Flash 10 Is Coming

adobe_flash_8A few weeks back we reported that Flash was heading into our corner of the world by the end of ’09?. And now it seems like the “?” just got dropped; or at the very least it was dropped for the mobile developers. Users can expect, well let’s just say hope for now, to be browsing their favorite Flash-based site in early 2010; as “Adobe’s CEO Shantanu Narayen said that multiple partners have already received an ‘early’ version of Flash 10”.

Names on the receiving end are our very own Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian and WebOS. Names not on the receiving list: iPhone, still.

The best part about this? With about eight-gazillion Android phones coming out this year, we get to take home the trophy on this one.  Phones that have already been released in the U.S., Europe and Canada; and the rest of the bunch ranging from the ridiculously anticipated Samsung I7500, to the HTC Hero and the Huawei 8230. Although an honorable mention goes out to WebOS for being the youngest OS on the list. Only being released last month to the public.

So here’s hoping that the mobile networks can handle the additional load that Flash is going to be bringing to our networks. And if not, best of luck.

[via PC World]

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