
Flash Player 10.2 Update Out Today, Supposedly Improves Performance on Non-Honeycomb Devices


It’s finally March 18th and that means Adobe should be issuing the update to Flash Player 10.2 sometime today. The update adds support and performance enhancements for Android 3.0 Honeycomb which explains why the Motorola XOOM didn’t ship with the Player.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

According to Adobe, though, other changes and fixes have improved Flash performance for more than just Honeycomb dual-core devices. I haven’t gotten the update yet myself (and I didn’t install the one that was floating around the internet last week), but Engadget says there’s a noticeable improvement in performance when playing back a 480p video on YouTube using their Motorola DROID 2. (That device has a 1GHz OMAP 3 processor, by the way.)

They say that the Motorola XOOM played those same 480p videos back “perfectly smooth”, though HD 720p still gave them trouble. Unfortunately, this is because Adobe has not yet enabled hardware acceleration in what is said to be a beta release. It’ll be switched on in a future update that Adobe says should make HD playback “really smooth”. Look out for the upgrade on your Android 2.2+ device today and let us know when it appears by hitting us up here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. First!

  2. Havent gotten my hands on it either. I have been told by a few Devs over in IRC that this makes flash much more usable in all devices and especially in the Tegras, some have even said that it runs as good as desktop versions. If we can get our phones to run flash as solid as desktop that would be a great step towards android world dominance. Look forward to getting this on my bolt, although i cant imagine this phone running any smoother than it already does.

  3. I’ll be waiting, I know it will do wonders on my already fantastic Evo. Hope it will do the same on my Nook Color on 2.2

  4. @Tony, I rooted my nook, but i don’t have flash; how do you have flash

  5. Cue the iTards saying running flash sucks.

  6. Nothing yet – Vibrant

  7. @ksizzle9…. What are you exactly…. You go through more phones than anybody i know… One minute on on one thread your and Iphone4 user on verzion who had an droid incredible???? Now you have a Thunderbolt what gives man?????? YOUR JUST AN APPLE DWEEB. I know the apple world is boring with nothing to discuss so you come to phandroid with your useless jargon… YOUR NOTHING BUT A TRAITOR AND TURN COAT WHO GOES FROM ANDROID TO APPLE????? Go kick rocks someplace you bum

  8. lol @Richard

  9. Been running the 10.2 beta for a few days. Hasn’t caused me any problems. Don’t notice much of a difference. Flash has always been fine on my liquid E. If they say it’s better ill have to trust them.
    I haven’t run into anything content that either supports or disputes their claims.

  10. @spanki… This guy is real assinine so is @NIsme and @tim242 and @Dj as well as @John Clavis all are daily verizon TROLLS who come on here with there USELESS DAILY JARGON.. What a bunch of CLOWNS… Plus iphone doesn’t have FLASH AND NEVER WILL… SCREW iphone users and verizon as well

  11. Can’t you guys run disqus or some other comments system that enables you to moderate the ridiculous amounts of “first” comments you always get? It makes it look like phandroids are all cunts.

    Adobe have been as slow as fuck, I can’t believe it’s taken them so long to get this new version out and yet it’s still beta without proper hardware support.

  12. Guess that makes you a gaping asshole!

  13. I am posting this in a few threads in the hopes that people read this and catch on. I stopped reading Richard Yarrell’s posts altogether about a week and a half ago. He only does this to get attention, he is a 45 or 46 year-old who will simply start his “Church of EVO” rants in absolutely any comment thread regardless of subject to get a response. I really wish everyone else would just ignore him as well. In the past week or so, it has become so bad, it is beyond absurd. The comment threads barely have anything about the subject matter at hand, instead, it’s Richard trolling with his mindless nonsense, and people taking the bait and spending post after post flaming him.
    Please, everyone, just ignore him, and especially don’t encourage him by posting things like “I’m surprised Richard isn’t here ranting” or something similar. It is already well established that he is a complete idiot seeking attention, and he is succeeding. There is no more reason to say ANYTHING to him, we already know what he is going to say. No matter what type of evidence is right in front of him, he will simply make something up and run with his little fantasies to keep the attention focused on him. This became apparent to me a few weeks ago when I stated that I hate VZW’s prices, and would like to change carriers, but I only stay because they work the best for me. Richard immediately started his typical frothing-in-caps about how I am a “raging Verizon fanboy” and I “eat,drink, and breathe Red” then proceeded with his typical Sprint/EVO drivel. Even when people aren’t even talking to him and are just posting their view, if he doesn’t agree, he does his little forthing at the mouth temper-tantrum act. Seriously, everyone, PLEASE IGNORE THAT MENTAL CASE.

  14. Lol @DJ

    Yeah I read these posts daily as they are highly entertaining, especially any time “he who shall not be named” is involved. But I do have to agree about the Sprint/EVO nonsense that is often spouted from him and it’s best just to let him rant and be done with it. Oh and I watched the YouTube vids and it is pretty sad. You do have to admit that your posts about ignoring him do bring attention to him as well so it’s ultimately self defeating.

    Anyway on topic I am looking forward to seeing if this has a noticeable difference, Im running Gingerbread (CM7 based) on my HD2 and flash works pretty awesome so far.

  15. @Fred Love my Droid, hate Steve Job’s walled garden of iDevices, but as a web developer I can tell you: Flash does suck. Really, really sucks. I can’t wait for it to go away, and be replaced by something better (HTML5). But for now, choice is good, right?

