
HTC Desire HD on Pre-Order with Vodafone for Free, Expected October 14



Vodafone UK has begun pre-orders for the HTC Desire HD, and if it is even nearly as popular as the original you will want to jump on this one as fast as your little fingers can click through to the ordering page. The phone is free on a monthly plan starting at £35 a month for 24 months and is expected to drop into Vodafone on October 14th.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

In somewhat related news, online retailer Clove is stating that the sale of the unlocked version of the Desire HD has been delayed until the end of the month due to hang-ups in Google testing. Sad trombone. Do you want the phone bad enough that you would take up a carrier contract to get it a few weeks early?

[via Android Community 1, 2]

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  1. How bout vodafone in other countries?

  2. man I hope one of the north american gsm carriers brings this over… effing Sprint exclusivity on the Evo is ridiculous…. :(

  3. I hope they pack extra batteries in the box – that screen’s HEOWGE.

    Also i’d never get it as the res isn’t upped from my own normal desire.

  4. Ahh I want it!! Bring it to US please! I’ll trade my EVO for it lol

  5. naw, you dont need extra batteries. Just make yourself a handcrank like Ben Heck http://bit.ly/c4ITxZ

  6. I wish this was coming to T-Mobile with stock Android. I want to upgrade my Nexus One but I’m not sure it’s worth it for me to upgrade to the G2. Basically all I want is the larger internal memory and HSPA+. And at this point I’m not sure I need a hardware keyboard especially after if I can get a screen the size of the Desire HD.

  7. Any other carriers annnounced yet? I’m with Orange and they aren’t giving any info away on this!

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