
Google begins testing answers in auto-complete suggestions


Screenshot chrome answers

There was a time when Google didn’t try to guess what you were searching, or show your results instantly as you type. It’s hard to believe that Google hasn’t always had these important features. They’ve become so essential to what people expect from a Google Search. A new feature is being tested by Google that takes auto-complete and instant results to the next level.

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You can type certain questions in to Google and get a pretty little answer on top of the search results. Unlike the results that show up while you type, answers only show once you press enter. With this new feature enabled you can see answers to questions while you’re typing too. So if you type “Weather in New York” it will start showing before you complete the search. Here’s how to enable this.

  1. Open Chrome for Android
  2. Go to chrome://flags in a new tab
  3. Find the ‘Answers in Suggest’ flag
  4. Tap on the drop down box 
  5. Set it to ‘Enabled’

Now when you do a search in the omnibar you will see answers included in the suggested results. This feature further cuts down on the amount of time it takes to get an answer from Google. Getting your answers accurately and quickly is what makes people come back to Google every day. Are you going to enable this feature?

[via omgchrome]

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. I have the latest “stable” release 37.0.2062.120 and this is not an option for me.

    Maybe this is in a “beta” version?

    1. Yes.

      1. Screen shot

    2. nope…i’m betting you are looking at Chrome on your computer……this is mobile only. i did the same thing before looking at the screenshot above.

      1. Doh… my bad. Given this is a mostly mobile site, I guess that should have dawned on me – I was trying to see if this was on desktop chrome :)

  2. I just enabled from my phone from chrome beta to test. I love new features! It’ll be nice to see what Google thinks I should be am I getting lazy. Ok Google..find beer.

  3. I turned it on and so far it knows what I am thinking… LOL

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