
Samsung Nexus Prime (GT-I9250) Drops By The Bluetooth SIG


It’s getting closer guys! Can you feel it? The eve of the Samsung Nexus Prime is almost upon us and if you needed any further proof then check out the GSM version (GT-I9250) that just passed through the Bluetooth Special Interest Group today. The “geographic availability” seems to list it as a European device but I think we fully expect this device to cover all GSM bands once finally available. All the pieces are in place. It’s only a matter of time peoples. The hype on this phone is elevating to near epic proportions. Can you feel it?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

[BluetoothSIG via Ameblo]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. GSM? what about a CDMA version?

    1. The CDMA version is the SCH-i515 for Verizon. Might not be a pure Google Experience version though.

      1. Thanks for the info. I didn’t know the news on the CDMA version.

    2. Who cares Verizon is like that ginger kid that nobody cares about in terms of Nexus. Same goes for CDMA as a technology, GSM is so much better overall.

      1. LTE isnt CDMA genius!!

        1. But LTE is not a huge GSM network yet compared to AT&T and T-Mobile.

          Verizon and Sprint are still CDMA carriers. Their phones require CDMA to use Voice on their network and for data out side of their LTE network

          1. So what is the big difference between the 2 really?

          2. AFAIK, Verizon and Spring BOTH use CDMA for voice and data….except for their LTE phones which use LTE for data.

            Tmo/ATT, on the other hand, uses GSM for voice and HSPA+ for data.

  2. DID YOU SEE HID? For God’s sake man! This is something that I have been waiting for since the G1 came out. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=9708

    1. Daaayyum

  3. Oh, and in response to your question: I feel it my fingers, I feel it in my toes. The Nexus Prime is all around us, and so the feeling grows.

    1. I carry all my tension in my chest neck and shoulders. I’m so excited. I still have to OG Droid and it’s failing me more and more every day. Goodbye Moto, HELLO BEASTMODE!!

      1. I feel your pain, I’m still rocking a blackberry 8900, looking forward to jumping on android with the nexus

  4. i wish it would hurry up and be announced soon aft

  5. I hope its announced not too long after Tmos Galaxy S II comes out.

    1. Exactly, I’m passing on the GSII because of the Nexus Prime so I hope it lives up to all our expectations or exceeds them.

    2. I agree. I am on T-mobile and would love the Galaxy SII, but I have the option at this point to switch to Verizon for better coverage if the Prime comes to them. Now all I need is an official press announcement. I don’t care if I have to wait another month or two for it to actually come out.

    3. I hope its released not too long after GS2 comes out to T-Mo. Imagine the pain if it gets announced for a q1 2012 release ! (doubt it will happen, but never know! )

      1. I see what you did there.

  6. What was the name of the Sammy phone announced last week that has all the same expected specs as the Nexus Prime? Anyone remember?

    1. I’d be very disappointed if this is gonna be just a rehashed version of the Galaxy SII LTE HD… if that’s the case, I will be glad that the SCH-i515 is the CDMA Verizon version. Here’s to hoping that it will look a little bit different than the bland Galaxy designs.

      Samsung really needs to step up their designs. I prefer HTC’s designs but scared of their battery life. So it might just be between the Incredible HD (Vigor) and the Droid Prime for me.




  9. Sammy no thanks, just returned my 3rd GS2, so excited over nothing. Sticking to Moto!

    1. Moto is SUCK. I got 5 Cliq replaced but all got either keyboard or Screen issue. My Vibrant has been good for over a year.

  10. Worms of Arrakis!!! I hope some screenshots surface really soon.

  11. I’m still shocked that the Google people have been able to keep pics of this handset hidden for so long. You know there are already a load of people walking around the G campus with this in hand…

  12. <—-will only consider a NEXUS made by HTC, guess ill have to wait for the G3, itll be a year newer and more advanced than this anyways….

  13. Gaaaaaaaaaah! I can’t wait!

  14. I can’t stand it ANY LNOGRE!!! I CAT’N EEVN TYPE I’M OS ECXITED!!

  15. Forget the Prime bring on the Galaxy Note!!

  16. I hope this time they release also here in the Philippines so no need to buy in US

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