
nook eReader by Barnes & Noble is Android Based!


A bunch of eReaders have come out in recent days and weeks but NONE of them were the rumored Barnes & Noble eReader until today when the company announced the Nook. Combine that with “eReader” or “eBook” and you have the problem of hearing someone say “Nookie Book” or “Nookie Reader”. But more importantly, the phone is based on the Android operating system.

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How do we know? Barnes & Noble said so themselves in comparing the Nook to the Kindle (scroll down to “Other Features”):


nook-pictureYesterday we totally number two-ed on an eReader called “Alex” for clumsily including a second screen. We liked the enTourage eDGe a little more. But as you can see on the left, Barnes & Noble got it best/right by implementing a convenient way to flip through book covers with a horizontal LCD panel below the main screen. Judging a book by its cover? LOVE IT!

The nook is actually looking like a winner – it has 6-inch E-Ink screen, 2GB internal memory to hold 1500 or so e-books, MicroSD slot, MP3 Player (thanks Android), External mono speaker, 3.5mm headset jack, wireless 3G via AT&T, Wi-Fi, 1 million books to purchase, access to public domain titles through Google, Newspaper and Magazine access, and PDF readability.

And there is a crazy twist: you can lend a nook book to a friend and they’ll be able to use/read it for up to 14 days! So for book lovers who read fast and can finish a book in a day… I hope you all make a lot of nook book friends! They don’t HAVE to have a nook, it will also work on the B&E e-reader software/app for PCs, Macs, iPhone, Moto phones and BlackBerries. Oh… and we’re guessing Android too.

The Nook will go on sale for $259 at the end of November, just in time for you to wrap it and give it to whoever the book reader in your life happens to be!

[Thanks Simon!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Ok. Seriously.

    It really has the word nookie in it?

    In my neck of the woods that doesn’t mean e-reader.

  2. I’m more interested in the Entourage eDGe. That type of dual screen interests me. This one (like the Alex) isn’t so interesting to me.

  3. I wonder how long it is going to take somebody to root this thing. Imagine how great it would be to WiFi tether the 3G access. If that happens, it would be as good as Nook E. :-)

  4. Now, where’s the Barnes & Noble eBook app for my G1?

  5. Anyone know if this means we will be able to read these ebooks on our Android phones? Kind of like Kindle and iPhone?

  6. LOL, I should get this for my mom. She was saying how she wanted one and now no to longer, I hear of one with Android. Might just take your suggestion, get one, and wrap it up under the tree when the time comes.

  7. If you want to give your mom nookie, you need some help.

  8. “But more importantly, the phone is based on the Android operating system.” I’m pretty sure you meant to write eReader and not phone.

  9. Nope I meant phone. I think it would be great to have a “nook” app like Amazon created so the Kindle books would work on an iPhone.

    You can currently “Get the eReader for FREE” from Barnes and Noble for the iPhone and Blackberry. It would be nice to have an eReader for android phones.

  10. I thought the Nook wasn’t going to ship until Spring 2010. Where did you find the November date?

  11. nevermind, found lots of references to shipping in November.

  12. This looks great but how can you be sure that their books library is good and up-to-date with the latest books ? Amazon is very reliable but you cant be sure about other retailers

  13. So… how does this device live in the Android ecosystem? Will you be able to run apps on it? if so do they just reside on the smaller screen?

  14. Maj. Barnes and Noble is one of the best brick and mortar book stores around. If you like technical books they are just about the only book store around at least mainstream. They offer almost double the book selection as kindle plus magazines, newspapers, and such like that. Selection is going to be hard to beat by anyone.

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