
Mobile Roar Podcast 35: CarPlay, Cortana, and The Oscars


This week the guys are back from MWC to talk mobile news. Apple makes iOS in the car official with “CarPlay,” Microsoft’s Siri-competitor leaks on video and makes it onto The Tonight Show, and Samsung steals The Oscars. Also, LG made a really weird commercial and a 8-year-old is making apps. All of that, and more, in episode 35 of the Mobile Roar Podcast! Thanks for listening!

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Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. Regarding the Google vs Apple car stuff, I feel like Google is going to release theirs to work with iOS just like they do their apps. It may not work quite as well on iOS but because it works with both car manufacturers will be drawn to it more. That’s just my prediction though, it seems silly to only really support one type of phone with a $20k+ purchase.

  2. If only the car manufacturers didn’t have to worry about the revenue they’d get, from charging premium prices on “I.C.E.” (e.g. In Car Entertainment). I’m fine with their doing that, but at some point (just like Edgar mentioned), I hope that they create away for “options.” For those people that don’t use smartphones, or aren’t very tech savvy, they can provide an option for a system that is a built-in/integrated system. For smartphone users, I’d love for them to provide an option that would either allow the ability to emulate their smartphone onto a built in touch screen (via simple USB connection), which would sync to the car’s system with a dedicated app…or…if they were truly ambitious, it’d be awesome if they created a way to have wireless emulation.

    Right now, I already use my Note 8 tablet, as my dedicated media player in my car. It’s actually so much easier for me to switch through to different tracks on my Note 8 tablet, than pressing buttons on the stereo, since the swype functionality on PowerAmp allows me to switch through tracks without ever needing to look down. Give me a car with a touchscreen monitor that can emulate either my tablet or phone, but also integrate into the car’s system (so, for certain manufacturers like benz, it would tap into the steering wheel controls)…I’m all about that.

  3. on the LG ad… the mariachi dude says “thanks” in dutch when he leaves, adding to the weirdness.

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