
T-Mobile G2x gets bug-fixing update over-the-air (for real, this time)


It seems like we can’t go a week without hearing that an update for the T-Mobile G2x has been made available and promptly pulled. After a few frustrating cycles of this happening, it appears the update is finally, truly ready to go out this time.

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The update was made available via an over-the-air process. Because of that, don’t worry if you can’t pull it down right away – they’re most likely going to take the staggered route. Device boot fixes, fixes for random reboots, and improvements to WiFi calling are all part of this smallish 30.5MB package.

Over-the-air updates will cease May 14th, but T-Mobile has mentioned that there will be an update file available for PCs on that day. Hit the source link for the full changelog and download instructions. [T-Mobile]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Where’s my &%# ICS?

    1. Yeah, good luck getting that. 

      1. Is there any kind of walk through? I have never rooted a phone, and I’m actually terrified of bricking my phone. 

  2. lets see if this happens,but i think its a day late and a dollar short! I’m already waiting for my next phone. i usually hand down my phones but this one is getting destroyed!!!! stayed tuned for my YouTube video of my g2x being destroyed. lol

  3. HEEEEY….where’s the cream filling?

  4. I feel bad for anyone still using this phone. Couldn’t get rid of that pos fast enough.

    1. Exactly.  I’m glad I dumped that POS.

    2. If I could afford to get a new phone, I would dump my G2x. I will NEVER buy an LG phone again. Ever. 

      1. Same here. I feel like I work for LG as a battery removing employee that came with the phone 

  5. Development community saved this phone, ie Hellfire, Eaglesblood..Rom it and its smooth like butter!!!

    1. XDA and Hellfire have made this a pretty awesome device.  Custom ROM, overclocked.  BOOM.  Smooth.

  6. T Mobile and this phone is the worst POS on the block. Now I’m stuck with this POS Galaxy S two shitty ass phones that’s on T Mobile.

  7. Hey that didn’t take long, I’m only on ICS now which is probably my 1684161861 ROM I’ve flashed. Thanks LG!

  8. I guess this is the sure sign we aren’t getting ICS regardlessof what LG says.  Geez…what a shocker.  What as I expecting…POS phone made by a POS company.  I just can’t believe TMO has done nothing to rectify this situation, and I don’t mean giving something back to those of us that bought the phone, but at least put pressure on LG to step and right what was wrong from the get go. LG…never again….OH and LG…what OTA huh? What happens to those of us who have a handset that gets an “authentication error” every time we try to check for an OTA update. That problem has been there since day one. Neither I, nor TMO, nor LG have been able to figure this one out. So I guess I will now have to wait two more weeks with a phone that barely functions because the LG updater tool won’t be live till May 14? Bravo LG. Bravo.

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