
Pebble announces luxurious new Steel watch, upcoming app store and new partners


Nothing like the biggest tech event of the year to announce an awesome new product. Pebble has what you need if you have been looking for a smartwatch that doesn’t look like an adult toy. Need a watch that will give you some style? The Pebble Steel is here!

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The new watch comes in 2 new options: matte black, or silver stainless steel (both come with a metal and leather strap). The Pebble Steel comes with the same features as the regular Pebble, only you now get the ePaper display, water proof support, Gorilla Glass, and more.

App store launching this month


Pebble also announced its new app store, which will be available directly from the Pebble app. You will be able to download all your apps and watch faces straight from your device and transfer them to your watch — all on-the-go.

The app store will be available to Pebble users later in January.

New partners

If you are not seriously considering getting a Pebble yet, you might get more excited with the new partnerships Pebble announced. Once the app store launches, users will have access to the Pandora, ESPN and Mercedes-Benz apps. Other apps include Yelp, Foursquare, GoPro and iControl.

Price and availability: is the Pebble Steel worth it?

The Pebble Steel will cost you an extra $100! This means it will cost $249, and it will begin shipping on January 28.

I happen to love the new design and it seems like the display is even bigger. The original Pebble does look a bit “toyish” to me (just like all other smartwatches). It’s nice to see Pebble bringing more mature-looking options to the market.

Is the Pebble Steel worth the extra $100, though? It depends on your taste. As for me, I am kinda liking the one with the leather strap.



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  1. It would be perfect without “PEBBLE” plastered on the front

    1. What are you talking about? Pebble is not plastered on the front.

      1. Wait, what are you talking about? The pebble steel has pebble plastered under the display, are you blind?

        1. Maybe they’re saying they don’t mind it. I’m looking at it, and I don’t mind “Pebble” being there. It doesn’t seem too out of place IMO.

          I tried to think about it from your point-of-view and I was like, “I don’t see the problem.” LoL!!

    2. I was thinking the same thing. All these smartwatches look like garbage to me but the pebble steel has that professional look in my opinion. something I can wear to the office but the world pebble on the front just totally screwed it up for me.

    3. I think most watches have the name of the manufacturer on the face.

    4. I felt the same way when I got my first Casio watch….NOT.

  2. I would actually be interested in the stainless steel model. I’d have to see it first hand, but it almost looks like an ordinary watch.

  3. This is the first smartwatch that actually looks appealing to me. I’m glad Pebble is planning on staying in the game.

    1. yup, when they released the plastic one, i was like.. uh.. i ain’t wearing no plastic watch.. now they got their stuff together, it looks nice.

    2. Just out of curiosity, what about the Omate? Same price, sapphire crystal, waterproof, & It’s also a full phone for GSM plans.

  4. $250….totally not happening. Looks hawt to trot, but not happening.

  5. Nah.. I’m good.

  6. Still couldn’t pay me enough to wear any smart watch.

    1. You gotta be a watch person, which some people just are not. I am. And I would pay $250 for a “dumb” watch, so why wouldn’t I pay $250 for a smartwatch that I found attractive and durable.

  7. It looks nice. But I’m rough on my watches so I need sapphire crystal. Keep trying manufacturers!

  8. I’ll give it a shot i really like the design, so if the functionality and the support is there i’m IN….!!!!

  9. Luxurious? WHo’s on Pebble’s design team; Frankenstein?

    1. I kinda like the new Pebble, but I gotta say, I loved this comment. Pretty damn funny.

  10. I know I’m probably in the minority on this, but while these products are certainly improving in terms of design and usability, I just can’t get excited about them becoming a part of every day life.

    To me, smart watches (and glass) just scream, “What’s happening on my phone is much more important than what’s happening in front of me!!!”

    At least you can silence your phone and put it in your pocket. The smart watch is just always there. Do we really need to be THAT connected?

    1. and you can silense your pebble too! You can turn notifications off for when you don’t want them, or set a ‘do not disturb’ time period as well. Regarding your point “What’s happening on my phone is much more important than what’s happening in front of me!!!” I find I’m uising my phone less and less. You can see what has come in when, and then choose to reply immediately, later or not at all. I use mine in all sorts of ways, when connected as a trusted devied it bypasses the lockscreen on my phone for example. If I walk out of range or if it gets stolen, the phone locks itself!. Playing music through my car with my phone out of reach and being able to skip tracks is so useful.

  11. Got the Sony Smartwatch 2 with the metal wristband for $200 from Best Buy. I think I can pass on this.

  12. Sіeոոа.­&nbspyօս­&nbsptհіոk­&nbspոісօle`s­&nbspreрօrt­&nbspіs­&nbsp sհօсkіոg,­&nbspyesterdаy­&nbspі­&nbspрісked­&nbspսр­&nbspа­&nbspgreаt ­&nbspոew­&nbspMсLаreո­&nbspF1­&nbspsіոсee­&nbspgetіոg­&nbspа­&nbsp сհeсk­&nbspfօr­&nbsp$4726­&nbsptհіs­&nbspраst­&nbspmօոtհ­&nbspаոd ­&nbspwօսld­&nbspyօս­&nbspbelіeve,­&nbsp10-k­&nbsptհіs­&nbspраst-mսոtհ.­&nbspіt’s­&nbspсertаіոly­&nbspmy­&nbspfаvօսrіte-wօrk­&nbspі­&nbspհаve­&nbspever­&nbspdօոe.­&nbspі­&nbspstаrted­&nbsptհіs ­&nbspfօսr­&nbspmօոtհs/аgօ­&nbspаոd­&nbspрretty­&nbspmսсհ­&nbspіmmedіаtely­&nbspstаrtаd­&nbsp mаkіոg­&nbspmօre­&nbsptհаո­&nbsp$81..­&nbspрer-հr.­&nbspі­&nbspսse­&nbsptհe­&nbspdetаіls­&nbspօո­&nbsptհіs­&nbspwebsіte,,…&nbspWW&#87&#46Festivals&#78ewYear2014activitybusiness&#46&#113&#114&#x2E&#110&#x65&#x74&#x2F&#x6D&#x4Bl&#x6A/

    ✹✹✹ ✹✹✹✹ ✹⿾✹✹ ✹✹✹✹ ✹✹✹✹This is the first smartwatch that actually looks appealing to me. I’m glad Pebble is planning on staying in the game.

  13. I find it ironic that they want to charge $100 more to make a better looking device. It looks nice but not $100 nicer.

  14. will stick to my traditional pebble, but i think this is a great jumping on point for first timers. I use mine in all sorts of ways, when connected as a trusted devie it
    bypasses the lockscreen on my phone for example. If I walk out of range
    or if it gets stolen, the phone locks itself!. Playing music through my
    car with my phone out of reach and being able to skip tracks is so

  15. There are two options, not three. Stainless Steel, or Matte Black. Both options include a leather band as well as the metal band.

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