
T-Mobile’s Galaxy S II Having Display Issues for Some


The Super AMOLED Plus display used in Samsung’s Galaxy S II is hands-down one of the best mobile displays on the market, but for some it isn’t living up to expectations. Specifically, T-Mobile users are noticing some differences between what appears on their version of the device compared to the handset on other carriers. An in-depth comparison is underway over at XDA featuring several side-by-side looks at just how T-Mobile’s GS2 is missing the mark.

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Color reproduction and contrast is a major issue, but under certain circumstance strange artifacts such as lines and blobs are known to appear on screen. There is no way to know exactly what is going on. It could be a totally hardware-based problem, but if there is a software fix, devs are already hard at work to find it.

[via Engadget]

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  1. The screen issue with the Mytouch 4g was pretty spectacular. 
    I was skeptical until I had to return my Mytouch 4g due to the phone constantly rebooting. 
    I than held my old phone with the new phone and the screen difference was jaw dropping. 
    Per usual though neither the OEM’s nor tmobile will probably even acknowledge it. 
    In the Mytouch 4g case HTC said it was a screen coating issue however nothing was done in terms of notifying customers. 
    Its like once a prob is discovered the OEM’s jjust play dumb for as long as they can and let the carriers deal with it. 

  2. I reported this to tmobile the second day after receiving this phone and was told( by the cs agent who also had the phone and witnessed this on her phone too as we talked). That if enough people complained about it an ota fix would b sent out.

  3. I remember they were having this issue over in Asia before it came state side, a few months back? Read an article on it

  4. I decided against the GSII due to the processor change on T-Mobile, which tells me it is likely to have a number of other issues since it’s essentially a one-off. Had enough of that with the Vibrant. Now I’m glad I passed on it – the color on my G2X is perfect.

  5. *Looks lovingly at Evo 3D qHD screen* <3

    1. international SGS2 says hi =)

    2. *looks lovingly at SAmoled+ display with brilliant viewing angles and great color reproduction without burning my retinas* =)

  6. I had this issue with my ET4G, and the 1st ET I exchanged it for. Very obvious lines, blobs, etc when displaying midtones (grayish colors) especially at lower brightness levels. My 3rd exchange has a flawless display. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1295438

  7. Just gotta say.

    Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Soooo glad I’m not getting the sgn. Samsung has such poor quality.

    1. Yeah that’s why it gets the best phone of the year.
      Fanboy of something other than Samsung? I figure

    2. I dunno…I’ve had phones from lots of companies and tested a lot more.  For the most part you hear about hardware or software issues of some sort on the majority of brands out there.  It’s the nature of high end mass produced personal electronics.

  8. I have the T-Mobile SGS2 (SGH-T989) and I have had zero problems with the display. It is fast and smooth. I regularly get 18-20 Mbps down, and occasionally over 30 Mbps down.

    It will be interesting to see results from AT&T users who buy the SGS2 Skyrocket, since it is essentially the same phone except for the radio frequencies. Same display, and both have the NFC antenna in the battery (different size battery than the other SGS2 models).

    The only issue that has been reported in the SGS2-T-Mobile forum on Android forums is a bug where the software does not report the battery level as it goes down during the day. If you charge it to 100% it stays stuck at 100% until you use a percent or two and then reboot the phone. Thereafter it reports the remaining charge correctly. I haven’t seen any posts there about problems with the display.

  9. This is not an issue. It is easily remedied in your settings. However you will get the maximum battery use in its current state.

    You can also load a custom kernel with the screen settings configured to take care of this.

  10. And everyone complained about the G2X.

  11. That’s odd. I have the T989 and have never seen this issue.  I am running a custom ROM though (eaglesBlood)

  12. I see the blobs on my AT&T GS2 (SGH-I777).  I run screen filter (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.haxor ) at night when I use my phone with the lights off.  When the screen is lowered to 25% or 50%, you see the blobs.

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