
Get the NEW Android Market Now [Download]


It’s only been a few hours since Google announced the all new (WP7-ish?) Android Market version 3.0.26. If you didn’t feel like waiting a few weeks for it to hit your device, @Eminembdg from Twitter was nice enough to provide the leaked apps and I’ve gone ahead and uploaded the extracted app for you to install NOW.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

That’s right, guys. Just download from your phone’s browser and install like a normal app. It’s currently working great on my Evo 3D although I’m not sure if this will work on phone’s equipped with Android 2.1 and lower (per Google) but I don’t think that will stop you from trying, right? Let us know if it works for you! Enjoy!

Oh — and if the new Market ISN’T your cup of tea or starts to act a little wonky, you can always go back to the old Market following these simple steps:

  • Go into your phone’s Settings
  • Select “Manage Applications”
  • Select the “All” tab at the top
  • Scroll down to Market app and select it
  • Select “Uninstall Updates”
  • Now have your old Market back!

[Download Link]

Thanks, Lewis!

[Via XDA]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Apps of the Day: Zaarly and MapMyFitness

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  1. nice

  2. “(WP7-ish)”


    Oh god…

    This is just as bad as idiotic Apple fanboys screaming about anything black and rectangular is a ‘copy of teh iPhone!!!’.

    1. not the same thing.

      In theory, Apple was right with Touch Wiz. The design of the phone’s hardware is a bit to generic

      But touchwiz & IOS 4 look quite the same.

      New Market & WP7 look quite the same.
      as An android fan girl, I can see that because I am not blind
      to anything non-android.

      1. So Microsoft has the market cornered on rectangles now too?

        1. Yes, didn’t you hear? Microsoft innovated ‘teh rectangle’!

          1. They invented the rectangle? lol Your sarcasm is well appreciated.

      2. Um… The first time I used TouchWiz was the Samsung Memoir. That phone was no where in hail like the iPhone. You was able to drag apps to your home screen and place them anywhere you wanted. Apps where even able to overlay each other. Then you had a bar on the side to go to some other quick apps. Kinda like the toolbar in a standard PC.

        The next time I used TouchWiz was the Samsung Vibrant. That phone had no “unusual” features about it. I mean, the only thing I seen different from stock Android was the app drawer, unlock screen (which was no where in hail like the iPhone), and widgets. Other than that, that so-called hated TouchWiz looked like stock Android. So I don’t get the hate on TouchWiz.

        I “tried” to Google search TouchWiz videos and the only thing I’m coming up with is something similar to the Samsung Memoir.

        You care to show me how TouchWiz is like the iPhone 4? Did I miss something? LoL!!

    2. It’s more WP7-ish than Android-ish. If you can’t see that, get thee immediately to the nearest eye doctor.

  3. looks great on xoom

    1. what the heck are you talking about? this obviously is not designed for tablets. looks like shit on my galaxy tab 10.1

      1. It sure feels like it is because the other one was total bull for the XOOM now I will actually the market app instead of the browser.

        1. in case you didnt know, the Xoom and the Galaxy tab are two DIFFERENT tablets. just sayin’

          1. isnt that such a pain in the ass though? google has to fix that. seriously. if it works for xoom, it should work for samsung 10.1 — I’M POINTING AT YOU GOOGLE.

          2. Isn’t the 10.1 the tablet that came out uber fast and was just a stretched version of Android? Or is the 10.1 the newer one?

            Because if it’s the earlier one, then that’s why it looks crappy. But yea… Hmm…

          3. @No_Nickname90

            No, the first one was a 7″ tablet with… 2.1 or 2.2 on it.

            The 10.1 just came out and is a dedicated Honeycomb tablet.

          4. yeah galaxy tab launched with froyo originally.

  4. I for one think it looks very Steam-ish :D

  5. That was insanely fast lol, trying now

  6. I’ll wait for the legit version to show up. I don’t trust file sharing sites all that much.

  7. “Oh god…

    This is just as bad as idiotic Apple fanboys screaming about anything black and rectangular is a ‘copy of teh iPhone!!!’.”

