
AT&T links up with Rogers to provide international LTE roaming in Canada



AT&T customers who often find themselves north of the border will be happy to know that you won’t be without LTE should you decide to travel up there from now on. AT&T has announced a deal with Rogers that will allow their customers to hop onto the Canadian carrier’s LTE networks in the event that they have to travel up there. This makes AT&T the first carrier to offer international LTE roaming.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

“Our agreement with Rogers affirms our commitment to deliver superior international coverage to our customers,” said Bill Hague, executive vice president, International, Alliances and Integrations, AT&T Mobility. “AT&T customers already have access to the nation’s fastest, most reliable 4G LTE network while in the United States and now they can enjoy LTE speeds while roaming in Canada.”

Rogers’ LTE network supposedly reaches 70% of Canadians, and that number is expected to grow in 2014. The roaming options available are the same options you get for AT&T global roaming plans for HSPA+ data and GSM voice:

120MB for $30/mo; 300MB for $60/mo; and 800MB for $120/mo

That’s a steep price to pay, but we suppose if you really need data when you’re abroad then it’s one of (not the only) choice you’ve got. Be sure to try it out on your next trip up to the Great White North.

[via AT&T]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. F*** that, find a restaurant for free wifi or use it at the hotel.

    1. Right, because that’s always practical.

      1. If you can’t find a local restaurant with free wifi you’re not practical, hell buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

        1. It’s great that works for you. Some people would prefer to simply not have to worry about finding a WiFi access point when they want to use their data. People like you just absolutely blow my mind. “Oh I have new options that I didn’t before? F**k that!”

          1. I guess you have money growing out of your ass to pay those outrageous prices. I know I don’t and unless you’re in a rural area finding a McDonald’s or Starbucks or a coffee shop offering wifi is relatively easy and financially easier on the wallet.

          2. Rural area is a key element for some… But that’s why I’m going with T-Mo when my contract is up. FREE international roaming data… Though it isn’t 4g, it will help with my data withdrawals till I get to a bigger city.

          3. I don’t do any international traveling but I’m glad to know tmobile has my back whenever I may get the chance to

  2. I know it isn’t always an option but couldn’t you just grab a local SIM for way cheaper?

    1. In 90% off cases, absolutely.

  3. People, if you don’t already have your device unlocked, get on that. It you’re not in the USA, ie traveling, and your phone isn’t unlocked, pay a few bucks and do that right then and there. In most every case it will be cheaper for you to grab a local prepaid SIM, especially if it’s an extended time you will be there.

  4. Next tmobile fires back with worldwide LTE roaming

  5. Don’t you Americans have a wireless company that specializes in roaming packages? Up here in Canada we have Roam Mobile while sells SIM cards to you and you can load them up for a day’s worth of data/txt/call useage, 3 days, 7 days, etc. Very cheap too, I think $3.99/day for a generous amount of data.

  6. Is this a 2 way deal? Or are we Canadians just getting shafted with more crowded LTE traffic with not so much as a discount?

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