
Hands-on: Sharp Aquos Crystal for Sprint [VIDEO]



We already learned pretty much everything there was to know about the Sharp Aquos Crystal, when the phone was officially announced for Sprint earlier today. But tonight, or own Kevin Krause is reporting live from a Sprint event where he was able to get up close and personal with the phone everyone is talking about.

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Touted as having virtually no bezel (despite its unsightly large chin), the Sharp Aquos Crystal is a departure from the standard cookie-cutter smartphone design we’re all used to. Because the top portion of the phone is solid LCD display, there’s not even room for an earpiece. Instead, the entire display acts as an earpiece, allowing users to place their ear anywhere they like for crystal clear calls. Here’s a quick rundown of the specs before we get to our hands-on:

Sharp Aquos Crystal hardware specs

  • 5-inch edge-to-edge HD display
  • Android 4.4.2 KitKat
  • Sprint Spark LTE
  • 8MP rear-facing and 1.2MP front-facing cameras
  • HD Voice
  • Embedded 2,040mAh battery (3-day battery life)
  • 1.2GHz quad-core processor
  • 1.5GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage
  • Harman’s Clari-Fi audio technology

The Sharp Aquos Crystal will be available later this year in either black or white varieties from Sprint for $240 straight up, or $10 a month with Sprint Easy Pay. Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile will also get their versions of the phone, with the black model headed to Virgin and white to Boost — both for only $150+tax. Not bad.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. “the entire display acts as an earpiece, allowing users to place their ear anywhere they like for crystal clear calls.”

    Say what??! That’s awesome.

    1. Bone conduction

  2. This is an great phone for the market it’s aiming for. SO inexpensive and quite the looker. It’s most likely going to be bought mainly by middle/high schoolers and moms which is why it’s a shame it’s getting thrown a bit under the bus by Android fans like us. It really is a fantastic option for people who don’t need what we need, and for 20 bucks?! That’s incredible.

    1. I think you overestimate the knowledge of both those groups. I’ve met people that have Android phones that don’t even know their devices run on Android.

      1. What does that have to do with his comment? He was commenting on the price and look for specifically targeted customers. He also pointed out the trashing a phone that’s not really aimed at the type of people who frequent boards like this doesn’t help matters. Whether consumers know what the OS is irrelevant.

  3. is that a Walgreens icon?? bloatware has sunk to new lows

  4. unlocked tmo version please!

  5. Well, this S5 owner is jealy of that camera opening so damn fast. Look forward to any camera comparisons and tech.

  6. interesting…wish it was on T-Mobile!!!

  7. At first, I thought that top picture was photoshopped. It’s not. I kind of love the way this phone looks. Some BoomSound speakers would go a long way!

  8. Pretty cool phone despite the Jay Leno chin.

    1. You goin’ take that Jay Leno chin.

  9. So the screen is plastic… is that the actual LCD substrate, or just a plastic front panel? Because if the whole screen is plastic then it’ll be extremely durable.

    1. When I saw how thick the phone was..I thought about plastic screen..the video just confirmed it for me….

    2. It’s a plastic screen? The name of the phone is kind of misleading then. Not that I thought it was crystal either, but well you know.

  10. Sprint needs to bring the Crystal X out here. Smaller physical dimensions than the G3, and very close to G2,with 5.5 screen and high end specs? Yes, please.

    1. I thought it was a five inch screen? That .5 makes makes a huge difference since that’s half an inch, which is a noticeable amount. =.P

      1. The Crystal is 5.0. The Crystal X is 5.5, with higher end specs, and dimensions physical dimensions are very close to the LG G2 dimensions. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Gorgeous-frame-less-Sharp-Aquos-Crystal-smartphone-coming-to-Sprint-tomorrow_id59467
        If you scroll down to the 2nd half of the Phone Arena article, it talks about the Crystal X, its specs and dimensions, and also mentions it likely to be Japan exclusive with no word of it coming to the US.

    2. Yep. The X I’d consider. This may be a big seller for Sprint, because of the unique style and price point, but it won’t sell to me with those specs.

      1. It could be a big seller, just for the pricepoint. For mid-tier specs, it’s priced really well. Realistically, the specs are somewhat close to the Moto G (and maybe the G2). If Softbank/Sprint brought the Crystal X out here, that thing could really give the G3 a run for its money.

        1. Give the G3 a run for its money. Maybe in the same way my 2002 Chrysler Sebring could give a 2014 BMW a run for its money.

          1. That analogy doesn’t really make any sense. The Crystal X has identical internals to the G3, and is slightly smaller. If you’re going to make a car comparison, at least make it comprehensively intelligent…like…a 1994 Ford Probe GT vs. 1994 Mazda MX-6 v6….(Same internals, different external body) Or 2004 Chrysler Sebring v6 vs. a 2004 Merrcedes C320 v6 (Same engine, very different bodies). Your analogy compares two (2) different MY’s, and are completely different chassis w/ no reference to engine or anything.

          2. sober up before trying to make sense please

    3. Perhaps by years end,the CRYSTAL X will land for SPRINT,depending on how you interpret the last statement from this article:


    4. honestly i rather this one with the x internals…5″ is a perfect screen size if to big 5.5″ is stupid

  11. It uses Sim card? Hmmmm. Unlock and use T-Mobile right? Or no? Different bands?

    1. Sprint = CDMA.

      T-Mobile = GSM

      So…. no :/

      1. Would it work on Verizon? They’re CDMA if I’m not mistaken.

        1. Verizon doesn’t allow phones that they don’t sell themselves or pre-approve in some way. They’re nazis about their network.

  12. it looks like an upside down phone.

    1. My OCD’s flaring!

  13. You know what kills phones? Carrier exclusivity

    1. Ya man, that’s exactly right.

    2. Though its completely possible no other carrier wanted to stock this phone besides Sprint.
      This is probably the most likely case.

    3. Yes and no. The Galaxy Note 1 was exclusive to AT&T and is doing really well. Hopefully they just test the waters and it goes well and they bring the sequel elsewhere.

  14. God help me. Why do I like this phone…LOL

    1. Because it looks like something from science fiction instead of something from a focus group.

    2. Probably because it’s a decent phone with an acceptable asking price.

  15. Thank you for telling us where the speaker is! I’ve read at least a dozen blog entries and you’re is the ONLY one to provide this information.

  16. This is a step in the right direction. Now let’s see those flexible displays and other technologies implemented.

    1. What does one really need a flexible display for?

      1. So you can have both a phone AND a tablet roll up inside something the size of a pen(!).


        1. And exactly how would you roll up the battery?

          1. This might come as a shock, but batteries come in all shapes and sizes, even… cylindrical.

          2. dude I can’t wait!

      2. Why does one need a Smart Tv when the tube Tv worked fine? With time comes better innovations with the things we use on a daily basis. You obviously haven’t saw a good flexible display yet, they look amazing.

  17. I hope, when it’s launched, that it will come with more focus.!

  18. I honestly might buy the Virgin Mobile or Boost model for $150 and just use it as a backup wifi phone. Surf the web, Netflix, Music playback, ect. My GN3 can do all those things, but this phone has me interested.

  19. Not really my cup of tea but I applaud Sharp and Softbank. The more decent sub $300 phones on the market the better. After using a Nexus the idea of paying $500+ for a phone just does not appeal to me anymore.

  20. it looks like the back of a digital camera…

    1. Hahah yes!

  21. Bring the high-end version from Japan and I’m in, otherwise this just doesn’t have the specs anymore.

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