
Latest Sony Xperia Z3 FCC filing helps confirm rumors the phone is headed to T-Mobile (come to papa)


Sony Xperia-Z3-picture-leak_1

Early reports of a Sony Xperia Z3 supporting T-Mobile specific 700MHz band 12 LTE were brought to light a few weeks ago when the device (D6603) passed through the FCC. Although a pretty good indication of where the device could be headed, it wasn’t enough to make any strong conclusions.

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For those that needed further confirmation that the Xperia Z3 will soon make its home on T-Mobile, some all new testing reports were recently published, showing — wouldn’t you know it — further support for T-Mobile’s network. Everything from 850MHz (3G/4G band 5), to 1900MHz (band 2) and 1700/2100 MHz (band 4) were all present, as well as the previously mentioned LTE 700MHz (band 12), 1900MHz (band 2), 1700/2100 MHz (band 4). So what does this tell us? Well, the specific combination of frequencies in question helps fill in some of the holes from the previous report and leads us to believe there is a damn good chance the phone is being tested on T-Mobile’s network.

So far, it seems every major US carrier missed the chance to offer the Sony Xperia Z2 on their networks although it’s still rumored to launch on Verizon Wireless later this year. With T-Mobile possibly being one of the few carriers to offer the new version (which is rumored to carry very similar in specs to the original), the Uncarrier is looking better all the time.

[FCC via TmoNews]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Z2s….

    1. Which isn’t a bad thing. Many consider the Z2 one of the best Android phones out right now (myself included).

      1. Does it still have the washed out screen the of the z and z1s? Nothing beats the HTC one m8 display to me.

        1. No. The Z2 uses a much improved IPS display that has the viewing angles everyone likes without getting washed out. As well as front facing speakers.

          1. @UMA_Fan:disqus
            As an owner of both the Z2 and HTC One M8, I can say the M8 display is better quality. The Z2 isn’t bad by any means, just isn’t as vibrant, white, or clear. Also, the front facing speakers on the Z2 are complete garbage compared to anything. Barely audible.

          2. Yeah you can blame the waterproofing on the speakers, nowhere near as good as Boomsound which besides that and the screen are really the only thing worth it on an M8, the camera is crap.

          3. I wouldn’t say “crap.” It could be better, but it definitely gets the job done. I almost always like the way images come out (plus it’s super fast to launch, snap a pic, and save).

          4. Right the term “crap” might have a bit harsh, it has some potential but only in certain scenarios like all cell phone cameras. I don’t think HTC is going the correct route with this “Ultrapixel” sensor they are using. Like you said the positive of it is its fast.

          5. Have you fiddled with the built in white balance settings? RGB 5/35/60 works well on mine but I see a lot of users using 5/35/80.

          6. I have not but thanks for the heads up. WIll give it a shot in a bit.

      2. I know, i actually want to buy a Z2 as well. I am just pointing out that it’s more of a Z2s rather than a Z3 that everyone keeps calling it.

    2. Sony’s release cycle is six months. This will be the Z3.

  2. Really, 700mhz band? That is great. Heres’ hoping that the note 4 will also have 700.

  3. So the specs are???

    1. Z2 in a slimer body

  4. Beware… as an owner of the Xperia Z1S I can tell you it’s been all but abandoned by T-Mobile. Still waiting on KitKat

    1. Ironic of you to post this now, as kitkat just came out today for it.

      1. Yeah, I’ve been away from the forums for a week or so and didn’t see this coming.

        The fact remains that because it’s a carrier exclusive, it has a limited user base, and there are almost no decent accessories for it.

        1. Compared to the fact they always seems to be in short supply

    2. My Sony Xperia Z1s for T-Mobile runs on Android 4.4.4 KitKat.

  5. Too bad, a potentially good phone on a crappy network.

    1. Perhaps you shouldn’t speak for everybody, T-Mobile is Phenomenal in my area. Thanks.

    2. T-Mobile is fine in CT.

  6. If it comes to magenta I just hope that bootloader isn’t locked down like on the zand z1s

  7. when in gods name will the z2 come out for verizon…

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