For those unaware, Twitter and Instagram have been going at it for quite some time now. The social networking behemoths have been distancing themselves from each other ultimately leading to Instagram pulling picture previews off of Twitter completely. Yeah, things are gettin’ rough out there.
Today the feud continues with Twitter introducing their own photo filters into their app, allowing tweeters to get apply retro style filters to their uploads, compliments of Aviary. Because smartphones outfitted with top of the line 8MP sensors is great and all, but they just aren’t low quality enough. Unfortunately, there’s only 8 filters currently available and, not to sound like a hipster but… all of them pretty much suck. Also, if Twitter thinks this is the single reason users flock to Instagram in the first place, they’re sadly mistaken.
Instagram isn’t taking the Twitter update laying down, rolling out an update of their own update almost simultaneously as Twitter’s. Instagram’s latest addition? Not the much requested ability to add a collage of images, or even display the app in landscape mode — it’s a filter. A single, solitary filter named “Willow.” How does it look? Well, it’ s simply a less contrasty black and white filter. Good one, IG. Way to stick it to ’em.
[Google Play Links: Twitter | Instagram]
I deleted the Instagram app from my Galaxy S3. F’m. They can enjoy their lonely little isolated island of connectivity without me. Thanks, Twitter, for the photo editing capability for posting. That’s all I used Instagram for anyway. It will only get better over time.
Funny. I don’t even care about Instagram’s photo filters, just the social network in general. Sharing life experiences through photos-only is fun to me. *shrugs*
I feel the exact same way Chris. Haha its more of the “social network” aspect that I prefer especially when you see what your friends are seeing through their perspectives. By the way this is the guy who talked about you getting swag jacked during #droidrage from phil at AC. Haha whats up?
I’d much rather use pixlr express and then share it on twitter.
Or Snapseed :D
Snapseed ftw
I’d rather just share on Facebook and give both Instagram and Twitter the heave-ho. If only Google+ had more users…
But Facebook owns Instagram so technically you’re still on it.
LOL, seeing how FB bought Instagram I’d say it’s the other way around. If you are on Instagram now you are on FB.
twitter and instagram should get a room and stop boring us with their melodramatic fights.
Aviary is the way and the light.
What’s Instagram?
Instagram for iOS version 3.2 is currently available for download in Apple’s App Store, and Instagram for Android version 3.3 is now available on Google Play.Read more