
Sprint LTE Headed for San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Atlanta by Mid-2012


We’re a bit of ways away from seeing 4G LTE from Sprint and any devices to take advantage of but we already have confirmation of the first markets that Sprint will be launching in courtesy of head honcho Dan Hesse. We’ve got three Texas cities in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio all lined up alongside their southern brother Atlanta, GA.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Mid-2012 is the target date that Sprint initially set and they look to be on pace to meet that. By the time they launch we should have at least a few devices ready to take advantage of those fast speeds. Data cards and hotspot devices will likely come first but tablets and smartphones shouldn’t be too far behind.

Excited? Why, of course you are. I’m even more excited to see just how fast they’ll be getting close to completing the network as they aim to have LTE to their entire network by 2013’s end. [Twitter]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’m glad the carriers all seem to be showing love to the south first as far as deploying their 4G networks, the fact that I live in Atlanta makes this all the more awesome for me, I’m already on Sprint and have a upgrade due in July so hopefully their LTE phones will be available by then.

    1. lucky you!

    2.  Dallas was the 2nd market to get WiMax too

      1. Fuck Dallas. hahaha

    3. My upgrade is in May I hope that they have it all together for here in Houston and surrounding cities!!

  2. wrong picture on the main page unless sprint bought swiftkey ;)

  3. Very awesome! I just ran out of contract on my Hero in November and now I think I’ll be saving the upgrade for when LTE is deployed here in Houston! Hopefully, they’ll still undercut the competition with unlimited data for as long as they can.

  4. H-town

  5. Big D!

  6. About time sprint upgrades there joke ass network

  7. Forgetting Phoenix again? They never even bothered to bring WiMax to the nation’s 6th largest city. Being that it is the largest city with no 4G, I would have figured that would have put it at the front of the line for LTE. I guess Sprint hates Phoenix. 

    1. They hate Detroit too.  The ironic part was Detroit was suppose to be a launch city when the announced their 4G network in 2007 (I think that was the year).

    2. too racist over there. 

  8. Aaaaaand The Galaxy Nexus is coming to sprint with LTE. WIN!! 

  9. Not trying to be a jerk about this, but, shouldn’t this list read “coming to New York, LA, Houston, San Francisco, Toronto, DC…”  Why is it coming to Dallas, San Antonio and Atlanta first?

    1. Toronto, eh?  Wrong country, Mark! Sprint is not a Canadian carrier.

      1. yet…
        No but seriously I didn’t even think about it. I was just trying to think of cities that matter.

  10. I think Sprint hates Detroit.  We have yet to receive WiMax.  I think Detroit should have been an LTE launch city because we do not have 4G coverage from Sprint.  This is the major reason I am a Verizon customer now – Detroit was one of the first 4G launches (not their initial launch due to issues conflict with Canadian frequencies).

    Sprint has been making Detroit customers pay the premium surcharge when it appears WiMax will never be coming here.  Are all the carriers EVIL?

    1. Maybe because they ditched Wimax and are now going to LTE. Why would they invest time and money for Wimax when by the end of 2013 they will have wide spread LTE. Wouldn’t you do the same??

  11. Shame Sprint…your First WiMax City (Baltimore) gets left in the cold….Swap us for San Antonio….Thanks.

  12. could you please tell dan heese to come to new york why isnt it one of the first i mean its the most important city in america for gods sake

  13. Great to live in Texas even Sprint thinks so..

  14. how will LTE expansion in Wimax covered cities effect sprint users ability to use wimax?will old wimax phones like the htc evo not be able to use previously available wimax 4g when LTE goes live in the same area?

    1. Apparently from what I have gathered no our Evo will be fine however even if do you use Wimax 4G anyway??

  15. Is Sprint going to call their LTE network 5G?

    1. IKR!?

  16. I live in Houston. But there are areas in Houston, mainly on the outside of the Beltway, that barely has 4G. Really? And I mainly only get 4G when I’m  in the heart of Houston at some random store.

    As soon as I go to someone’s house, there goes 1X. And yes I have roamed in Houston. -_-

    Tmo was way better than this. I’m so mad I’m on this family plan. IDC about unlimited data if I can’t even use it. I barely used 3.5GB monthly with average tethering. Dugh!! This LTE better be worth it. Surprise me Sprint.

  17. Hey mallengi who cares what cities you think are important, they have their reasons and if you don’t like it, oh well:-)

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  19. Sprint’s LTE better be unlimited or they better have a high data cap or i have no reason to stay with them.

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