
Gmail Update Pulled From Android Market Due to Stability Issues


If you didn’t get around to updating your Android device to the latest version of Gmail and are wondering why it isn’t showing in the Android Market, you may or may not be relieved to know Google has pulled the update after many users have reported stability issues.

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If you did get the update and are experiencing problems, Google recommends going into your application setting and uninstalling updates to your Gmail app. The problem arrises if you had previously been using a 2.2 build of Gmail before upgrading. Upgrading from a 2.3.x version should be safe.

Expect a new version of the app in the market soon.

[via AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Hmmm so I got the update but I couldn’t open the market page…downloaded and updated fine

  2. Mine says “The requested item could not be found” from Market Installed page…no way for me to get rid of the update.

  3. Mine updated fine but then again I am running stock Gingerbread (2.3.2)

  4. @DroidDoes- go into settings/applications/manage applications and find the gmail app, inside you’ll see the uninstall updates button.

  5. i had issue.. wouldn’t ever notify me of new emails. would go to inbox and messages would show i had some in inbox and labeled as inbox but would only show up in all mail.. pretty annoying. uninstalled, went to account and synced and fixed issue. not a big email user so doesn’t bother me for update or not. im sure it’ll be fixed soon.

  6. If I’ve learned anything from playing Developers Story it’s always use boosts and research to make a better application, and never release it till you’ve worked out all the bugs. Oh, and Milk Puddingsky ifs worthless after the 15th year.

  7. im on 2.2.1 and i updated and i havent had any problems that i noticed… ill keep a look out now!

  8. Would crash after sending an email. I think the email would go through first. Uninstalled all updates so i’m back to the stock gmail, and no updates are to be found in the Market. Bah. It’s like wiping my phone but without the fun newness.

  9. My Nexus One hasn’t had an issue with this…with 2.2.2 or now with Gingerbread….

  10. hmmm…I got it. So, this was the confusion going on.

  11. Gmail is still pulled from the market, so you won’t be seeing any updates for it until they put it back.

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