
Tegra 3 Quad-Core HTC One X goes through FCC, ready to be imported


The HTC One X is arguably the best device announced at Mobile World Congress. But it was a disappointment for US customers to learn that the AT&T 4G LTE version (HTC One XL) would come with a dual-core processor, instead of a Tegra 3 quad-core one. If you happen to fall under that category, it will come as good news that the Tegra 3 HTC One X has been FCC certified and is ready to be imported.

The device will not be supported officially (unless another carrier decides to offer it). But the FCC has certified that the international version is compatible with AT&T’s radios. One can simply import it and stick a SIM card in.

Of course, you will be stuck with HSPA+, as opposed to LTE. But that is something many of us can live with. Especially if the device comes packed with a Tegra 3 processor. If you have been looking to get all the benefits the HTC One X has to offer, it looks like this might be the best bet.

What do you guys say? Is anyone importing this quad-core beast?

[Source: FCC Via: PocketNow]

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. At&t? Who cares?

    1. Strange, everyone I know in real life who is on At&t without an iPhone has absolutely no problem with their network.

      People on these blogs exaggerate the issue. Most people on At&t
      with reception issues have an iPhone, the iPhone antenna is the culprit,
      not the network

      1. Strange, everyone I know in real life who is on at&t with/without an iPhone absolutely has problems with it.

        Bad reception, dropped calls, slow data, overpriced, horrible customer service, etc.

        Such a horrible network/company.

        1. YEP!!! 

      2.  Att service is Mega Crap, plain and simple.

    2. I’ll make sure to rub my HTC One X and One XL in your face that way I’ll give you something else to not care about

      1. Why? The phone itself sucks too

      2. Oh look. Another ICS phone that isn’t all touch screen. I guess no one is going along with Google and their Galaxy Nexus. Can I have my search button please?   http://zna.me/6455

  2. Tmobile vanilla ics with tegra 3 no sense and 42mbit hspa+ please! No please.

    1. That’s just a rumor from Taylor at Androidandme. 

      Also, I know we all love stock Android, but the more I think about it, the new sense 4.0 is not too bad. It gives you a bunch of great widgets and makes the phone even better. I would probably end up purchasing all those widgets like the calendar one, so why not just get them with Sense!

      1. Not really, it was practically confirmed by TMONEWS David when he dug into the story and confirmed it with several of his sources.

  3. Also compatible w/ T-Mobile’s HSPA+ come 3rd quarter 2012 when the majority of it has been refarmed to the PCS spectrum.  – )

  4. Will it also work for HSPA+ on tmobile? You only mentioned ATT.

    1. ::facepalm::

    2.  it will once T-Mobile’s HSPA+ is refarmed to the PCS band by 3rd quarter.

  5. heres to hoping someone throws a tmo sim card in this and it functions correctly

  6. Who’s disappointed to get the S4? I mean, you’ve seen the benchmarks, yes?


    1. Yes, roll with the S4!
      Others don’t believe me.
      Guess that they just want to brag that they have the Tegra 3 4+1 core.
      The S4 outperforms it…

      1. Of course they don’t, they probably don’t think further than cores, or Ghz

  7. I’m waiting for the s3 announcement first…then i’ll make my decision

  8. Hey guys, off topic I know,

    I recently rooted my Ray and I was wondering how to go about changing the background for the Notification Centre. It’s currently an awful greyish colour but i’d like to change it if possible.

    1. Matching. On togethet. We’re gunna see you win nananananana we are so proud we shout it aloud we love you leeds Leeds LEEDS!

      Check xda and your ray subforum. It should have everything you want in there.

      1. lol cheers al ava look.

  9. Oh look. Another ICS phone that isn’t all touch screen. I guess no one is going along with Google and their Galaxy Nexus. Can I have my search button please?

    1. Well, the thing with software buttons is that you can change them, so my GN has a search button.
      Problem solved?

      1. My galaxy nexus has search, menu, home, apps, and back. Also I can customize the images any way I way, mine are blue

  10. This is for this article…  https://phandroid.com/2012/03/10/asus-padfone-available-for-a-ridiculous-gbp-700-pre-order/

    The page is not loading for me anymore…

    Update to the story:

    “Update: We’ve heard back from Asus who have told us:
    “Flagship Fones is not an official ASUS reseller and has had no
    communication with us about the ASUS PadFone.”

