
Infographic: Do you use your smartphone for job searching?


Smartphones have become our go-to devices for a plethora of tasks. Undoubtedly, we have become much more productive when on-the-go. And according to an infographic provided by JIBE, this is also the case for those that are looking for employment.

It is usual to find companies that have gotten rid of paper applications. But the process has started to turn mobile, as well. According to a study conducted by Kelton Research, about 86% of job-seeking smartphone owners use their mobile device to find employment.

This comes as a rather surprising statistic – job searching may be convenient when done via a smartphone, but what is more surprising is the amount of people applying to jobs directly from their phones. According to this study, 47% of mobile job seekers will not wait until getting home to apply. They will simply apply straight from the device.

Also, 55% will sign up for available job alerts. And 23% share the information via e-mail, while 19% does the same via social networks. But while the convenience of mobile job searching can be enticing, it has its downsides.

Users complain that most career sites are not yet optimized for mobile, making the experience a bit more tedious. Furthermore, multiple tasks are hard to perform. Such discrepancies may cause the other 14% to find other ways of looking for a dream job.

As these issues start getting fixed, though, we can see a much larger transition to the newest way of finding employment. More and more sites are starting to optimize their sites for mobile, and multi-tasking is being improved by features like the Galaxy Note 10.1’s multi-screen functionality.

Thankfully, Android is very good at multi-tasking (while not perfect). I know I have found multiple jobs thanks to my phone (of course). But what about you? Have you used your smartphone to find a job? Do you prefer filling out a paper application and make direct contact with your employer?

[Via: Mashable]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. 53% of people that would obviously still use a iphone…

    1. I had to refer back to the chart and I like what you did there.

    2. Hard to believe anyone would find multitasking difficult on any Android…they must be iPhone users…

  2. Yes I do. Thanks for asking.

  3. I dont. I need to be at a PC for that. I like bookmarking stuff, some stuff might need to write down a mailing address. 

    I just dont do major typing on my smartphone. Texting and searching….thats about ti.

    1.  Agree. I swoop through the search engines, bookmark everything interesting, sort, tune up my resume for each of the best postings and only then send. Sending the same template resume to everyone is plain dumb, and is only appropriate for fresh-grads with no experience.

      1. You can do all that from your phone is you just get in tune with it.

    2. You can bookmark pages on android lol 

      1. Yea you can. I just like the flexibility and ease of doing it at a PC. Sorting, naming bookmarks, multiple bookmark folders, etc.

        Or if using Google Bookmarks different tags, etcs.

        And like was mentioned…specific resumes…its easier doing that at a PC. Unless I have all that on my phone. Then you gotta worry about formatting getting messed opening or editing a resume on the phone, unless you have something like Quick Office…

        Its just easier for me to do it at a PC…my PC. One of my mottos is work smart, not hard. If its a lil harder for me to do it on my phone….it wont get done on my phone.

  4. Yes I do, but I don’t apply for the job unless im on a computer (unable to upload resume).

    1. You can upload resumes from your Android phone. I have done it countless times. Just landed a job at alltel from my Verizon Nexus.

      1. smartphones are taken over. We can do anything with them.

    2. what do you mean with the office application, all you have to do it is send it to your email and save it.

  5. in my field, most jobs are through networking so no for me.

  6. I just landed a job at alltel, from my Verizon Galaxy Nexus : )

  7. I went into Best Buy the other day. Asked for a application. They said it was online. Makes sense being an electronics store.

    1. Good luck with that. Their online app takes about an hour. They never call. If you call them, they won’t tell you anything.

  8. Yes, I do, and I just landed a job with Sprint this past Thursday.

  9. I got a job at at&t entry level sales job. Been without a job for too long.

    1. congratulations

  10. My evolution got me a few jobs. This phone does everything for me.

    1. it is amazing the things we can do on these devices .

  11. It is easier to look for jobs on your smartphone specially on craigslist. applications like indeed, career builder need to do a better job making it easier for us to apply.

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