
Massive Maintenance Update for the DROID Bionic on the Way


The Motorola DROID Bionic certainly isn’t the most perfect phone on the market. We expected a decently sized list of fixes and changes but we didn’t expect anything nearly as long as what you see above and below. You’ll reportedly be getting better camera performance, better 3G/4G performance, fixes for freezes, auto reboots and a whole lot more.

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Not everything here are bug fixes – some are just useful enhancements (such as the 8 devices you can now connect to mobile hotspot instead of 5). The upgrade’s not yet out, apparently, but with its information up on Verizon’s site it shouldn’t be too long before we see it. [via]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Motorola was able to get an update out before Verizon could get the Nexus out?  END OF THE WORLD!  (Please see the sarcasm and necessary GNEX comment in every article)

    1. Sarcasm noted and agreed with 100%. At this point, I hope the fucking Galaxy Nexus NEVER comes out, and there is a mass-suicide from all of the Ritalin-deprived spaz-jobs who twist every goddamned comment into a bitch-board about the thing regardless of what the blog was actually about. It’s getting so that it seems as if almost everyone has turned into the Nexus version of Richard Yarrell.

    2. Love it man, love it and so true

  2. o/  

    My favorite bug is when the data just stops working altogether: no 3g or 4g or Wifi icon… just no data.Hopefully that one gets fixed.

  3. I pray the camera shutter is like 1 second now.  Better quality would be nice, I envy iPhone cameras.

  4. This update would fix every tiny problem I have. Lets get it fast!

  5. As long as they fix the freaken data connection problem I am happy. The rest I can deal with!

  6. Interesting as I already have 5.7.893. It does take better pictures and my data has been great. Yesterday I was freaking out because my 3g and 4g wasn’t working but I was glad that I came here and found out it was a Verizon issue all around. The visual voicemail error thing you get after rebooting is definitely gone.

  7. Hopefully the same patchset for RAZR is to follow. I’m tired of random reboots.

  8. I want my update, NOW.

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