
HTC Tattoo Launching On Vodafone With Donut, FM Radio


Well THIS is an interesting development. After the official announcement of the HTC Tattoo a couple weeks ago, we thought we knew everything there was to know about the affordable Android prior to launch. But today we’ve found two additional tidbits that make the phone all that more attractive: it will launch with Android 1.6 (Donut) and a built-in FM Radio!

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Head over to the HTC Tattoo UK Specs page and see for yourself:


It looks like Vodafone customers will have first crack at the HTC Tattoo… it just popped up on the carriers website with a notice that it is “Arriving in October” – sweet!


This is great news for EVERYONE in the Android world – if the Tattoo launches with 1.6 Donut and its coming in early October, we’ll all hopefully get official Android 1.6 upgrades through our carrier shortly thereafter. Interestingly enough, the Vodafone listing fails to mention the inclusion of FM Radio.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. i hope the sholes will follow soon, if there is 1.6 comming in October

  2. i hope the sholes will follow soon, looks good if they say 1.6’ll come in okctober.

  3. Vodafone are…. well… not my favoured carrier… *coughs*
    Anyway…. enough with my personal thoughts on that topic.

    I hope this means I get Donut on my G1 (on Orange :) ) soon-ish. I really could do with the phone search option and some other fancies it offers.

  4. @FisherP: You might get disapointed, but most likely Donut won’t fit on the G1. The ROM on that phone just isn’t big enough. If you wan’t the features of Donut you should root your phone and install the latest cyanogen mod: http://www.cyanogenmod.com

  5. @ROB : I noticed on the Vodafone spec page they have “MP3 player” twice. I think it was obviously a mistake and one of them was suppose to be FM Radio :D

    Carl C ;)

  6. First of all:
    It was clear that the Tatoo had to launch with Donut, since only Donut supports the QVGA screen. And the Tatoo was confirmed to launch in October from the beginning, so Donut coming in October was already a given and not news ;)

    And second, @Jon:
    Donut is confirmed to come to the G1. It has only minor changes anyway. It will probably be Eclaire that won’t come to the G1, and even that is not confirmed.

  7. By the way:
    Funny that the page says “superfast internet on a 3.2″ touch screen” :D

  8. Even more funny its how it says on a 3.2″ display when on htc’s site it says the screen is 2.8″

    I suppose htc’s specs are more accurate

    How can you type on this thing ?

  9. wait, im confused? y do u say its shipping with Donut when all the picture and website say its shipping with SENSE IU

  10. Donut (Android 1.6) is the Operating System with its own User Interface.
    Sense the a UI that overlays on top of (or replaces the Andriod UI).

  11. Umm.. On the vodafone page: http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/shop/mobile-phone/htc-tattoo

    * Superfast internet on a 3.2″ touch screen
    * Screensize 2.8″

    And MP3 Player twice.
    You GO Vodafone!! *woo* (n)

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