
Documents To Go Only $9.99 For Limited Time!


dataviz-androidDataviz makes an application called Documents To Go that allows you to view, edit and interact with Microsoft Office documents like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF – right from your Android Phone. There is a free version of the app that provides limited access (view only) for Word and Excel, but the FULL version will set you back $29.99 – unless you buy it now.

Dataviz is having a sale on Documents To Go for Android, selling it for only $9.99 until the 50,000th app has been sold. The bottom of their Android Market listing says:


I’m not sure exactly how close they are but if you’re considering this app, I suggest you buy it now and if necessary, return it within 24 hours. Those who refuse to make an impulse buy will be happy to know the company currently has a special on their Android app that sets the price at $14.99 until February 28th, 2010 0 so even if the $9.99 special runs out you’ll still be able to get the app for half price until the end of the month.


[Via Dataviz & Android Market]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Jumped right on it. Thanks phandroid for the tip!

  3. so, we should have an app review of this sometime soon, right? maybe an android office app shootout looking at spreadsheet, word processor, presentation, and PDF apps?

  4. i bought this for the 15$ price, and honestly just don’t use it enough to justify the cost to me. you have other alternatives for viewing doc pdf and ppt for free on android…but i guess if you need to manipulate the documents it’s ok.

  5. Still available as of 2pm PST.

  6. At such a discount I’m tempted, but 10 bucks still seems like too much for me personally. Mostly because I don’t need it. ;)

  7. great app, i really wish i can buy apps from android store :(

  8. eh. i just downloaded a copy of the full version key for free from some unscrupulous person on the internet (gotta love it). so there you go, no updates for me but it works fine and i don’t use it enough to justify even paying $1 for it.

  9. OpenOffice and Google Docs will do most of what the average person wants to do.. There are apps dealing with the word processing side of things of Google Docs.. although I can view a spreadsheet in Google docs, can’t edit it yet. (or at least I haven’t figured it out yet).. I’m sure all this will come in time, and is much more interesting “to me” than dealing with MS Office. The continued raping of the business world with MS Office products, just isn’t something I admire.

  10. WTF! So I shouldn’t be ticked at being a ten year customer and having dropped the $30 already, early adoption and all that? Geez. Well, I guess I’ve gotten some cheap upgrades along the way, too.

  11. Sorry, if I need this sort of access then the office can give me a laptop!

  12. 1.) Phandroid rocks

    2.) I’ve had documents to go for 8 months and use it for sending out documents and receiving and reviewing documents. It makes you able to attach word docs to ur email .

    3.) I have saved 250 for the nexus1, I am highly excited to get this phone

    4.) I’m twisting up some of cali’s finest bud in a fat joint

    5.) I made pasta, chicken, veggies

    6.) I’m ranked #20 in the world on halo3 lol

  13. Nice! Got it.

  14. I’ve made the mistake before of buying mobile apps I never use. I have the free viewer-only version of this app on my Android phone, and I think I’ve only ever used it once or twice. I definitely have no need of editing capabilities right now. But hey, I’m not everybody else, so go get it if you need it. =)

  15. Who cares, it’s just a price of one lunch. Even if you use it once in a lifetime, to edit and send a document, it’s worth it. Thanks guys, bought mine!

  16. Still available 9:30am PT. Got it! THANKS for the heads up!

  17. Bought mine, and please with the price. Its reasonable.

  18. I bought it too…question…in an email attachment I received it was a .pps and i couldn’t open it. What’s the difference between .pps and .ppt? Shouldn’t I be able to open this? Otherwise, the .doc viewer/creator is awesome!! LOVE IT

  19. I got it for free anyway.

  20. I’ve had this app since it came out, paid the $15 for it and got the upgrade for free when it came out. This is honestly one of my most used apps and well worth the $9. Only drawback I have is the size.

  21. I’m just holding out into Google Docs has its own app…

  22. Still available for $9.99. 12:30 PST 2-11-10

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