
AT&T Foils Potential Security Breach


AT&T has released a formal statement to let their consumers know that they have experienced a potential security breach that would allow the successful attacker to compromise user accounts that hold some sensitive data.

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Fortunately, AT&T says they caught the act in progress and shut it down immediately. They claim that no information appears to have been obtained from the attack, though they will be conducting an official investigation to figure out whodunnit and why.

We recently detected what could have been an organized attempt to obtain information on a number of customer accounts. The people in question appear to have used “auto script” technology to determine whether AT&T telephone numbers were linked to online AT&T accounts. No accounts were breached and our investigation is ongoing to determine the source or intent of the attempt to gather this information. In the meantime, out of an abundance of caution, we are advising the account holders involved.

You likely have very little to worry about but keep an eye out on for your mail or online statements in case AT&T issues another statement based on further developments. [via Engadget]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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    1. Wouldn’t confuse hackers using “auto-scripting” as being “script kiddies”, could be a costly mistake.

  1. And all y’all complain about verizon
    .. queers.

  2. They should create a malicious program to attack and destroy hackers pc and servers when these attacks occur. You want data take this instead!

  3. Verizon > att

    1. not in my area they don’t… 
      why do people keep posting these asinine comments? 

      1. Because people like Jon rely on internet memes and trolls for their intelligence.

      2. Because in 90% of the country it is true.

        Why do you keep posting?  Because you like your carrier better then his.  Go figure.

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