
Samsung reveals golden Samsung Galaxy S5


galaxy s5 gold 2

Samsung has revealed a golden color option for their 2014 smartphone. It’s the Samsung Galaxy S5 in gold. Not real gold, mind you, but perhaps it’ll be enough to make you feel like a bit more of a baller.

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We reckon it’s the same device under the hood, which you can read about in our Samsung Galaxy S5 review right here. It looks like Samsung has applied the gold styling to both the back cover and the faux-chrome strip that stretches around the edge of the device. Neato. So where can you buy it? Samsung says it’s headed to all major carriers here in the United States, though Verizon customers will have to get it through indirect retail channels (whatever that’s supposed to mean). Look for it starting May 30th.

galaxy s5 gold 1

[via Samsung]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Now it officially looks like a bandaid.

    1. Maybe there’s a google play edition (gold colored one) coming with a bandaid label on it as an advertisement. As we all read today, google can advertise on anything.

  2. Cool looking phone.

  3. Been available in South Africa since launch

    1. Still waiting on blue (and the Google Play edition)

      1. Any word on when blue will come

  4. Meh

  5. Ugh, Samsung should stick to the basic colors because they gold option looks horrid, compared to HTC and the upcoming LG G3

    1. The HTC m8 is absolutely hideous.

      1. And if you think the S5 look better, you must be wearing beer goggles

        1. Says who? It’s a matter of preference isn’t it?

          1. Says me, and I feel you wearing beer Google’s… My Opinion…BooM, that did just happen

          2. Lol. But yeah, the gold m8 is hideous, words from the verge. Com

          3. Awe man, I listen to nothing the verge says , that is one of the main websites I never base anything off of, alot of people hate the verge… Real talk. But you right about what u said earlier. It’s all about preference

          4. Yes it is. And yeah I don’t usually listen to the verge but I do agree with them on that though.

          5. No one cares about the Verges opinion… and both are hideous but the M8 is better option if I had to choose between the 2.

  6. Samsung needs to do a lot more than extend its color offerings if it is going to make anyone feel like a “baller”. I went to lunch with two guys today — one with a Note 3, one a GS4; the fake chrome bands on both were chipped and damaged badly making their phones look cheap and used. Definitely not the “shot caller” look.

    1. So you’re saying they should offer a free chrome nail polish bottle with every purchase? Lol

  7. Didn’t think the S5 could look any more tacky.

    I was wrong.

  8. #BandaidBallin’

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