
CyanogenMod: No ICS-based CM9 Until AOSP Source Drops [Shocker]


The CyanogenMod team has mentioned that they will not be starting work on CyanogenMod 9 – the Ice Cream Sandwich release – until Google releases the AOSP source code that we all expect them to.

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I say “shocker” because they’ve always operated this way. They don’t like half-baked ports from the SDK. AOSP makes it easier for them and gives them the best course for creating a bug-free distribution.

We’ll let you know the day Google releases the ICS source code, and on that same day you can rest easy knowing the many members of the CyanogenMod team are already downloading it and coding away. [Steve Kondik’s (cyanogen) Google+]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. CM9? Where is CM8?

    1. They’ve stated that CM8 would be Honeycomb, but since Google won’t be releasing Honeycomb AOSP they will skip CM8.

  2. What happened to CM8? O.o Or was that their Honeycomb version?

    1. yep

  3. once they get the aosp my Evo will be complete

  4. Cyanogenmod is over-rated.

    1. For my DX, it isn’t. And it adds a lot more then just basic AOSP…Are you Steve Balmer?

      1. Probably is, If Samsung messes with 4.0 to much for my SGS2, I going AOSP

        1. Make no mistake, they will.

      2. Ha!! Best comment of the day XD

    2. before any ridicule or rain of hate comes forth from the heavens….have you used it before?

      1. Of course I’ve used it. And I didn’t say it wasn’t a good rom, I just said it was over rated. The fact that you have to update it each night is a PITA! There are much better roms out there that don’t require a nightly update. Don’t be such a fanboy!

        1. Installing every nightly is a) ridiculous and b) a sure sign of OCD. What are you talking about?

        2. if i’m a fanboy, then you’re a troll. comments like yours without evidence are idiotic. i’m on nightlies with my D2 and it’s much better than any other ROM i’ve tested.

        3. Choosing to install the nightlies is a completely voluntary decision and usually means you have to deal with glitches and other oddities. If you don’t want to always be on the bleeding edge, stick with the stable releases. Is there another reason you think CM is overrated? Honestly curious. My experience witih CM has been that they add far more features to Android than I can get anywhere else.

          1. Most of the features cyanogenmod add in CM7, are now in ICS

        4. So, you’ve used something you know don’t really know anything about. Typical for someone who calls something overrated.

          (Yes, if you think you “have to update it each night” you don’t know).

        5. Having to update every night, oh my, it’s been ages I don’t come across such a hillarious comment. My friend, just buy an iPhone, you’ll never have to update it LOL.

    3. What? You feeling OK? Quick someone check to see if he is feeling OK! Hurry! I fear that he may be suffering from dementia or worse yet… a brain tumor!

      1. It’s not a toomah!

    4. Agreed.

    5. I think it is quite useful, especially if your phone isn’t going to be updated anymore, or if you don’t want to wait months and months and months to get the latest version of Android. I have a SGS II, I’m expecting Samsung to take forever with the release of ICS for it, so I’ll probably install CM9.

  5. CM8 was supposed to be the Honeycomb version. However, since Google never released the source code for Honeycomb, development for it was dropped.

  6. CM8 = Honeycomb. Google never released 3.0 Source for “fear” that people would try to put it on phones. Or so they claim. If they release ICS Source then we can believe them holding true to their claim about 3.0 not wanting to go on phones.

  7. I wonder if CM8 was their Honeycomb version…

  8. Good, so they’ve got more time to work on the Android port for the touchpad;)

  9. If google doesn’t release ICS for my N1 then I will get CM9…assuming CM9 will run on my N1.

    Then again, I might not care that much, since I’ll be too busy playing with my Galaxy Nexus :D

  10. will they ever release the sources? i did not see any statement about that sadly

    1. Google generally releases the source for new versions ~1 month after announcement. They didn’t with honeycomb because they dropped it as a phone os and kept it tablets only.

  11. Can’t wait to see it come to the HP Touchpad!

    1. amen brother, amen.

  12. CM7 on the Evo 4G is buggy.

    1. Except for the GPS issue it has been smooth for me. A simple flash fixed that though so now there are no complaints.

  13. They better get a version with working gps in my Samsung vibrant.

    1. they released a stable version of CM7 for the Vibrant on the 10th of this month. im running it now and its by far the best the vibrant has ever been. its the only reason i haven’t jumped ship to a new phone long ago. GPS is shit still due to no gingerbread source but whatever. i gave up on using my phone for GPS long ago. buy a cheapo $30 unit from bestbuy and stick that on your windshield. call it a day.

  14. read ppl. read. cm8= honeycomb – no source means no port

  15. Can’t wait for ICS! Most eagerly awaited ROM for me!

  16. I’d try CM but it seems the consensus is that the battery life takes a HUGE beating (Samsung Captivate). Along with some other quirky things not seen in other ROMs.

    Not to kick the team or anything… I totally applaud and support what they’re doing, and wish them more success. Just… it’s not where I need it to be for a daily-driver, especially considering how bad the Captivate’s battery life is to begin with. Frustrating since any thread/forum for CM is almost exclusively overzealous fanboys who will flame you for even suggesting there are serious bugs… they only rave about the features, but ask for an honest list of known major problems/issues and look out. They probably won’t even tell you, and will suggest it’s bug-free.

    Not that this is particularly unique to CM, but it does seem to be more the case. But most ROMs are like that to some degree, making it very hard to form an informed idea of what to try and what to avoid.

    But, CM devs: this is not a stab at you. Rock on and keep on the hard work.

    1. Captivate battery issues are specific to the Captivate port because we do not have the source code necessary to put all the devices (especially the radio) on the phone into deep sleep. This in no way affects ports to other phones and your “consensus” is only a consensus among first generation Samsung Galaxy S users (Captivate, Vibrant, Galaxy S etc – all of which suffer the same issue).

      1. I understand, and already understood that this was a Galaxy S issue. But as my phone is the Captivate, the issue remains that it can’t be my “daily driver”. :(

        Is this still an issue for the Galaxy S II phones?

        1. Well Galaxy SII starts with Gingerbread so we’ll have to see how long it takes for ICS to land. I’m rocking Cyanogenmod on my Fascinate. Source code dropped for the Mesmerize (Fascinate variant for different carrier [essentially same hardware]) so I’m having just a dandy time. :D

  17. I hope CM9 makes its way to my Evo4G!

  18. And what if Google dosen’t from here on out? Do they honestly expect everyone to stay on Gingerbread Cyanogen forever? I appreciate all the author has done .but he is becoming extremely stubbornly inflexible lately.

  19. CM9 ICS!! OMFG! ORGASM RIGHT NOW! I got my extended battery for my Evo 4G and with CM7.1 it’s a granted wish I tell you.

  20. CM better not ruin it with their suck as launcher!!!!!

    1. True, adw sucks.

      1. Uhm…you know you can just install another launcher (e.g. LauncherPro) from the Android Market, right? It’s literally as easy as installing any other app…

        1. I know, I already have. I just don’t like adw.

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