    “ASUS is yet to announce pricing and availability of the
    ground-breaking and shape-shifting PadFone – anything to the contrary is
    merely rumours and speculation. We will be announcing details with our
    carrier partners in due course, so keep an eye out for updates on the
    official ASUS website and social media pages for more information as and
    when it is available.”

    Source:  http://www.somobile.co.uk/news/2012/03/09/asus-padfone-priced-at-700-in-the-uk/

    So it was all a non story with none of the info worth a post…  Thaks for nothing..

  11. I just got a hard on and wet myself. Waiting to replace my galaxy s2

    1. You think this is even worthy of replacing the Galaxy S II? Pshhh

      1. The GS2 is dead, deal with it

        1. Ahhhh sorry I didn’t know this article was for blindly htc supporting fanboys.

          My apologies

          1. Pshh.. im waiting for the SIII, Samsung FTW!!!!

  12. LOL, no tegra, no deal. 

  13. It doesn’t matter if the AT&T version comes with a dual core processor because it comes with the Snapdragon S4 Krait 1.5 Ghz dual core processor which is 4 times faster than all other dual-core processors.

    1. I don’t really know where you got that number from, but it certainly isn’t true.
      It is indeed faster, but only 30% faster than A9 design at the same clock speed.

  14. I’m on att and I care so if you don’t care why would you click on the att HTC article…

  15. The reason the LTE version is duel-core is because Tegra 3 doesn’t play nice with LTE.  Exynos and Snapdragon FTW with LTE

  16. Well, I was initially disappointed that One X wouldn’t come to ATT with 4 cores but after some research I am wondering if this is not actually a blessing in disguise. See, in a hurry to be first with 4 cores, Nvidia rushed out a design that uses Cortex A9 cores in Tegra 3. Now, Qualcomm does not license the core design from ARM (only the instruction set). Rather they design their own cores and the one in S4 is supposed be more advanced than the core in Tegra 3. So even though the S4 is only dual core, it holds up on its own very well. There might even be better battery performance from S4 equipped One X as the S4 is manufactured with 28 nm process and Tegra 3 manufacturing uses an older 40 nm processing.

    1. Actually the Tegra 3 does beat it in well threaded apps, but otherwise Qualcomm’s approach is much better.
      You can choose between 4 slow cores, and 2 fast ones.
      And if you look at the PC market you can see that even for gaming 4 cores didn’t matter until it became more widespread.

  17. Chill out. ATT will have quad core LTE phone later on. It’s not the end of the world!!!

  18. What comes after all these quadcore phones? So much power . Is it really that necessary? Maybe finally they will make battery life better.

    1. Exactly! I can understand dual cores, or a cpu and a gpu, but this is getting ridiculous. IDGAF if my phone has 2000 cores, if it only lasts an 3 hours of actual screen-on usage, then it’s worthless to me.

    2. Yes it is necessary, the new iPad for example needs the newer gpu to push all those pixels at a decent speed.
      And not to mention that the new A15 quadcores are 100 times weaker than mid-end pc processors.

      1. thats because normal computer processors are built on x86 architecture rather than ARM architectures, they are completely different, if you put an x86 processor in your phone the performance would be amazing yet your battery would last all of 30 seconds.

  19. Wish I could get the non-LTE version subsidized… can’t afford to pay for a service that I can’t use, nor can I afford a phone like this off contract.

    1. poor bastard (pun intended)

  20. The AT&T version is not called the HTC One XL. It is still called the HTC One X even though it has different hardware. Check HTC’s site for the AT&T version:

  21. have they said yet which versions of this phone will end up at verizon?

  22. This is one time I wish I was on a gsm carrier so I could import one of these.

  23. Hmm, I now live in Korea and am getting my first cell phone in two weeks.  I wonder if this will be available on a network here by then?  My camera broke and this would be my first choice considering how revolutionary the camera is on new HTC phones.

    1. i very very highly doubt that it will be out anywhere by then, i would advise waiting for the SIII instead as it will have a comparable camera and rumored A15 quad-core processor, also if the trend continues south koreans get bonuses with their samsung phones like with the Extended battery on the galaxy nexus

  24. Android battery life is dead. Deal with it.

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