  16. DJ IOW you’re telling us to ignore Richard because he’s a Sprint/EVO fanboy troll.

  17. HTML5 is not going to be faster or implemented the same way across platforms. Flash is the java applet that works.

  18. I am new here and appreciate a place to come too just to read and express myself that is what this is all about. Everyone here needs to understand what this is about. When Richard Yarrell comes here all he really does is openly express himself rather people want to agree with it or not. He loves his evo amd i love my iphone IT IS WHAT IT IS I AM A APPLE LOVER FOREVER…Mr. Yarrell’s youtune vids are pretty good for someone who just started but as he told me here on phandroid that much will be to come about his videos on you tube…He could be a star in the making and quite as kept i dont hate his evo loving i find it funny but he only says what other think and might be afraid to say in a forum like this. What makes anyone else OPINION ANY BETTER THAN MINES OR HIS FOR THAT MATTER THAT’S WHAT THIS PLACE IS ABOUT EVERYONE EXPRESSING THERE THOUGHTS AND KEEP IT MOVING…WHEN YOU CALL OUT PEOPLE THEY WILL RESPOND IN JUST….I HATE ANDROID AND LOVE MY IPHONE4 AND IPAD2 THAT I KUST BOUGHT 2DAYS AGO BUT I ALSO HAVE FRIENDS WHO HAVE EVO’S AND THEY ARE OK TO ME…People on this site are CLOSED MINDED I WON’T NAME TO MANY NAMES HERE BUT ALL I SEE IS SOME GUY NAMED ksizzle9 and NIsme and noe the above participant Dj YOU GUYS NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE JUST THAT OF YOUR OWN JUST LIKE MINES ARE THE SAME….STOP YOUR WORDS AND ALL WILL BE WELL

  19. Screw all this talk.. Adonde esta my adobe flash for my xoom?

  20. @Dj…Guess I dont need to say much more about your JARGON stop begging it’s NOT KOOL..You call out people then when they RESPOND you PUNK OUT LIKE A LITTLE COWARD which i know you are..Again I thank you for the youtube hits BUT YOU NEED TO STOP HATING ON A PERSON..Be creative yourself and stop beating down others IF YOU CAN’T TAKE THE HEAT GET OUT THE KITCHEN….DON’T MAKE ME GO OFF ON YOU LOSSER

  21. @Richard Losser?

    I hate to add fuel to the fire but it’s a slow day in the office and I need entertainment. So why do you type partially in caps? That’s something I see ignorant teenagers doing on FB and it’s really annoying.

    I am sure you’re typing from your God phone but it takes a conscious effort to type that way so why do you do it?

  22. @ ari-fre. No. Trolls are one thing. People who deliberately just start spouting nonsense knowing damn well that it isn’t true, or even relevant just to get attention to the point where the comments in a thread are 75%+ about one persons fantasy world and people telling him what an idiot he is ad nauseum are another. Yes, I flamed Richard in the past, hell, I was the one who started the “Church of EVO” thing. It was amusing (briefly), and definitely brought out some funny posts, but I haven’t read his posts or typed anything to him in well over a week. (Basically since I found out he is a middle-aged man – not some goofy kid like I thought.) There comes a point, where it’s just tiring to pop open a thread and have to sift thru 77 comments to read the 6 that don’t somehow involve this dipshit. It just seems to be going way overboard.

  23. @ ari-fre. No, not because he is a troll. Trolls are one thing. People who deliberately just start spouting nonsense knowing damn well that it isn’t true, or even relevant just to get attention to the point where the comments in a thread are 75%+ about one persons fantasy world and people telling him what an idiot he is ad nauseum are another. Yes, I flamed Richard in the past, hell, I was the one who started the “Church of EVO” thing. It was amusing (briefly), and definitely brought out some funny posts, but I haven’t read his posts or typed anything to him in well over a week. (Basically since I found out he is a middle-aged man – not some goofy kid like I thought.) There comes a point, where it’s just tiring to pop open a thread and have to sift thru 77 comments to read the 6 that don’t somehow involve this dipshit. It just seems to be going way overboard.

  24. wow guys, way to kill this thread.

  25. but… since the thread is dead already…

    On the day I purchased my Evo, it was the best phone on the market. That is why I bought it. But that was July of last year. There are several phones on the market now that are better.

    If I were buying today, I would want something at a minimum dual core….

    It is NOT the best phone available today.

  26. so where the heck is Flash for the XOOM?!?!?

  27. What 10.2 can do, that 10.1 can not, is it offloads the video completely to the devices GPU. It pulls it out of the display list, which is tied into the CPU. So the video can be handled by the GPU and the controls can be handled by the CPU.

    BUT, in order for this to work, the incoming video has to be flagged as a Stage video in ActionScript. It’s a really simple update in code, but if it’s not done, the video will continue to rely on the CPU, which can only handle about 360p. Also, to state the obvious, it has to be h.264 video encoded for hardware playback — so pretty much most content now days, older content encoded On2VP6 will still rely on the CPU.

    SO, until everybody performs a simple update on their custom video player built using Flash, there won’t be consistent performance increases for all content, but having said that, all the player that matter will have an update out — vimeo is updating theres now.

    Anyways, it’s in the market now!

  28. Flash 10.2 already in the market on my stock nexus one tmobile.

  29. It doesn’t matter what you guys are talking about. I kan play Super Smash Flash 2 on my phone. Since I’m on that G2, I kan also konnect my Wii-Mote+Klassic Kontroller. Uber Awesome!! I kouldn’t do this before, IDK.

    But now I Kan!! Ima be the koolest person in school!! LoL!! I’m so playing this right now!! Ima walk by an iPhoner and ask if they kan play Super Smash Flash 2 with their Retina display? LoL!! What’s the point of a Sexy Screen if you kat even use it? LoL!!

  30. fuck adobe flash player!!!!!! Fuck it hard! dont evolve if u do it for the worst! Crash CrasH cRasH ! Fuck adobe in one ward (flash player suXXXXXX)

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