for example, is a good place to start.

  7. I agree with Christi here, leave it to Google to bring it to the next level.

  8. Great nice to hear ill agree you guys, leave it to Google to bring it to the next level is a good place to start.

  9. Yes it is a good place to start and surely Google will take us to other top level by these inventions.

  10. I just love the Goggle translator Now they have also include Urdu for pakistanis.

  11. I adore this application. Really google is trying to make everything easier. Actually theres a fight between the best companies. So new ideas with innovation are gonna be welcomed in future more and more.

  12. Google is trying too hard to improved their rank in the world.

  13. This is another great article with very useful tips. I am hoping to pick up more blogging work, too! You said about on google taking translate to the next level.

  14. its great to hear that google is advancing day by day and thats very good for us.

  15. This is another great article with very useful tips. I am hoping to pick up more blogging work, too! You said about on google taking translate to the next level.

  16. So- let me get this straight….. If I had a person that only spoke spanish, could I have them speak into my droid and then have it translated? or will this only work if I do speech to txt and then translate to them?
    This would be very helpful with some of my patients

  17. What will they think of next?!

  18. Google is so friendly, has a lots of applications. I simply love google earth and their documents, it’s autosaved. Everything. Google is just amazing.

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