
Samsung Gear VR for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge is now available online for $199


samsung gear vr for s6

Samsung told us the Gear VR for their Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge would be available today, and sure enough you can go ahead and buy one. The virtual reality headset is available to buy online for $200. Unfortunately you won’t be able to head into Best Buy stores to buy it in person until May 15th, though waiting another week for the convenience of doing so hardly seems unfair.

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The Samsung Gear VR for the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge shouldn’t be all that dissimilar to the version we reviewed for the Galaxy Note 4 back in 2014. It’ll allow you to drop your phone in, slap it to your face and view videos and play games in virtual reality 3D goodness.

Samsung has been building a library of content fit for the headset which you can find within the Samsung Apps Store and Samsung’s Milk VR app. You can also view 360-degree videos on YouTube, an experience that’s absolutely nuts if you haven’t already tried it. Add to those facts that Samsung is teaming up with one of the leaders in consumer VR tech — Oculus Rift — and we’d have a hard time finding any reason not to buy one.

Unfortunately consumer-grade virtual reality is still in its infancy (which explains why they still call these things “Innovator Editions”) so there won’t be a huge repository of content waiting for you once you get it in your hands. That said, it’s always nice being on the cutting edge and being able to take it all in while it’s happening. Grab it from whichever source you prefer using the links ahead.

Samsung Gear VR for S6 and S6 Edge at Best Buy

Samsung Gear VR for S6 and S6 Edge at Samsung.com

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Father’s Day is June 21. Just sayin’

  2. Those of us who have preordered since the 24th are being told by Best Buy that all our orders are backordered now and won’t ship for 1-2 weeks. I placed a separate order with Samsung this morning, and got a tracking number in about an hour.

    1. That’s simply because Best Buy got swamped with pre-orders whereas Samsung faced very few. Samsung only gave so many Gear VRs since they expected the release to be similar to the Note 4 Edge, as in not it not so popular. They were wrong, and Best Buy has adjusted the amount of units available until they can order more from Samsung.

      1. Then why are people who ordered the minutes after it was available on the 24th also getting backordered status? Even if Best Buy over sold their pre order allotment, those that ordered it first thing should have been receiving them today.

        Also, Samsung never took preorders, Best Buy is the only company that took preorders.

        I see you work for Best Buy, makes sense that you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt.

  3. Stupid question but does this work with any other android phones?

    1. No

  4. I tried this thing on a Note 4 and couldn’t believe how pixelated the screen looked. Why is that, the note has a high res screen.

    1. first, the screen gets split in half sideways, so you lose some resolution there from the QHD res you see on paper. second, the pixel density has a lot to do with the pixelated or “screen door” effect and is supposed to be greatly reduced in the s6 model.

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