
Phandroid Podcast: Episode 1


Welcome to the first ever Phandroid Podcast! The goal is to record a Podcast every weekend, publishing it every Monday so you kids can kick off your work week right. Let us know what you think – we’re happy to take suggestions/opinions. We’ve had many, many requests for Phandroid Podcasts so I hope you all enjoy this!

The first mistake happens within about 20 seconds… we don’t introduce ourselves! So here are your Episode 1 Phandroid Podcast hosts:

  • Rob Jackson – that’s me and I’m the guy talking first on the Podcast.
  • Joey Sochacki (Devolio from AndroidForums.com) – he jumps in early with the “I want one” comment about the HTC Magic. By the way, Joey, that sounded like a Homer Simpson-esque, “Mmmmmm. Donuts.” Drooling over the Magic, aren’t ya?
  • Spencer Gardner – A contributing writer at Phandroid, Spencer jumps in with, “Yeah, yeah… well like for me, I’m a huge fan of the Android Software…”

Now you know who we are. Time to listen (and hopefully enjoy).

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Weekend Roundup: Podcast Edition

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HTC Magic Manual Leaks… Magically

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  1. In regards to the TeleNav/T-Mobile issue, the problem is North Carolina. T-Mobile’s not that great there, especially in the more rural eastern areas heading towards Jacksonville/Camp LeJune.

  2. And I was right near Camp Lejune. Although that doesn’t explain my problems in Baltimore where T-Mobile has 3G service.

  3. Great info. I don’t much care for Sprint, or T-mobile, but I really want an Android phone, so I guess I’ll stick it out with Sprint a while longer (if they don’t go under that is).

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Want to listen, but when visiting this page on my ANDROID G1 phone, it says I need to install the latest JAVA. Kinda like going to a Windows convention and given a disc with all the info on in but only playable on a MAC. Please update this podcast so we can listen to your ANDROID podcast on our ANDROID phones. Also, if you can put it in a .xml format so we can subscribe, that would be great and would guarantee that we don’t miss it. Thanks!

  5. Hhahahaha thanks for the comment Sean. I agree, it should work on your G1. Unfortunately the initial plugin I had running caused compatibility errors and I suppose the Audio Player that I replaced it with has an issue, too. I will look into a solution.

    As for your podcast comment, you can subscribe via http://feeds2.feedburner.com/PhandroidPodcast and we’re working on getting it synced with iTunes as well. We’ll be finding a home on the phandroid homepage/sidebar for the Podcast subscription button.

    Thanks for you input and sorry about the compatibility problem! We’ll get it fixed!

  6. Thanks for the quick reply….looking forward to listening every week!

  7. It would be cool if you would invite more famous people from Android scene. Like JesusFreke, LucidREM, harry_m, etc.

    Also the sound is too low. I was listening to it on my G1 with full volume on the device and earphones, and it could still have been better.

  8. Hello, Im a huge fan but im trying to download all the episodes of which the rest do have a link to download except episode 1. Could you provide the download link pleasssse it would be awesome

  9. I, too, am going back listening to the earlier podcasts and would appreciate access to Episode 1.

  10. HEY, i know it’s odd for me to be commenting on your first podcast even though we’re on 13 right now but i came in late to the game and started with EP.1 so here it is. i LOVE how you guys have an incredibly casual laid back and yet super informative atmosphere. and the fact that all three of you sound incredibly attractive is a plus i’ve been following android for only about two months and just found this site. thank you so much for keeping us all up to date with info and keep it comming!!!

  11. Hi,

    Just subscribed via ‘Listen’ lab app on T-Mobile Pulse (HTC something or other). Are the first two episodes available anywhere?

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