
AT&T’s Samsung Galaxy S5 gets Android 5.0 Lollipop



Samsung Galaxy S5 users on AT&T are now being treated to Android 5.0 Lollipop, or so says this handy support page on AT&T’s website. It’s largely the same Lollipop goodness you’ll find on Samsung’s other phones already fortunate enough to receive upgrades, but in case you haven’t been keeping up here’s what you can expect:

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  • Songs, photos, apps, and even recent searches from one Android device can be immediately enjoyed across all of your Android devices.
  • New User Interface look and feel, more fluid motions
  • Priority mode to only allow certain notifications to get through
  • Battery saving features and remaining time left to charge or deplete indicators
  • Smart Lock to secure phone or tablet by pairing it with a trusted device like a wearable or car
  • Most frequently used settings available with just two swipes down from the top screen

The update is a big one at 1.4GB, so you’ll want to hop onto WiFi and charge your battery to pull it down. When you’re ready for it all you’ll need to do is head to Settings > About Device > Software Update > Check For Updates. You’ll be looking for build LRX21T.G900AUCU3BOC4. Go ahead and check for it and let us know how you’re liking it once you have it installed!


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. ABOUT F****** TIME

    Now, about 5.1…

    1. good luck waiting for that. AT&T still has not given me my OTA for my Nexus 6 to 5.1 =)

      1. Just got the lollipop update for my att htc one m8!

    2. If you want to stay current, you need to turn elsewhere for your firmwares than the carrier. My S5 ROM just updated to 5.1 today although I haven’t tried installing it yet. I’ve been on 5.0.2 since Feb when I got my S5 (which I use on AT&T).

  2. Great news for people on AT&T! Verizon, time to step…oh who am I kidding, they probably only care about how they can put more carrier branding on future phones right now.

    1. They probably want to brand the batteries now lol.

  3. AT&T is one of the slowest carriers when it comes to OTA’s. Its become such a competition between all of them to see how many people they can piss off by holding out on releasing the OTA. I have a Chromebook so sideloading 5.1 on my Nexus 6 cannot be done. So I have been relying on AT&T to give me some OTA-love without having to restore without the SIM in. blah

    1. Yeah, I understand how bad they’re at their jobs. My Note 3 was with AT&T and it had GPS issues for about 5 months till it was partially fixed. After the KK update, my GPS told me to drive into a lake when I set it up in a parking lot. I just wanted to smash it because of AT&T.

    2. We’re still waiting over here at U.S. Cellular. No word yet when Lollipop 5.0 will be available for the Galaxy S5. :(

  4. ha! after I just complained yesterday about the S4 getting it first. Downloading it now.

  5. Any word yet on how this is; anyone got it running? I’m a little hesitant to install it after the debacle that was Verizon’s S5 Lollipop.

    1. It’s been great for me, but I did a factory reset yesterday before I knew it was coming

  6. I had no clue the S5 didn’t have lollipop yet.

  7. Been running 5.0.2 since I got my S5 in Feb. Not really a fan of un-removable carrier bloatware or restrictions, so I went with a T-Mobile S5 which I use on AT&T. Since T-Mobile doesn’t lock their bootloader like AT&T and Verizon, it was trivial to immediately slap Lollipop on there as soon as it arrived and I unlocked it. Runs great.

    I highly-encourage all AT&T users to say !@*#%& to AT&T and buy T-Mobile phones to use on AT&T. The frequency bands are identical.

  8. Love the update. I am very surprised that all the bloatware is finally gone. Thank you at&t

    1. The bloatware is gone? If so, I can’t tell which since I disabled quite a bit of it. Exactly which bloatware has been removed?

  9. I happened to factory reset last night not knowing this was coming. It’s been buttery smooth with no signs of common upgrade issues. It may be a pain, but factory reset before upgrading.

    Good update, seems worth the wait

  10. Looks like Note Edge on AT&T is also getting Lollipop today. My phone just started downloading something big. 1189.75 MB

  11. Getting mine now..and its taking forever!! Lol but I’m glad we’re finally getting the update

    1. Same here. Slow.

      AT&T: always last to the party

      1. It took almost 3 damn hours

  12. I checked for updates, so I got mine last night. Took over 3 hours to download. (my internet service is not nearly so speedy as they claim). Update went smooth, and fast, the reboot was slow enough to be scary, but the app updates went faster than I expected. All 341 of them. I did clear the system cache, because it seemed like my battery was going down faster than usual, but today seems about like normal. I like the new notifications, so far. Not so sure about do not disturb. I think it will be about what I had before in blocking mode, but it will take a couple of days to make sure (I use a schedule). I did have to do a separate update of google play services – some app was wanting it and balking. After that, not a problem. Where things look different, like the standard apps, I like the new look. Most of the apps I use haven’t changed.

  13. Still no Lollipop for S5 “Active” :(

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