    Bullshit! This is nothing more than Google completely and blatantly ripping off Microsoft’s Metro UI, and still failing miserably. This looks incredibly cluttered and hideous compared to WP7’s Metro UI.

    Looks like more lawsuits against Google incoming.

    1. Your forgetting that wp7 is HIDEOUS in itself. Your home screen/UI consists of 6 or 7 green/orange/red boxes…. whoopdi fucking do. Android or GTFO

    2. LOL!!!

      Microsoft’s garbage cellphone OS is so bad that even 500 million dollars on marketing, PR, and paying minimum wage marketing drones to sit around in Android forums pretending to ‘OMG!!! love my Windows Phone!!!” and Microsoft’s marketshare is falling like a rock.

      Gee, how shocking. A cellphone OS that’s main features are:

      * Gimped features compared to the industry leading Android

      * A shitty and bizarre UI

      * Links up with Microsoft garbage, last place in worldwide sales RRoD plagued Xbox 360

      1. explain how the Xbox 360 is plagued…this should be interesting. some people bitch nonstop about how LIVE costs but then at the same time I know more people that primarily play Xbox as opposed to PS3. the only reason besides Metal Gear Solid 4 that I even bought a PS3 was because it reads Blu Rays.

  8. Works on the EVO 3D, sadly no 3D content in the movies though

  9. Anyone’s “Video” app crashing? – Stock TB

    1. Working perfect on the Evo 3D. Uploading a video showing it off right now..

      1. damn how many phone u going to get? g1,xperia play,droid and evo 4g and 3d? just to let u know the 4g and 3d is the same just that u need to hack the 4g to sense ui 3.0 os roms out their so that was a waste of money from your part.

  10. I don’t want to update to this.


  11. If anybody truly thinks that a grid based design pattern is something new to Windows and Metro UI, I have an excellent Bridge App on the market I’d like to sell you.

  12. Works great on my DX, and I like it a ton better than the old market

  13. maybe i’m an idiot, but I had an app that needed updating and couldn’t find the update button it only had open and uninstall

    1. you’re not the only one. it’s been doing it on mine…i will have to uninstall it and wait for the official update. :(

    2. Worked perfect for me. Updated 7 apps just now…

  14. God damn. You steal my content (even my screenshot) and don’t even bother to link back.

    Nice edit.

    1. boohoo?

      1. You’ve got some nerve…you whine every day, all day on DL.

        1. I don’t whine you must just make some dumb comments like on here. Ha you want some cheese for that whine??:)

    2. Have some cheese with that whine, jerry.

    3. Didn’t want to address this here BUT I’ll go ahead and remind you why you shouldn’t ASSUME…

      I received the app from a friend on Gtalk who got the app (like everyone else did) from someone on Twitter, who possibly got the app from your post? Not sure and I don’t really care where they got it. The new Market worked great on my phone and I wrote up the post and posted like a minute after your guys’ went up. Never saw your post til after mine was already posted.

      But — after seeing your comment, I then went back to Twitter, found the ORIGINAL guy who extracted and uploaded the new Market (who you forgot to source), got HIS app and uploaded it to my personal file sharing account so there is nothing from this post that is “your’s.” In fact, there is nothing from your own post that is actually your’s. Not the pics (Google Mobile Blog) and not the app (not sure where you received it).

      But you’re a loose cannon, Jerry. I like that. <3


    4. HAHAHAH I have seen this screen shot on about 20 android sites.. It deff is not “your content” get real

      1. he complains about all that he is a mod on another site and likes to assert his power that he has being a mod.

    5. Way to drum up some hits to your Twitter. I, for one, will stop visiting the site you write for because of your behavior. Phandroid is better anyway.

      1. At least the other site works on the weekend :P

        1. You’s cold as ice! ;D

  15. Can’t download anything with it on G2

  16. Not my type.

  17. o gurllll im downloadin dis as we speak!

  18. Im liking the new icon!

  19. Works great, looks great on Tmobile USA, HTC Sensation

  20. work great on the dell streak, i knew there was a reason for dell streak!!! there is no 1.99$ movie in the market!!

  21. Lol, it’s truly sad that people have to bash WP7.
    Yes, I get it and I know Android is great. We all
    know that.

