We know T-Mobile and Verizon both have their Galaxy Tabs up for sale, but we’re still waiting on Sprint and AT&T to announce their launch plans. At least for AT&T, a leaked training document suggests it’ll be out November 21st – that’s 10 days from today – and for $649.99 with no contract. That’s $50 more than what Verizon T-Mobile is offering it for off-contract. Quite odd, I must say.
There was no word on whether or not there would be a subsidized offering, but we now know that the data plans for the Tab line up exactly with what AT&T offers for their iPad customers: 250MB of data for $14.99 per month or 2GB for $25 per month. (That’s notable because earlier rumors suggested AT&T’s tablet pricing for everything that’s not the iPad would be ludicrously high.) [Engadget]
AT&T sucks bollocks
Not surprising. AT&T would take all of your blood too if they could to get money out of you. Yes, they would bleed you dry.. Just pathetic… But hey.. they are all going down that road.. no good carriers anymore.
i agree with brad. everything about att is horrible. they have hidden fees, crappy signal, over priced CRAPPY phones, and everyone knows this and as soon as the iphone is no longer an att exclusive you can bet your asses that att very well might fall very hard very fast. the fact that they offer the same rate plan pricing as verizon yet manage to over charge you on the exact same equipment says alot
As much as I would like to see the Galaxy Tab out sell the iPad, it’s just way too over priced. The wifi only version better be $400 or less.
Could this mean that 2.2 will be coming to the Captivate on the 21st as well?
There was a fully active demo version That a Samsung Rep for Sprint brought to their mini display at the GM Renaissance Center today in Detroit, Michigan. It had a fully working Android Market on it. I DLed Angry Birds and played a few levels. My memory is foggy but I believe he said it would be out within the next two weeks. As for 2.2 for the Samsung Epic he said the classic “soon”
to be expected to keep the “master” of the “orchard” happy. As long as ATT is the exclusive “call girl”, she will do whatever to keep her “job”. keeping him “fluffed” by ballooning the prices of other hardware that is either comparable or even better of the other “johns”…Tmobo, here i cum…
The Sprint also getting Galaxy Tab for Premier members this time, pre-order and available for all members on November 14th.