
Android G2 Dream Gets Alibaba-ed


Alibaba is an international business-to-business portal where, more often than not, international buyers connect with Chinese and Asian manufacturers. But if you search the site for Android it’ll sing you a sweet nursery song remix called Ali-Ba-Ba-Black Market have you any Androids. And yes sir, yes sir they have G2s:


Hmmmm… that definitely doesn’t look like the leaked G2 Pics from Gizmodo last week.

The above G2 listing is from a company called Star Glory Electronic which was founded in 2002. They’ve got 250 employees and an R&D team of 20 people. The most likely scenario is that they’re just calling this thing the Android G2 Dream because… they can. The only thing we can be sure about is that their employees are good at dressing in white and following directions:


We’re not surprised at any of this… at all. But what IS surpising is how many different devices on AliBaba are calling themselves the G2, Dream or some other play on the assumed upcoming brand line from HTC/TMO. We searched Alibaba for Andriod G2 and want to share some of the devices claiming rights to the same crown:

From Top Splendor International Trading:

The photoshop geniuses with a billion status notifications at Blong Electronics:

Or maybe they’ll just sell the G1 and call it the G2?

How about a Goonies version of the G2 called Chunk by Tin Hung Technology?

And the list goes on…


Is it safe to say that you would gladly stay impatient for a few more months rather than have one of these be the G2 that will inevitably launch? Oh yeah and hey, foreign countries? What are you doing with your spare time when it comes to like… law enforcement and trademark infringement and stuff like that? Hello?

[Thanks James!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. many of them have a QVGA (320×240), once again a display resolution problem? or just prototypes and nobody is interested…

    would be good to have some official info.

  2. This was genius btw, “…sing you a sweet nursery song remix called Ali-Ba-Ba-Black Market have you any Androids.”

  3. Hopefully we do see widgets like that soon!

  4. Hey, I was reading an engadget article earlier that had a comment in it that showed a guy offering a link for concepts of his wishful “G2.” This chinese site is probably using these pictures to scam people out of money.

    Heres the article,

    or you can google: “How would you change the G1”

    The post is the really long one. The link he offers is to a forum:


    apparantly the date on this forum post is October 18, which would give plenty of time for someone to make a bogus site.

    I read this blog everyday btw

  5. this is a offical phone 2 get

  6. Is this violating any copyright infringement? That’s Andriod G2 Dream… they just added Dream on the product’s name.

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