    But does your fanboyism run THAT DEEP that
    you are blind to see that this new market does look
    exactly like Metro :)

    I’m not complaining. I love it

    1. LOL, Carmen, I remember you from the ‘other’ forum. You went through every phone under the sun (pre, incredible, droidx, evo, iphone 4, etc etc) I thought you were an iPhone convert? LOL.

  22. Mine says “download not successful file not supported by this phone”

    1. my phone seems to think its a text document or smoething. it does nothing accept say “this file is not supported” i tried downloading it onto my netbook and e mailing it to myself but it only gives me the “preview” option to open the file

      1. Go into astro and change the extension to .apk

    2. Go into astro and change the extension to .apk

      1. im sorry but what the hell is astro?

        1. A file manager on the market, its free. Once your there, locate the file and long press and you should be able to rename the file and just put “.apk” at the ending and then install it to your device ^-^

  23. It wouldn’t download on my G2 through the phone browser, so I just downloaded the .apk to my computer and then moved it over to my phone and it worked fine.

    1. mine wont even do that for me. where did u get the apk? maybe im getting it from the wrong place

      1. Mirror link from XDA —->

        1. whatever you just sent me wants me to download some dumb program first. im not into that

          1. Ok, didn’t know you weren’t familiar with these sites. Here’s a direct link to hotfile ,click on “regular download.” You’ll have to then wait for 15 seconds and then enter the captcha, and then click “click here to download.” That will download the .apk file to your computer. No “program,” just the .apk file. If you’re “not cool” with doing things this way, just wait for the official version to show up on your phone.

  24. Didn’t they just release a new market like five minutes ago?

  25. Ok, to help with some of the confusion, here’s a full description of what I did and what other people might need to do. First, if you don’t already have a file manager app, download one. I use Astro. I couldn’t get the file to install onto my G2 from the browser at all. I tried changing the file name in Astro, it was giving me some trouble, so I just downloaded the .apk file to my computer and then moved it over to my G2, opened it with Astro and installed the new market.

    The mirror link for the .apk is here (from XDA) —>

  26. Seems to be working fine for me. HTC Incredible.

  27. It works for mine. All I did was before I downloaded the APK, I deleted the spaces that were on the file name and it works perfect. Sprint HTC Hero CM7

    1. PS: The new widget is pretty damn awesome

      1. PPS: Wow the new market uses 16MB of RAM

    2. Yeah, I tried to change the title but changed the file name by accident. Re-uploaded and everything should be 100% again =)

  28. You people complaining about windows os are retarded. You do realise almost every single samsung and HTC (not sure of otheres) running android pays microsoft royalties for that device and the patents they’ve used from MS. Either way they are making their money out of you idiots.

  29. Works on my DHD 2.3.3

  30. this is working better than any previous Android Market. thx guys!! -Nexus S 2.3.4

  31. Can’t get it to install on my Droid 2 Global running Fission. When installing, it just says “Application not installed.” Any ideas?

  32. LOL… available on 2.2 and above. I’m glad I ditched my POS android; the level of fragmentation was killing me.

    1. Now if you’d only ditch the Android sites, the rest of us wouldn’t have to read your irrelevant crap.

  33. hmmm where’s the button to go directly to MyApps ?

    Updating stuff is the main reason i go into Market and I suspect I’m not alone so forcing me to go through the menu every time I want to do that is not a welcome change.

  34. That was insanely fast. I gave a try :)

  35. Working great on my Nexus S, the new market looks great.

  36. This will not install for me.. Liberty Droid X 2.3.3. It keeps saying “Application not installed”. I downloaded from several of the sources and still no dice.

  37. Its works on my original droid. Droid does here

  38. Thanks! No Jerry’s ice cream for me. ;o)

  39. Thanks, got it working on my Sensation

  40. It can’t be more awesome then it is ^________^

    It’s unusable (force closing all the time on HTC Desire with CM7) but still its charm and great feeling when you see all the others went completely green of envy, is definitively worth a try :P

  41. this isnt a hack/malware infected app right? will my billing info save?

  42. loving the new market place Thank you for the info and link

  43. Used the link to install on my Samsung 10.1 tablet. Looks good. Works fine.

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