
Google Now update helps you remember where you parked your car


google now parking

Google Now just keeps getting better and better. The latest update adds a handy new feature for those who can’t seem to remember where they parked their cars. The app will use its location wizardry to figure out where you parked your car, and will remind you of its location should you happen to forget.

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It won’t pinpoint its exact coordinates for you, but should give you a pretty good idea of its general area and save you the time it’d take to hunt it down. Neat. Simple. Useful. One of those features you didn’t know you needed, but might come to appreciate should you ever happen to get a mild case of amnesia. The update is rolling out now over in the Google Play Store so point your phone there and let it go to work.

[via Google+]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Lovely. I had an app for this. Its great to have things all in one place.

    1. U said it broham, very useful addition

    2. How often do you lose your car?

      1. I used to work as a contract worker in downtown Houston. I would forget where exactly I parked. Some of the parking lots look the same. =.[

        *has no sense of directions*

  2. That wouldn’t do a whole lot for those underground parking structures — unless you actually couldn’t remember which structure you parked in. I’d be a little worried if you were able to drive and couldn’t remember the general area in which you parked.

    1. It’s useful if you’re in a part of town you’re not familiar with, or even when on vacation somewhere unfamiliar. Especially if it’s a dense city where every street looks the same.

  3. I want Google to roll out 4.4.3

  4. So if you have a Google self driving car you can hit the “Come to me” button or say “Ok Google Now, pick my drunk ass up” your self driving car will get you now? That’s neat

    1. Batman had it first.

      1. Knight Rider had it first.

        1. Chaka from Land of the Lost had it first… Oh wait, he couldn’t drive, could he?

  5. Ours just got stolen. : (


  6. Parking is the biggest problem in departmental stores. Now I knows where to go.

  7. I went to the orange bowl in miami this past season and this app would have been very useful that night! drinks + excitement + new atmosphere = cant remember where i parked my damn car! good thing i had a remote with alarm. I got in the general area and hit the alarm button to find it. lol!

  8. Love Google now, but does it seem the weather doesn’t show up much anymore? Wish my gear would use Google now.

    1. My Google Now weather still shows up, but it’s moved further down the list I’ve noticed…seem to get updates to websites I’ve visited more so near the top now.
      Still love GNow.

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