
Motorola Droid Boot Video


motorola-droidSomeone has their hands on the Motorola Droid – what appears to be the official name of the much and long rumored Motorola Sholes, the very first Android Phone for Verizon Wireless. Check this video of the Moto Droid boot up video posted by BGR:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I’m not quite ready to change that “Motorola Sholes” name in the Phone Guide and Android Forums to “Droid” yet… but I doubt that sentiment will be felt much longer. BRING ON THE DROID!

[Thanks Quixand and Ravi!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. looks pretty sweet!

  2. Cylon!

  3. Perhaps the name of “Droid” brings the Operating System and the phone together in a way like the Marketing of the iPhone.

    Nobody says the name of the Operating System of the iPhone.

    Palm have said their Pre runs on their WebOS. And their next phone is called the Pixi.

    However, each version of the iPhone is just called the iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS.

    So, Motorola creates the Droid, then the next version (without a keyboard and with a bigger camera, better video etc) could be the Droid Tablet, etc.


    Is that standard? Everyone will have little cylons in their pockets!

    That’s amazingly cool.


  5. I hope I can remove the eye and voice when powering the phone on.

  6. I hope I can remove the eye and voice when powering the phone on”

    I hope not! I love it…..

  7. I still like the HTC sense UI better.

  8. Yea, if this phone had something similar to the “Sense” UI, it would be a possible Iphone killer. I mean, with the screen size… C’mon

  9. that’s fuckin sweeeeeeeeeeet

  10. Sweet…But I’d definitely want to replace the “Droid” sound effect with “By your command” And I hope the “slide to unlock” can be disabled….I’m too much of an iPhone hater….it would make me feel dirty.

  11. Wow. I have planned on getting this for a while and have been happy to see the specs and pics limp out over the last month or so. But this silly little video kind of jazzed me. Looks great. Would love go reboot the phone and hear that cylon voice. What a cool bit of marketing/branding. I think Moto may have struck paydirt with this one.

  12. So, why still nothing about Eclair? This thing runs Elcair, right?

  13. I hope to see the startup screen as few times as possible.

    But it looks pretty sweet.

    And how can you possibly “hate” the iPhone?

  14. @Herman: The iPhone is an Apple product. I firmly believe that Apple is philosophically evil organization. It’s an argument for another time, but that’s how I can hate the iPhone.

  15. @Jeff J: while I completely agree with you on Apple and the iPhone (I used to be a solid Mac user until the current spate of hipster-than-thou stupidity moved me to the PC permanently), I can understand the reasoning behind the slider. I just chalk it up as a good idea, regardless of where it came from.

    That being said, I wonder if Motorola can talk to the folks at Stern Pinball and see if the phone will come with the sound effects from Berzerk preloaded. Nothing starts your day like “Intruder alert! Get the humanoid!”

  16. @Herman:

    Apple is bent on being “better than everyone else, we have no problems” BLAH BLAH BLAH, At least Windows and Linux doesn’t delete your user data if you enable a guest account LOL!

    Apple has a strangle hold on the iPhone, they don’t allow this or that and you can’t even change batteries, I don’t call that an advancement in technology especially when the average iPhone user has the mentality of a 12 year old.

    It may sound biased, but everyone I know that has gotten an iPhone instantly became better than me and I currently have a BlackBerry Storm. It really is insane, it is like a status symbol that means nothing considering you can get them for almost nothing refurbished on contract now. The phone is over-hyped and excessively expensive, as is all of their hardware and software.


  17. @Rob: that’s just silly, moving to PC just because of other people..
    (I mean I love both mac&PC)

    I’m just throwing this out there, I THINK(just a thought) that Verizon/Google will announce this phone next week, toward the end of it. but it’s just a thought.

  18. Okay, when can I buy this? I CAN NOT WAIT for this to come out!!

  19. Commercial on Sunday football says will be out in November. No date given in the commercial.

  20. This isn’t something new people. Android (Google) has been out for more than a year now.

  21. Screen black levels are really good (or the video is edited to look so)

  22. The first time I saw it, I thought I have seen a renaissance of Terminator movie and Independence Day combined! Perhaps, Motorola has gone a bit overboard with every campaign it makes. To know more about it visit this link Again, judgment day on Nov. 6 :D

    detailed preview: http://tinyurl.com/droid-finally-release-good-bad

    and it came to pass that the waiting has finally been ended…

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